Newly Elected Congresswoman Who Grew Up in Soviet Ukraine Gives Stark Warning About Socialism

Abolish your expensive and useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. There is no general warfare clause in our federal Constitution.
We aren't waging war on any of those things.
We establish laws and punish those caught breaking them.
Your tactics here are just bumper-sticker deep sloganeering, tbh.
There is no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause.
Solving simple poverty means more people paying more taxes.
Why do you feel it's your mission to solve "simple poverty"? Virtue signaling?
The solution already exists for those motivated to apply it.
It promotes the general welfare; we should have no homeless in our first world economy.

I just don't think that this is the country for you
lol. Like you would know. Parler misses you.

Why are you terrified of Parlor?

I have not been there yet, but any place that so obviously terrifies you , makes you curious.
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.
You are a piece of lying shit. We are losing rights and if laws were enforced on us that are in the books we would have gulags. Progs do not get rid of the laws, they expand them. Even if Repubs originated them. You are Socialist Communists. You are not for liberty.

I don't necessary think that he is lying.
He simply has an extraordinarily perverted idea of Government's role in society.
He believes what he is saying - he simply has it massively wrong.
So, where do you think that three trillion EVERY YEAR is going to come from? It's not coming from the wealthy because there just isn't that much wealth, and if you tried to get it you would get only a part and that only once. And give up your blargle already. "solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States" is a meaningless phrase. It literally means nothing, so stop repeating it like it's significant. Next, you want to double the MW and pretend it won't put a LOT of people out of work which totally negates any new tax revenue.

Let's go back to that example you didn't want to deal with. If you want a whole lot more tax revenue, why not just set the MW at $100/hr and be done with it? That would generate a whole lot more taxes than a paltry $15/hr, wouldn't it? Answer honestly.

Next, what is the purpose of a job? Hint, it is not to generate tax revenue.
Current revenues are around 3.3 trillion now. We have a central bank and subscribe to Capitalism. We just need to invest the money and let the multiplier do the rest. Unemployment compensation under our current regime has been measured at 2. Meaning that for every dollar invested two dollars in economic activity is generated.
Let's see if we have this straight. You want to use annual revenues of 3.3 trillion to fund all current expenditures plus an additional 3 trillion AND invest all the extra money? I'll let those who know basic math be astonished.

And of course UC generates additional activity. It's insurance money for people temporarily idled through no fault of their own, and they want to continue taking care of their families. What you're talking about is permanent welfare. Please stop calling it unemployment compensation, because that's not what it is.
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
You don't have to work, slavery was abolished. You have no basis to complain about taxes.
How much of what I earn are you entitled to take? It's a simple question. If someone is holding a gun to my head and demanding my wallet, it hardly matters whether there's $5 or $500 in it, does it?
How about what it costs to run our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Abolish those, since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them, and it could cover actually promoting the general welfare by solving simple poverty in our at-will employment States.
That's irrelevant. It's clear that you have no idea how much of my income you are entitled to take to keep you supplied with pizza and pot, so I'll supply your answer for you. You want "more". No matter how much you get now, you just want more.

Basically, you're just saying we should cut things you don't like out of the budget so we could fund things you do like. Nice sentiment, but we already have a trillion dollar deficit, and moving the deck chairs around isn't going to help. What you're going to have to do is cut across the board and not generate any new spending.
Not at all. Our welfare clause is general and we should have no homeless in our first world economy.
We should also have no need for people to pay half their income in taxes, but we do.
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.
You are a piece of lying shit. We are losing rights and if laws were enforced on us that are in the books we would have gulags. Progs do not get rid of the laws, they expand them. Even if Repubs originated them. You are Socialist Communists. You are not for liberty.

I don't necessary think that he is lying.
He simply has an extraordinarily perverted idea of Government's role in society.
He believes what he is saying - he simply has it massively wrong.
Massively wrong, and doggedly determined to never deviate from it at all costs.
There is no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause.
There are simps who think random word salads make them look clever, though.
There are right wingers who believe their false witness bearing and practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) is Right instead of merely Wrong.
Solving simple poverty means more people paying more taxes.
Why do you feel it's your mission to solve "simple poverty"? Virtue signaling?
The solution already exists for those motivated to apply it.
It promotes the general welfare; we should have no homeless in our first world economy.

I just don't think that this is the country for you
lol. Like you would know. Parler misses you.

Why are you terrified of Parlor?

I have not been there yet, but any place that so obviously terrifies you , makes you curious.
Go over there where your right wing fantasy can be the "gospel Truth". Here you are merely full of fallacy and Hoax.
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.
You are a piece of lying shit. We are losing rights and if laws were enforced on us that are in the books we would have gulags. Progs do not get rid of the laws, they expand them. Even if Repubs originated them. You are Socialist Communists. You are not for liberty.

I don't necessary think that he is lying.
He simply has an extraordinarily perverted idea of Government's role in society.
He believes what he is saying - he simply has it massively wrong.
lol. I actually understand our Constitution, unlike the fantastical right wing.
So, where do you think that three trillion EVERY YEAR is going to come from? It's not coming from the wealthy because there just isn't that much wealth, and if you tried to get it you would get only a part and that only once. And give up your blargle already. "solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States" is a meaningless phrase. It literally means nothing, so stop repeating it like it's significant. Next, you want to double the MW and pretend it won't put a LOT of people out of work which totally negates any new tax revenue.

Let's go back to that example you didn't want to deal with. If you want a whole lot more tax revenue, why not just set the MW at $100/hr and be done with it? That would generate a whole lot more taxes than a paltry $15/hr, wouldn't it? Answer honestly.

Next, what is the purpose of a job? Hint, it is not to generate tax revenue.
Current revenues are around 3.3 trillion now. We have a central bank and subscribe to Capitalism. We just need to invest the money and let the multiplier do the rest. Unemployment compensation under our current regime has been measured at 2. Meaning that for every dollar invested two dollars in economic activity is generated.
Let's see if we have this straight. You want to use annual revenues of 3.3 trillion to fund all current expenditures plus an additional 3 trillion AND invest all the extra money? I'll let those who know basic math be astonished.

And of course UC generates additional activity. It's insurance money for people temporarily idled through no fault of their own, and they want to continue taking care of their families. What you're talking about is permanent welfare. Please stop calling it unemployment compensation, because that's not what it is.
You miss the point. Solving simple poverty means we can abolish our useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. And, a multiplier of 2 means 3.3 trillion spent on that policy will generate 6.6 trillion in economic activity. Our useless warfare-State policies only help the Rich get richer.
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
You don't have to work, slavery was abolished. You have no basis to complain about taxes.
How much of what I earn are you entitled to take? It's a simple question. If someone is holding a gun to my head and demanding my wallet, it hardly matters whether there's $5 or $500 in it, does it?
How about what it costs to run our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Abolish those, since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them, and it could cover actually promoting the general welfare by solving simple poverty in our at-will employment States.
That's irrelevant. It's clear that you have no idea how much of my income you are entitled to take to keep you supplied with pizza and pot, so I'll supply your answer for you. You want "more". No matter how much you get now, you just want more.

Basically, you're just saying we should cut things you don't like out of the budget so we could fund things you do like. Nice sentiment, but we already have a trillion dollar deficit, and moving the deck chairs around isn't going to help. What you're going to have to do is cut across the board and not generate any new spending.
Not at all. Our welfare clause is general and we should have no homeless in our first world economy.
We should also have no need for people to pay half their income in taxes, but we do.
Who pays half their income in taxes? Or did you hear that "gospel Truth" on Parler and are trying here where it is just fallacy and Hoax.
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.
You are a piece of lying shit. We are losing rights and if laws were enforced on us that are in the books we would have gulags. Progs do not get rid of the laws, they expand them. Even if Repubs originated them. You are Socialist Communists. You are not for liberty.

I don't necessary think that he is lying.
He simply has an extraordinarily perverted idea of Government's role in society.
He believes what he is saying - he simply has it massively wrong.
Massively wrong, and doggedly determined to never deviate from it at all costs.
You need valid arguments not just fallacy and Hoax. That only works on Parler.
It’s an immigrant’s story, with a message every American should hear.

As a native of Eastern Europe, Victoria Spartz has seen life under socialism up close and knows the damage it can do.

As a newly elected American congresswoman, she’s in a position to stop it from destroying the United States.

Spartz was the underdog winner of a race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District to replace the retiring Rep. Susan Brooks.

And in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” the Ukraine native explained why she got into politics in her adopted country.

BJ's Pull Quote

“I grew up in a socialistic country,” Spartz told co-host Ainsley Earhardt.

“I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money, and it’s not pretty.”
What a difference a Constitution makes. Our form of socialism, which is Government, is limited by our supreme law of the land. Only right wingers never get it.
You are a piece of lying shit. We are losing rights and if laws were enforced on us that are in the books we would have gulags. Progs do not get rid of the laws, they expand them. Even if Repubs originated them. You are Socialist Communists. You are not for liberty.

I don't necessary think that he is lying.
He simply has an extraordinarily perverted idea of Government's role in society.
He believes what he is saying - he simply has it massively wrong.
Massively wrong, and doggedly determined to never deviate from it at all costs.
You need valid arguments not just fallacy and Hoax. That only works on Parler.
Again, how much of my hard earned money is someone else entitled to?
Why not create opportunities for people to earn monies vs. be given monies?
In an at-will employment State? Right wingers complain about our general welfare clause being too general.
At will also means one can leave at any time to earn more vs. stuck.
Yes, so right wingers should not complain about taxes, just get a better job.
So, Daniel, how much of our income ARE you entitled to take? Give a number. Break it down for us. How much are you entitled to take for weed? How much to fix up Mom's basement? How much for pizza delivery? We need to know how much you're legally and morally entitled to take.
Nobody is making you work in our at-will employment States. And, you simply are not making enough if taxes bother you. Simply improve your lot and get a better job; it is not just the Poor can benefit from that.
That's not a number. You seem to think you're entitled to a portion of my earnings, tell us how much.
You don't have to work, slavery was abolished. You have no basis to complain about taxes.
How much of what I earn are you entitled to take? It's a simple question. If someone is holding a gun to my head and demanding my wallet, it hardly matters whether there's $5 or $500 in it, does it?
How about what it costs to run our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Abolish those, since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them, and it could cover actually promoting the general welfare by solving simple poverty in our at-will employment States.
That's irrelevant. It's clear that you have no idea how much of my income you are entitled to take to keep you supplied with pizza and pot, so I'll supply your answer for you. You want "more". No matter how much you get now, you just want more.

Basically, you're just saying we should cut things you don't like out of the budget so we could fund things you do like. Nice sentiment, but we already have a trillion dollar deficit, and moving the deck chairs around isn't going to help. What you're going to have to do is cut across the board and not generate any new spending.
Not at all. Our welfare clause is general and we should have no homeless in our first world economy.
We should also have no need for people to pay half their income in taxes, but we do.
Who pays half their income in taxes? Or did you hear that "gospel Truth" on Parler and are trying here where it is just fallacy and Hoax.
High income earners in high tax locations like New York pay about half their income in taxes when you add up federal income taxes, state income taxes, city taxes, county taxes, sales taxes, and on it goes. Didn't you know that?
So, where do you think that three trillion EVERY YEAR is going to come from? It's not coming from the wealthy because there just isn't that much wealth, and if you tried to get it you would get only a part and that only once. And give up your blargle already. "solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States" is a meaningless phrase. It literally means nothing, so stop repeating it like it's significant. Next, you want to double the MW and pretend it won't put a LOT of people out of work which totally negates any new tax revenue.

Let's go back to that example you didn't want to deal with. If you want a whole lot more tax revenue, why not just set the MW at $100/hr and be done with it? That would generate a whole lot more taxes than a paltry $15/hr, wouldn't it? Answer honestly.

Next, what is the purpose of a job? Hint, it is not to generate tax revenue.
Current revenues are around 3.3 trillion now. We have a central bank and subscribe to Capitalism. We just need to invest the money and let the multiplier do the rest. Unemployment compensation under our current regime has been measured at 2. Meaning that for every dollar invested two dollars in economic activity is generated.
Let's see if we have this straight. You want to use annual revenues of 3.3 trillion to fund all current expenditures plus an additional 3 trillion AND invest all the extra money? I'll let those who know basic math be astonished.

And of course UC generates additional activity. It's insurance money for people temporarily idled through no fault of their own, and they want to continue taking care of their families. What you're talking about is permanent welfare. Please stop calling it unemployment compensation, because that's not what it is.
You miss the point. Solving simple poverty means we can abolish our useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. And, a multiplier of 2 means 3.3 trillion spent on that policy will generate 6.6 trillion in economic activity. Our useless warfare-State policies only help the Rich get richer.
Are you saying that poverty causes crime and drug use? If that were the case we wouldn't be seeing Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth and molesting young girls. Now, have you considered the opportunity cost of taking that 3.3 trillion out of the economy in the first place? You might as well cut branches off a growing tree so you can graft a few of them back on later when the tree needs more to survive. Better to take less out of the economy so it wouldn't need any pumped back in.

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