Newsome backpedals

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013

"After promising to pay for child care for another 146,000 children from low-income families, Newsom on Friday proposed pausing that expansion at 119,000. And after promising to boost how much money doctor's get to treat Medicaid patients, Newsom on Friday proposed canceling $6.7 billion that had been set aside to do that."

5th largest economy in the world?

No worries, they will rely on their huge over-representation in Congress to eventually extort the Federal treasury to pay for it all, as usual. It's easy enough to buy more than enough GOP votes to pass nearly anything.

"After promising to pay for child care for another 146,000 children from low-income families, Newsom on Friday proposed pausing that expansion at 119,000. And after promising to boost how much money doctor's get to treat Medicaid patients, Newsom on Friday proposed canceling $6.7 billion that had been set aside to do that."

5th largest economy in the world?


It's a pass through state for goods from Asia, mainly, a false economy.
The Peanut Gallery can just do a search for 'tent cities bulldozed in California' for all that 'prosperity'. Keep in mind most of those are populated by people who have full time jobs, despite the right wing sniveling. I think Santa Barbara paid one company over $100 million to bulldoze camps. lol
Lat I checked, California is doing just fine.

Obviously, you never checked the last time.

Three straight years of population loss is not doing just fine.'s%20population%20shrank%20by%2075%2C423,called%20the%20Golden%20State%20home.

How about that tax for leaving the state, huh? That reads like desperation on the part of the California Dems / Socialists.

A recent report by the Hoover Institution found twice as many companies moved their headquarters out of California in 2021, compared to 2020.

It found 352 companies moved their headquarters out of state between 2018 and 2021 – with countless more moving warehouses or production facilities.

It counted 46 headquarters that relocated in 2018.

That number ballooned to 153 in 2021. The reasons vary—but there are some common ones including high tax rates, punitive regulations, high labor costs, and a high cost of living.

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