Newt Gingrich answers IN DEPTH questions about bus. relationship with Freddie Mac



Just becuase NEWT in his OWN words flip flops, and I give you the FUCKING VIDEO to see it, watch it... YOU DON'T EVEN havet to READ IT... Does not mean I support fucking Obama...

O.K. you're a Ron Paul supporter and now what you're saying here makes sense--except for one thing---:lol::lol:

You think Ron Paul is electable--and not Newt Gingrich---:lol::lol:

[ame=]Paul, Gingrich Spar Over Patriot Act - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Newt Gingrich wiping the floor with Ron Paul.

Yes, Paul understands the rule of law and Newt does not... What is your point? Newt = Neocon... Big Government liberal claiming to be a "conservative."

In the end I provided Newt and his flip flopping positions... You can go off on Paul, or Obama all you like but it does not change what Newt is. If Newt wins the nomination and he could very well do that, get ready for one of the worse Presidential elections for Republicans in a looooong time... Yes, worse than McCain VS Obama..

Ron Paul--and while I agree with a lot of what he is about--is NOT ELECTABLE--because of ridiculous statements like he stated in the above video. "We were successful with Timothy McvVey"---we caught him after he slaughtered 160 people including babies--that's what he refers to as success?
Newt is clearly the smartest guy in the room. He's done excellent in the debates. He has accomplished alot while Speaker. But honestly, Im not sure I trust him more than I can throw him. Granted, i trust Obama even less, but honestly, i think I'd rather have Romney than Newt now.

Out of the Republican candidates, I think I'd trust Newt the least in regards to giving power back.

I don't know. I may change my mind still. This has been a tough campaign.
O.K. you're a Ron Paul supporter and now what you're saying here makes sense--except for one thing---:lol::lol:

You think Ron Paul is electable--and not Newt Gingrich---:lol::lol:

Paul, Gingrich Spar Over Patriot Act - YouTube

Here is Newt Gingrich wiping the floor with Ron Paul.

Yes, Paul understands the rule of law and Newt does not... What is your point? Newt = Neocon... Big Government liberal claiming to be a "conservative."

In the end I provided Newt and his flip flopping positions... You can go off on Paul, or Obama all you like but it does not change what Newt is. If Newt wins the nomination and he could very well do that, get ready for one of the worse Presidential elections for Republicans in a looooong time... Yes, worse than McCain VS Obama..

Ron Paul--and while I agree with a lot of what he is about--is NOT ELECTABLE--because of ridiculous statements like he stated in the above video. "We were successful with Timothy McvVey"---we caught him after he slaughtered 160 people including babies--that's what he refers to as success?

Paul talks about the “police state” as being bad.
Newt advocates “strengthening” the police state.
I literally can’t think how to break something so incredibly basic down to someone that can’t see it when it’s laid out so simply…
Newt said in that video “we are all in danger and it will last forever.” Then Newt says he wants to add more to the patriot act, the unconstitutional program that destroys our freedoms…

Now what??? That might be one of the biggest statements for a Government power grab I have ever heard in my fuckin life… If you support Newt in that idea you are literally the “anti American.” I mean you are exactly what the founding fathers warned us about… The people that will sell out their freedoms for the temporary illusion of safety.
Point n case. We have the patriot act… Yet it’s not enough…

Do you follow? Where does it end?

Here watch this video I just saw... You will like Obama in this one, it sounds like Newt lol.

[ame=]Obama- Preventive and Indefinite Detention - SAY WHAT???? Constitution rEVOLlution coming your way. - YouTube[/ame]
Newt is clearly the smartest guy in the room. He's done excellent in the debates. He has accomplished alot while Speaker. But honestly, Im not sure I trust him more than I can throw him. Granted, i trust Obama even less, but honestly, i think I'd rather have Romney than Newt now.

Out of the Republican candidates, I think I'd trust Newt the least in regards to giving power back.

I don't know. I may change my mind still. This has been a tough campaign.

I don't get it... How is that possible yet you don't trust him? What do people base the whole premise that Newt is the smartest person in the room? He has not said anything all that "smart." In fact the more he talks about his own ideas the more he looks like an ass and of course, the less we (you) trust him...

I could understand Newt coming off as the smartest guy in the room… But again, if he was smart, I'd trust he was not lying to me...
I find it interesting that he was paid that large sum BUT everyone fails to mention it was paid over about a 7 year period. They met on average once a month over nearly a decade. And Del lobbying is when you sales pitch to congress. He never did that.

and bill clinton never had sex with that woman.

Newt is clearly the smartest guy in the room. He's done excellent in the debates. He has accomplished alot while Speaker. But honestly, Im not sure I trust him more than I can throw him. Granted, i trust Obama even less, but honestly, i think I'd rather have Romney than Newt now.

Out of the Republican candidates, I think I'd trust Newt the least in regards to giving power back.

I don't know. I may change my mind still. This has been a tough campaign.

I don't get it... How is that possible yet you don't trust him? What do people base the whole premise that Newt is the smartest person in the room? He has not said anything all that "smart." In fact the more he talks about his own ideas the more he looks like an ass and of course, the less we (you) trust him...

I could understand Newt coming off as the smartest guy in the room… But again, if he was smart, I'd trust he was not lying to me...

Unfortunately, there isn't a correlation between honesty and inteligence.
I trust Romney the least. He's like a snake oil salesman.

And you can support Newt who is like 10 times more slick?

They are all snakes to some degree except maybe Paul. So what do you propose we do? I'm going to support the man who has a proven track record of being able to get things accomplished.

Yeah, but what if the things he accomplishes make things worse, you know, like Obama's accomplishments.

would you rather have someone you can trust to do the right thing?
And you can support Newt who is like 10 times more slick?

They are all snakes to some degree except maybe Paul. So what do you propose we do? I'm going to support the man who has a proven track record of being able to get things accomplished.

Yeah, but what if the things he accomplishes make things worse, you know, like Obama's accomplishments.

would you rather have someone you can trust to do the right thing?

I do trust him to do the right things. Will he do everything right or for the right reasons? Of course not. But neither will anyone else. No candidate is perfect.

Romney is a liberal. No thanks
Cain is doa
Santorum is full of hate
Bachmann is in over her head
Paul is nuts
Huntsman is a nobody
Newt has some flip flops
Perry can't articulate 2+2

They are all snakes to some degree except maybe Paul. So what do you propose we do? I'm going to support the man who has a proven track record of being able to get things accomplished.

Yeah, but what if the things he accomplishes make things worse, you know, like Obama's accomplishments.

would you rather have someone you can trust to do the right thing?

I do trust him to do the right things. Will he do everything right or for the right reasons? Of course not. But neither will anyone else. No candidate is perfect.

Romney is a liberal. No thanks
Cain is doa
Santorum is full of hate
Bachmann is in over her head
Paul is nuts
Huntsman is a nobody
Newt has some flip flops
Perry can't articulate 2+2


Newt is clearly the smartest guy in the room. He's done excellent in the debates. He has accomplished alot while Speaker. But honestly, Im not sure I trust him more than I can throw him. Granted, i trust Obama even less, but honestly, i think I'd rather have Romney than Newt now.

Out of the Republican candidates, I think I'd trust Newt the least in regards to giving power back.

I don't know. I may change my mind still. This has been a tough campaign.

I don't get it... How is that possible yet you don't trust him? What do people base the whole premise that Newt is the smartest person in the room? He has not said anything all that "smart." In fact the more he talks about his own ideas the more he looks like an ass and of course, the less we (you) trust him...

I could understand Newt coming off as the smartest guy in the room… But again, if he was smart, I'd trust he was not lying to me...

Unfortunately, there isn't a correlation between honesty and inteligence.

Look, I’m not trying to attack Newt on this as much as I don’t understand your thinking. If I thought someone was intelligent but then found out they were lying to me then wouldn’t that mean they were just a good liar, not intelligent on the subject?

In this case with Newt, if I feel Newt is intelligent, then find out he lied to me (and he has), wouldn’t that mean he was wrong about what he told me? You know, the stuff that once made me think Newt was intelligent? Even if I simply felt I couldn’t trust what a person or Newt was saying to me, then that by definition means their answer is wrong because at best they are simply regurgitating what they think I want to hear, not what they know to be true…
I find it interesting that he was paid that large sum BUT everyone fails to mention it was paid over about a 7 year period. They met on average once a month over nearly a decade. And Del lobbying is when you sales pitch to congress. He never did that.

Does anyone know feasibility study is? There are consultants all over this country--that are hired by towns, states--corporations--small business that are paid for their expertise on certain projects and issues.

For instance--my small town (city council) paid 400K for a feasibility study for a new Walmart--with Walmart splitting the cost on a feasibility study--as far as the cost of new infrastructure--estimates tax revenues and other items that are typically required to do. THE NON DISCLOSURE clause in all of these contracts are so the company that did the study cannot sell the same information to Target--that Walmart and city council paid for. There is nothing crooked about it.

New Gingrich was hired by Freddie Mac due to his expertise with government legislation and Freddie Mac sought out his companies advice on certain issues. HE NEVER approached a congressman or senator to influence their legislative voting powers--he simply advised Freddie Mac. The 1.6 million he received in GROSS sales--was during a 7 year period. He certainly wasn't the auditor for Freddie Mac. He was simply a private citizen giving his expertise to Freddie Mac along with Micro-soft and other corporations. A NON disclosure statement is standard with these type of contracts which protects both parties from release of information that may benefit others that DID NOT pay for the advice--or the study.

Furthermore in one released report from Freddie Mac--Gingrich states in the report that ASG'S needed more regulation. As a customer of the Gingrich group if I were a Freddie Mac executive--I would be fairly PISSED off that he put that in the report. In my opinion that took a lot of balls for Gingrich to write that in the Freddie Mac report.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are going to be on the war path against Gingrich--because he now states if elected he will dismantle both these agencies. And who better to do that than someone who knows their business model?
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Yeah, but what if the things he accomplishes make things worse, you know, like Obama's accomplishments.

would you rather have someone you can trust to do the right thing?

I do trust him to do the right things. Will he do everything right or for the right reasons? Of course not. But neither will anyone else. No candidate is perfect.

Romney is a liberal. No thanks
Cain is doa
Santorum is full of hate
Bachmann is in over her head
Paul is nuts
Huntsman is a nobody
Newt has some flip flops
Perry can't articulate 2+2



If you’re willing to criticize all the other candidates so harsh why not be honest and call Newt what he is? Newt = Liar/flip flopper.

Newt has been popular for a while five minutes and is flip flopping and lying more than Cain did, you know, the reasons you left supporting Cain? Not to mention Newt might be more liberal than Mitt, didn't you watch any of the vides I posted of Newt talking, all on his own?

There is no perfect candidate, but to chose the one that flat out lies to gain your trust is just silly dude.
They are all snakes to some degree except maybe Paul. So what do you propose we do? I'm going to support the man who has a proven track record of being able to get things accomplished.

Yeah, but what if the things he accomplishes make things worse, you know, like Obama's accomplishments.

would you rather have someone you can trust to do the right thing?

I do trust him to do the right things. Will he do everything right or for the right reasons? Of course not. But neither will anyone else. No candidate is perfect.

Romney is a liberal. No thanks
Cain is doa
Santorum is full of hate
Bachmann is in over her head
Paul is nuts
Huntsman is a nobody
Newt has some flip flops
Perry can't articulate 2+2


You call Romney a Liberal, oh yes, it was real liberal of him to take a state that was 3 billion dollars in deficit and turn that into a 2 billion surplus a short 4 years later without raising taxes. Now that's a real liberal position. And he did that in a deep, deep blue state with an 85% DEMOCRAT legislature.

Then he mandated a health insurance plan through THE PRIVATE SECTOR, where he FORCED people, even people on medicaid to pay for something for their health care. He did it because he beleives so thoroughly that what's not paid for is not respected or appreciated, in other words he believes in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY another liberal idea. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, but what if the things he accomplishes make things worse, you know, like Obama's accomplishments.

would you rather have someone you can trust to do the right thing?

I do trust him to do the right things. Will he do everything right or for the right reasons? Of course not. But neither will anyone else. No candidate is perfect.

Romney is a liberal. No thanks
Cain is doa
Santorum is full of hate
Bachmann is in over her head
Paul is nuts
Huntsman is a nobody
Newt has some flip flops
Perry can't articulate 2+2


You call Romney a Liberal, oh yes, it was real liberal of him to take a state that was 3 billion dollars in deficit and turn that into a 2 billion surplus a short 4 years later without raising taxes. Now that's a real liberal position. And he did that in a deep, deep blue state with an 85% DEMOCRAT legislature.

Then he mandated a health insurance plan through THE PRIVATE SECTOR, where he FORCED people, even people on medicaid to pay for something for their health care. He did it because he beleives so thoroughly that what's not paid for is not respected or appreciated, in other words he believes in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY another liberal idea. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well what the anti Romney people may have a problem with is. Mitt Romney couldn't even beat John McCain in 2008--Are you really ready to put Romney up against the best incumbent continual debater--campaigner--Rock Star status President in the history of the U.S. with someone who couldn't even beat John McCain?

I am not ready for that--I will take Newt Gingrich. Because I know that Obama would have to bring 10 teleprompters with him and Obama would still get his tail waxed in any debate with Newt Gingrich.
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i watched the first five minutes.

i heard lots of evasion, some condescension and a bunch of bullshit, including the gem that he only gave "strategic advice" and didn't lobby.

quite the load of shit. :thup:

thanks for sharing

What if he was there actually giving them strategic advice? With his background that would be plausible. What would you expect him to say?

Can you provide proof that it was anything different?

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