Newsweek once again, proving that they are full of liars. They say "one quarter of Republicans "Favor" Kamala Harris.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Roughly a quarter of Republicans view Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign positively, according to a new poll.
President Joe Biden dropped out of this year's presidential race on July 21 following weeks of interparty fighting among Democrats on whether he should pass the torch to the next generation after his debate fiasco against former President Donald Trump in late June in Atlanta. Biden also endorsed Harris the day he withdrew from the race.
I took a poll just recently and roughly 99% of Democrats were found to be lower than moronic in intelligence. See how well polls are, you can say what ever you want in them, proving nothing, except that Democrat Voters really are that stupid.


Newsweek says "one quarter of Republicans "Favor" Kamala Harris.​

But that is true! They took a poll of the 17 people in their front office, and of the four republicans there, one of them favored Harris!

I took a poll just recently and roughly 99% of Democrats were found to be lower than moronic in intelligence.
And that view is supported. Just watch any of Jay Leno's Jaywalker series where he interviews left-leaning college kids and they can't even point to Canada on a map.

By my estimate, a full third to half of all democrats have IQs as low as 70. The only way they get through life is by a college degree which TRAINED them to do one specific task for one specific job.
MSN I took a poll just recently and roughly 99% of Democrats were found to be lower than moronic in intelligence. See how well polls are, you can say what ever you want in them, proving nothing, except that Democrat Voters really are that stupid.

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Stay away from the Major Managed News Media(MMNM) like CNN, MSNBC, FOX etc. as bias runs heavy within them. I find the INDEPENENT pollsters to be much more accurate as accuracy in the polls gets them both 'LIKES' & the all important $ub$criber$ which = YouTube $$$$$! The two pollsters below are obviously live streaming in their info but the difference in their final tally is often somewhat different, meaning they both have different sources they are live streaming off of as well as different models to work with. BOTH pollsters do show that TEXAS/FLORIDA are no longer safe states for pres. Trump but "likely" states for pres. Trump. Likewise BOTH pollsters have Washington/Oregon states no longer safe states for VP Harris but now reduced to "likely" states for VP Harris.

With election day closing in the maps below are changing somewhat as the info comes in & probably will be changing somewhat up to the 1st of October when they will be pretty much "locked in". Check out both sites below so U can get a "visual" on any & all changes.

Below is Lester from "On Point Politics", As U can see the pressure is weighing on him to convince the American constituency that he is most accurate Poli-map political pollster/forecaster in the business! I got OPP & GCP as a match for Rasmussen. In the end the one closest to the official count will be wearing the belt around his waist with hands held high in victory!

But that is true! They took a poll of the 17 people in their front office, and of the four republicans there, one of them favored Harris!

And that view is supported. Just watch any of Jay Leno's Jaywalker series where he interviews left-leaning college kids and they can't even point to Canada on a map.

By my estimate, a full third to half of all democrats have IQs as low as 70. The only way they get through life is by a college degree which TRAINED them to do one specific task for one specific job.
Wow. you give them credit for 70 IQ. Damn, i just dont seee it.
Wow. you give them credit for 70 IQ. Damn, i just dont seee it.

I'm trying to be fair. I mean, that at least keeps them in the category of high-functioning morons. They may appear normal at a distance until you get up close to them and really start talking to them.

As an aside, many of the invading illegals Biden and Harris have left in are from places like Guatemala and Nicaragua, where national IQs range on average around 45 to 50. That makes them imbeciles.

What are the chances of 18 million imbeciles ever becoming productive taxpayers adding to both the economy and country?

Really smart people like Asians and whites with IQs more around 150 have almost nothing to do with these people. It is almost like two different species, a man trying to talk to a chimpanzee.

Guess what happens when America has millions and millions of people with no chance of holding a job? Anymore, you can't get a job doing anything without a college degree and many menial jobs are being eliminated. What is government's solution?

To lower college standards and create a DEI sliding scale to allow stupid people to get through college and get that diploma anyway.

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