News Anchor, 22, Unleashes Viral Rant On Obama

It's great how you use some facts and ignore others.

What ignored facts are those, dimwit?

Yes, Muslims have spent thousands of years going around killing people. So too have Christians. I mean Muslims managed to dominate certain parts of the world, Christians other parts of the world. There are more Christians which suggests Christians were killing more.

That's as stupid a statement as I've ever seen: "there's more X people, so they killed more of the Y people." You're such a smart trend spotter...

So pointing out the Muslims have been uber aggressive in a world where humans have been uber aggressive merely states that Muslims are humans. Wow, shocking news.

Did the christians sweep across the entire planet the way arab muslims did spreading islam by war and force? No, they didn't, as the degrees are vastly different. Did christians at times do so, yes. Did they do so on a scale the muslims did? Not even close.

Right, you just go for the insulting. Sorry, I don't really speak with people whose main argument is an insult. I'm not bothering reading any of the rest of the post. Bye!

You call yourself "Rhodes Scholar", imagine at Oxford University and some of the brightest American students are asked a question and they just insult.

You might want to change your name.
It's great how you use some facts and ignore others.

Yes, Muslims have spent thousands of years going around killing people. So too have Christians. I mean Muslims managed to dominate certain parts of the world, Christians other parts of the world. There are more Christians which suggests Christians were killing more.

So pointing out the Muslims have been uber aggressive in a world where humans have been uber aggressive merely states that Muslims are humans. Wow, shocking news.

You don't seem to understand my point, or you don't want to understand my point.

The point isn't that all groups have been killing since as long as they have existed, including most religions trying to expand in their own name by using violence, especially the big two.
The point isn't even "I can go back further than you and show that violence has happened" as if you're trying to prove that your dad has a bigger car (cock?) than someone else's father.

The point I'm making is a based on a direct line towards what exists today.

Your point is just that you can find facts to prove something or other that isn't necessarily relevant.

There's more of us because we're smarter.
We learned a long time ago shitting in a hole in the ground and wiping your ass with your hand was unsanitary.
That and of course advanced medicine.

So Muslims are the second smartest people on the planet? Jews being one of the most stupid?

Or maybe I should say that if you're willing to make stuff up to suit your argument every time, we're not going to get very far.

As for being smarter, sure, the west developed (as opposed to Christianity, the religion of some of the poorest countries on the planet. Like Malawi which is bottom of the list of countries by GDP per capita)

However not smart enough to be able to take on and beat those being fought against in Iraq or Afghanistan, by the looks of it. Or of making sensible post war policies, or of deciding when it's a good idea or not to invade countries.

You type so much yet you say so little.....

Or, I type so much, and you don't like what I say, so you don't bother to even reply sensibly to it.

Maybe if you learned to read, it wouldn't be so hard.

You posted your opinion.
Not going to waste my time with opinions.

So what do you waste your time with then?

But to be honest, this has been rather a rubbish conversation. Another person on the long list of people who can't have a sensible debate.
First priority is the deStarkification of the Republican Party. We can't change Obama and Democrats support for Jihad and Death to America, but we should at a minimum have a Party that is opposed on principles and offers a refreshing alternative

yeah, guy. Here's the thing.

At the end of the day, the Republicans will nominate Jeb Bush, who is Starkey's guy.
I would not count on Jeb Bush. His speech comparing himself to a tortoise was not exactly inspiring.
Right, you just go for the insulting. Sorry, I don't really speak with people whose main argument is an insult. I'm not bothering reading any of the rest of the post. Bye!

Let me translate your response for the forum at large: "I lied, got caught in that lie, cannot defend myself, so now I am running out of the thread before I embarrass myself more."

You might want to change your name.

After the spanking you deservedly got in this thread, you should change yours to: "bends over when asked".
Right, you just go for the insulting. Sorry, I don't really speak with people whose main argument is an insult. I'm not bothering reading any of the rest of the post. Bye!

Let me translate your response for the forum at large: "I lied, got caught in that lie, cannot defend myself, so now I am running out of the thread before I embarrass myself more."

You might want to change your name.

After the spanking you deservedly got in this thread, you should change yours to: "bends over when asked".

Wow, you really are immature, aren't you?

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