Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality'


Gothic Vampires
Nov 10, 2012
More than that, he blames the Republican party for fostering a corrosive culture that produced Romney as its candidate. The former House Speaker argued that the GOP has grown stale and introverted, putting itself on the wrong side of history on issues like immigration and painting itself into a corner on others, like gay marriage.

Romney's failed candidacy was just the latest illustration of this, the 69-year-old Gingrich said in hour-long interview that dealt, in large part, with the GOP’s problems and what he hopes to contribute to their solution.

"The momentum is clearly now in the direction in finding some way to ... accommodate and deal with reality. And the reality is going to be that in a number of American states -- and it will be more after 2014 -- gay relationships will be legal, period,"

"The reality is going to be that in a number of American states - and it will be more after 2014 - gay relationships will be legal, period," as reported in the Examiner.

SOURCE 1: Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality' : Law & Society : Lawyer Herald

SOURCE 2: Newt Gingrich Supports "Reality" Of State-Sanctioned Marriage Equality

SOURCE 3: Newt Gingrich On Mitt Romney: 'I Would Have Probably Done Better' Against Obama

Don't really have anything to add here... just want to know what you all think.
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

No it certainly don't. DERP!

As for Newt, what does anyone expect? He is no longer running and doesn't have to suck up to the morons that make up the "corrosive" GOP. I mean, you don't expect anyone with an IQ greater than 15 to believe that shit.

Gingrich is such a weasel. It's pretty funny. Stupid or not, kudos to the GOP for not falling for his bullshit again.
More than that, he blames the Republican party for fostering a corrosive culture that produced Romney as its candidate. The former House Speaker argued that the GOP has grown stale and introverted, putting itself on the wrong side of history on issues like immigration and painting itself into a corner on others, like gay marriage.

Romney's failed candidacy was just the latest illustration of this, the 69-year-old Gingrich said in hour-long interview that dealt, in large part, with the GOP’s problems and what he hopes to contribute to their solution.

"The momentum is clearly now in the direction in finding some way to ... accommodate and deal with reality. And the reality is going to be that in a number of American states -- and it will be more after 2014 -- gay relationships will be legal, period,"

"The reality is going to be that in a number of American states - and it will be more after 2014 - gay relationships will be legal, period," as reported in the Examiner.

SOURCE 1: Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality' : Law & Society : Lawyer Herald

SOURCE 2: Newt Gingrich Supports "Reality" Of State-Sanctioned Marriage Equality

SOURCE 3: Newt Gingrich On Mitt Romney: 'I Would Have Probably Done Better' Against Obama

Don't really have anything to add here... just want to know what you all think.

It’s hard to say with Gingrich, if he’s indeed seen the light of reason and justice.

Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.
More than that, he blames the Republican party for fostering a corrosive culture that produced Romney as its candidate. The former House Speaker argued that the GOP has grown stale and introverted, putting itself on the wrong side of history on issues like immigration and painting itself into a corner on others, like gay marriage.

Romney's failed candidacy was just the latest illustration of this, the 69-year-old Gingrich said in hour-long interview that dealt, in large part, with the GOP’s problems and what he hopes to contribute to their solution.

"The reality is going to be that in a number of American states - and it will be more after 2014 - gay relationships will be legal, period," as reported in the Examiner.

SOURCE 1: Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality' : Law & Society : Lawyer Herald

SOURCE 2: Newt Gingrich Supports "Reality" Of State-Sanctioned Marriage Equality

SOURCE 3: Newt Gingrich On Mitt Romney: 'I Would Have Probably Done Better' Against Obama

Don't really have anything to add here... just want to know what you all think.

It’s hard to say with Gingrich, if he’s indeed seen the light of reason and justice.

Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.

"Constitutional requirement" Because you say so. LOL! You lefties are so arrogant.
So, Gingrich takes another step closer to being conservative.

Good for him.

His baggage train is still too long for anyone to vote for him.

He should go back to teaching. It is what he does best.

It’s hard to say with Gingrich, if he’s indeed seen the light of reason and justice.

Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.

"Constitutional requirement" Because you say so. LOL! You lefties are so arrogant.

Actually, it has been more than one federal court that has said so.
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Do you really think Our Lord cares whether or not gay people get married?

Yes, I know that homosexuality is a sin. So, is eating pork. I love pork fried rice, like pork chops and a lot of pork. Eating seafood is a sin as well. I don't eat seafood, because I am allergic to it. But chances are you do. How about cutting your beard? Tatoos? I could go on with this, but I think you get the picture.

"The law" was designed for one purpose and one purpose only... to show us our need for a savior. We are all sinners. Every last one of us.

It would be best if no one sinned at all, but even if homosexuals over threw the sin of homosexuality, which has entrapped them, they would still continue to sin.

So, what is the answer? The answer is only the Grace of God and that alone. What can any of us do to escape sin?

Edit: I guess what I am trying to say is how do we know which side of sinners God is on or is he on either side?

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right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Jesus never said a word about it, as I recall.
Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.
Fudge packing isn't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

True story............:cool:
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Jesus never said a word about it, as I recall.

Revelations 22:14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life. 15 Outside the city are the dogs—the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.

(The translation for the word "dogs" is homosexuals)
Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.
Fudge packing isn't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

True story............:cool:

Neither is marriage, but the SCOTUS determined that "fudge packing" couldn't be legislated against AND they declared marriage a fundamental right. True story.
Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.
Fudge packing isn't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

True story............:cool:

Anything not mentioned is, therefore, permitted. It's the American way
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Jesus never said a word about it, as I recall.

Your recollections are correct he didn't. He had more to say about divorce than about same sex consenting adults. He did, however, talk about people who are "Eunuchs from birth" which many historians believe is how gay men were referred to. Jesus considered them a "gift from god".

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)
Marriage between a man and a woman was considered a normal part of society and did not need to be defined or included in the Constitution. :cool:
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Jesus never said a word about it, as I recall.

Your recollections are correct he didn't. He had more to say about divorce than about same sex consenting adults. He did, however, talk about people who are "Eunuchs from birth" which many historians believe is how gay men were referred to. Jesus considered them a "gift from god".

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)
You are baseline mentally ill.

The word eunuch was used to refer to men who had chosen celibacy over the carnal pleasures of the world.

But according to you, fudge packing is the way straight to heaven. :cuckoo: :badgrin:
Marriage between a man and a woman was considered a normal part of society and did not need to be defined or included in the Constitution. :cool:

Just one woman? According to the Bible, which was referenced constantly, that wasn't uncommon, but they didn't mention it either!

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