Newspaper In England Says Royal Baby's New Name 'George' Is A Racial Slur On Blacks


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.

Oh, who cares what African AMERICANS were named back in a day in a different country?

can those people not see how ridiculous they are?
Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.


George means fruitful. In the new name books it means land worker. The origin of the name is Greek. Alexander is also a Greek name. It means Defender of Mankind. The spiritual connotation is Brave Protector.

Good names.
St. George is a Saint protector of Great Britain. It is only logical to name the heir to the throne the same name :rolleyes:
Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.


All the royal couple has to do is say 'off with their heads.' After years of thinking feudalism was definitely wrong, I'm not so sure now. The queen can dissolve parliament and take over. She can take all this shit in hand and deal with it. We, here in America, can't. We are doomed. I'm so glad my SIL is a subject of the crown. That gives my children choices. 100 years before the Revolution, my original ancestor here was a loyalist. I think I could be one as well after events of the last few weeks here in this country.
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Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.


George means fruitful. In the new name books it means land worker. The origin of the name is Greek. Alexander is also a Greek name. It means Defender of Mankind. The spiritual connotation is Brave Protector.

Good names.

Once the black racists have spoken, that's it. I hope the royals take back over the government and get their country under control. WE will never be able to do that here.
Well then I guess they'll just have to suck it up and...

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Once the black racists have spoken, that's it. I hope the royals take back over the government and get their country under control. WE will never be able to do that here.

The situation with minorities is much worse in england than it is here...

They are extremely PC whereas we are just kinda PC. And that should tell you how bad it is over there in that regard if they're more PC than we
What do you expect from people who think Chicago and golf are racial slurs or the dip shit who says the entire language is racial code.
Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.


All the royal couple has to do is say 'off with their heads.' After years of thinking feudalism was definitely wrong, I'm not so sure now. The queen can dissolve parliament and take over. She can take all this shit in hand and deal with it. We, here in America, can't. We are doomed. I'm so glad my SIL is a subject of the crown. That gives my children choices. 100 years before the Revolution, my original ancestor here was a loyalist. I think I could be one as well after events of the last few weeks here in this country.

What the FLUCK?
Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.


George means fruitful. In the new name books it means land worker. The origin of the name is Greek. Alexander is also a Greek name. It means Defender of Mankind. The spiritual connotation is Brave Protector.

Good names.

Once the black racists have spoken, that's it. I hope the royals take back over the government and get their country under control. WE will never be able to do that here.

There is nothing I despise more than a British shill. You can go straight to hell and take your queen with you.
George means fruitful. In the new name books it means land worker. The origin of the name is Greek. Alexander is also a Greek name. It means Defender of Mankind. The spiritual connotation is Brave Protector.

Good names.

Once the black racists have spoken, that's it. I hope the royals take back over the government and get their country under control. WE will never be able to do that here.

There is nothing I despise more than a British shill. You can go straight to hell and take your queen with you.

homophobe ;)
Here we go again. These type people are never satisfied and will find anything to play the race card. This is the most absurd so far.

The name George was a 'racial slur' | The Voice Online


Yesterday the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced to the world their son’s name George Alexander Louis, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

African Americans have a long history with the name George.

During the slave trade many black men were referred to as George, after George Pullman, the engineer and industrialist who was known for hiring them shortly before the Civil Rights Movement began.

It was also considered as a racial slur.

High class passengers who were transported on Pullmans trains called the workers, who were predominately black, George so they did not have to learn their names.


African Americans can get over themselves.

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