Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce

Leonard H. "Kip" Carter, a former close Gingrich friend, backed the contention that it was Newt Gingrich who wanted the divorce.

"He (Gingrich) said, 'You know and I know that she's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,' " Carter, who now lives in South Carolina, told CNN recently, relating the conversation he had with Gingrich the day Gingrich revealed he was filing for divorce. Carter served as treasurer of Gingrich's first congressional campaigns.

Carter, who was a fellow history professor when Gingrich taught at West Georgia College in Carrollton, said he broke off his friendship with Newt Gingrich because of the congressman's treatment of his wife during the divorce.

Asked in an e-mail whether that conversation in 1980 occurred the way that Carter recounted, Gingrich spokesman Hammond did not respond.

Gerald Johnson, a Georgia state legislator at the time who also was in Gingrich's Sunday school class, said it was his memory that Jackie Gingrich did not want a divorce. Johnson laughed when told the presidential campaign is now saying she requested the divorce, calling that "surprising."

When Gingrich filed for divorce, he was already seeing a 28-year-old congressional aide, whom he married six months after his divorce was final in 1981. The second wife, Marianne Ginther Gingrich, told Esquire magazine last year that Gingrich even introduced her to his parents in the summer of 1980, the same time he filed for divorce.
Newly recovered court files cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce -

How's that for slimy? Guy even introduced his "Sanctity of Marriage" wife number two to his parents

She clearly stated she did not want the divorce. It''s IN the divorce papers.
Plenty of people around them at the time knew it as well. Gingrich earlier said it was he who wanted the divorce. Jackie in 1985 was a the subject of a long expose in Vanity Fair with LOTS of named sources who backed her up.
He told others she was too frumpy for him, and not "presidential wife material.'
Just too much evidence to change the outlying facts. It was he who wanted the divorce, he who cheated, and now he who is lying again.

& In case you missed this:

Jackie had just gone through two other operations for cancer - YES - uterine cancer... and they only found out the last tumor was benign when they TOOK IT OUT.

She had been undergoing cancer treatments for two fucking years -- WHILE SHE BEAT THE BAND ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL WITH NEWT TRYING TO GET HIM ELECTED -- Sucking chemotherapy and undergoing radiation treatments all the while.
Newt did not hesitate to mention that in his campaign speeches as he was trying to get elected in his premier run for US Congress.

And !

She did that just after she had worked night and day helping to put him through grad school and attain his doctorate. Eat that.

----> Yeah, it was *her* who wanted the divorce.
People experiencing cancer are always gug-ho to split from the family and the ones they had just devoted their lives to. Give me a break!

She still had cancer, it was just in remission. It came back in 2005. She beat it again.

Jackie Gingirich is one hell of a strong woman. You should admire her.
Now they are going to use 20 year old divorce papers to make a issue for electing a President..

you can't make this shit up folks.

but I'm pretty sure the people see this just for what it is............dirty sleazy politics..
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Now they are going to use 20 year old divorce papers to make a issue for electing a President..

you can't make this shit up folks.

but I'm pretty sure the people see this just for what it is............dirty sleazy politics..

No, we are going to make Gingrich's complete lack of integrity and sleazy character an issue; because they are issues.

As for "electing a President", Gingrich already screwed himself out of that with Virginia.

Enjoy a Romney nominee!
Now they are going to use 20 year old divorce papers to make a issue for electing a President..

you can't make this shit up folks.

but I'm pretty sure the people see this just for what it is............dirty sleazy politics..

No, we are going to make Gingrich's complete lack of integrity and sleazy character an issue; because they are issues.

As for "electing a President", Gingrich already screwed himself out of that with Virginia.

Enjoy a Romney nominee!

You people would do that if a person was a saint. Look what you all did with Palin, Cain, Bauchman, etc etc... so you can stop blowing smoke up our asses all wouldn't know how do politics unless it's the politics of personal destruction..the Progressives and it's party is bred that way..yet you all find nothing wrong with it...I find it disgusting...but whatever blow your skirt up I guess
Now they are going to use 20 year old divorce papers to make a issue for electing a President..

you can't make this shit up folks.

but I'm pretty sure the people see this just for what it is............dirty sleazy politics..

No, we are going to make Gingrich's complete lack of integrity and sleazy character an issue; because they are issues.

As for "electing a President", Gingrich already screwed himself out of that with Virginia.

Enjoy a Romney nominee!

You people would do that if a person was a saint. Look what you all did with Palin, Cain, Bauchman, etc etc... so you can stop blowing smoke up our asses all wouldn't know how do politics unless it's the politics of personal destruction..the Progressives and it's party is bred that way..yet you all find nothing wrong with it...I find it disgusting...but whatever blow your skirt up I guess

Palin, Cain, and Bachman were also not saints. If you are suffering from selective amnesia, I'll remind you that Cain dropped out of the race for personal reasons.

I'll also remind you that both parties deal with the "politics of personal destruction". If you think otherwise, you are a lemming.

When it comes to Gingrich: he's a scumbag and his past scumbaggery is predictive of future scumbaggary.
The facts are that the wife in question states it was mutual

Then how do you explain the fact that the wife petitioned the court to reject the divorce?

Yeah, because most couples who get divorced run to their kids to drag out the drama in front of their eyes.

So who do you believe?

Good question, who do you believe? A career politician and known liar who is running for President and has substantial political injury to suffer? Or documented court filings?

Unpaid bills agreed to be paid by any final decree had her attorney filing that petititon. That is as common a practice as there is in a divorce case. Without an order for temporary support and child support the initial petition has to have that language as an answer by a defendant. Without it no Judge can grant any final decree. If the answer has her AGRREING to the divorce, even if she did so verbally as his daughters have stated many times, then she has NO claim to challenge a granting of the temporary support and child support by a Rule Nisi hearing by the Judge. This was manuevering by her attorney to SET THAT IN PLACE BEFORE the Rule Nisi as most Judges want that. Additionally, it was handled that way and she was satisfied with the support.
Much ado about nothing.

Atlanta divorce lawyer Jim Peterson, who was not involved in the Gingrich proceedings, said the wife's divorce filings make it "pretty plain" that she did not want the divorce.

"She obviously didn't want the divorce, on the face of the pleadings," Peterson said.

One reason a defendant in a divorce would deny it was irretrievably broken would be "to make you stay in the marriage and put the screws to you to make it as difficult as they possibly can," Peterson added.

Jackie Gingrich, who has rarely spoken to the media about the divorce, declined CNN's request for an interview. A friend said that Jackie Gingrich did not want to comment out of concern for her daughters and grandchildren.

In a brief interview in 1985, she told the Washington Post: "He can say that we had been talking about it for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise."

Leonard H. "Kip" Carter, a former close Gingrich friend, backed the contention that it was Newt Gingrich who wanted the divorce.

"He (Gingrich) said, 'You know and I know that she's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,' " Carter, who now lives in South Carolina, told CNN recently, relating the conversation he had with Gingrich the day Gingrich revealed he was filing for divorce. Carter served as treasurer of Gingrich's first congressional campaigns.

Gingrich rejects challenge to his version of first divorce -
Now they are going to use 20 year old divorce papers to make a issue for electing a President..

you can't make this shit up folks.

but I'm pretty sure the people see this just for what it is............dirty sleazy politics..

So here's the progression, then....

*Gingrich is a good, trustworthy, family values conservative
*What happens in personal lives doesn't matter
*It was a mutual divorce
*It was the wife's idea
*Lying about your personal life doesn't matter
*They're all the way back 20 years to pull up dirt, sleezy politics
"It doesn’t matter what I say. People need to hear what I have to say. There’s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn’t matter what I live."

- Newt Gingrich
Like Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief, you can pretty much count on the right-wing wonkles four stages of debate:

1) Unreasoning embrace of nonsensical position.
2) Redefinition of basic terms to suit the argument.
3) Unexpected change of subject to avoid impending defeat.
4) Goal post stick shifting to high gear
...then without admission of error, insistence that this whole thing is not really a big deal.
Interesting contrast between this farce and the Reagan divorce. Jane Wyman was the one who insisted on it, they didn't wage war using the kids, and Jane only talked about him after he was dead and was very polite about it.

No matter how you try and turd polish the events of the Gringrich divorce Newt comes off really badly.

I mean I think the man is brilliant and funny, but this kind of thing demonstrates he has the humanity of a Vogon.

I refused to vote for Dole in primary because I thought the way he treated his first wife was pretty darn cruel as well. And I didn't like the way Elizabeth Dole did things when she ran the FAA.
When it comes to Newt vs Obama, the discussion is whether someone uxorious and a economic, social and constitutional disaster or a competent and sensible Vogon is better for Potus. On that level Newt is a far better choice.

But I would prefer some one else in the race
When it comes to Newt vs Obama, the discussion is whether someone uxorious and a economic, social and constitutional disaster or a competent and sensible Vogon is better for Potus. On that level Newt is a far better choice.

But I would prefer some one else in the race

And there is the real meat of the matter. The left do not want Obama going up against Newt. They prefer we take their pick of Romney.
I truly wish there were other viable choices than what we have right now, but any of them will be better than Obama. All we have to do is get them elected.......
Then how do you explain the fact that the wife petitioned the court to reject the divorce?

Yeah, because most couples who get divorced run to their kids to drag out the drama in front of their eyes.

Good question, who do you believe? A career politician and known liar who is running for President and has substantial political injury to suffer? Or documented court filings?

Unpaid bills agreed to be paid by any final decree had her attorney filing that petititon. That is as common a practice as there is in a divorce case. Without an order for temporary support and child support the initial petition has to have that language as an answer by a defendant. Without it no Judge can grant any final decree. If the answer has her AGRREING to the divorce, even if she did so verbally as his daughters have stated many times, then she has NO claim to challenge a granting of the temporary support and child support by a Rule Nisi hearing by the Judge. This was manuevering by her attorney to SET THAT IN PLACE BEFORE the Rule Nisi as most Judges want that. Additionally, it was handled that way and she was satisfied with the support.
Much ado about nothing.

Atlanta divorce lawyer Jim Peterson, who was not involved in the Gingrich proceedings, said the wife's divorce filings make it "pretty plain" that she did not want the divorce.

"She obviously didn't want the divorce, on the face of the pleadings," Peterson said.

One reason a defendant in a divorce would deny it was irretrievably broken would be "to make you stay in the marriage and put the screws to you to make it as difficult as they possibly can," Peterson added.

Jackie Gingrich, who has rarely spoken to the media about the divorce, declined CNN's request for an interview. A friend said that Jackie Gingrich did not want to comment out of concern for her daughters and grandchildren.

In a brief interview in 1985, she told the Washington Post: "He can say that we had been talking about it for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise."

Leonard H. "Kip" Carter, a former close Gingrich friend, backed the contention that it was Newt Gingrich who wanted the divorce.

"He (Gingrich) said, 'You know and I know that she's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,' " Carter, who now lives in South Carolina, told CNN recently, relating the conversation he had with Gingrich the day Gingrich revealed he was filing for divorce. Carter served as treasurer of Gingrich's first congressional campaigns.

Gingrich rejects challenge to his version of first divorce -

Jim Peterson verbatim on the Gingrich divorce pleadings "One reason a defendant would deny that the marriage is irretrievably broken is to make you stay in the marriage and put the screws to you to make it a difficult as they possibly can".
And that is exactly what happened. She agreed to it to begin with and then wanted to make it as difficult as she could.
I am sure this is the first time this has ever happened this way!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Having worked on over 500 divorce cases I have seen this happen dozens and dozens before. One party files with the agreement on the other party as they accept service, with most of the issues resolved BEFORE suit was filed and then the party that agreed gets pissed about something, anything and then claims they did not support it.
And the only issue was $$$ which with children involved CAN NEVER be settled legally pre Rule Nisi and even then the final decree has to have prior approval BEFORE the Judge can sign off on it.
To those of us that see this every week, this is not even newsworthy. A bunch of nothing.
But the gullible masses be they Republican and/or Democrat EAT IT UP.
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Add in her lawyer may have wanted to run the tab up with increased hours. That is the # 1 reason for any challenges to the marriage is broken claim.
Was there any doubt this marriage was "irretrievably broken"???
Damn, that one was A NO BRAINER.
Add in her lawyer may have wanted to run the tab up with increased hours. That is the # 1 reason for any challenges to the marriage is broken claim.
Was there any doubt this marriage was "irretrievably broken"???
Damn, that one was A NO BRAINER.

I am puzzled the lefties are having fits over Divorce of any kind. They are the champions of the single parent household.
Yeah, we know. She had the audacity to get cancer.

For years he'd been fucking bimbettes on his desk (yes, a number of named sources have said as much) - drinking himself into a stupor (he even said as much) --

The nerve of her!
80 days after the case was filed the case was closed and an agreement was made with the divorce granted.
What changed Jackie Gingrich's mind so fast?
What SHE WAS ASKING FOR TO BEGIN WITH. $$$$$ which is fine with me as he should pay but that was the reason behind the entire defendants answer.
$$$$ which is perfectly fine as it was obvuious Humpty Dumpty had no $$$ to pay to begin with. One of the fools quoted was who was Georgia State Legislator Gerald Johnson in Humpty's sunday school class and later ran against him politically. Nah, he has no axe to grind! The other is a former associate history professor at West Gerogia where Humpty taught and Newt was promoted twice over him. Nah, no axe to grind there either.
And I believe Newtie to be a clown as I ran a youth football clinic here for years and in 1997 Newtie came here to speak at it and his subject was "death penalty for drug dealers" which he gave at a youth football jamboree. Inappropriate tosay the least.
But this divorce BS is just that, BS.
Add in her lawyer may have wanted to run the tab up with increased hours. That is the # 1 reason for any challenges to the marriage is broken claim.
Was there any doubt this marriage was "irretrievably broken"???
Damn, that one was A NO BRAINER.

I am puzzled the lefties are having fits over Divorce of any kind. They are the champions of the single parent household.

Also they are quick to forgive a crackhead and a rapist.

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