Newt Gingrich - RINO


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
- Freddie Mac lobbyist

- Supporter of ethanol

- Called Paul Ryan's budget "right-wing social engineering."

And now, he's for granting amnesty to illegal aliens. From the CNN debate

In a statement likely to resonate beyond the debate, Mr. Gingrich also advocated a program that would allow immigrants who have been in the country illegally for years to gain legal status but not citizenship.

"I want to be tough, but I'm not willing to kid people," the former House speaker said on CNN after the debate. "I can't imagine any serious person in this country that wants to tear families apart that have been here for 20 years." Texas Gov. Rick Perry lost his perch atop the polls after adopting a sympathetic approach to illegal immigrants during a September debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls for Regime Change in Iran -

Newt's moving to broaden his support.

Clever. Clever.
In all fairness, what politicians isn't a lobbyist whore? Pelosi, Feinstein, Corzine....etc
Furthermore, why are you claiming Newt was strictly a lobbyist
I believe Newt corrected himself with the Ryan plan.

Your comments are part of fabian socialist hit pieces in this country.......the current potus seems used that in his bag of tricks. ie supporting ows and pointing blame on the 1% who back his campaign.
- Freddie Mac lobbyist

- Supporter of ethanol

- Called Paul Ryan's budget "right-wing social engineering."

And now, he's for granting amnesty to illegal aliens. From the CNN debate

In a statement likely to resonate beyond the debate, Mr. Gingrich also advocated a program that would allow immigrants who have been in the country illegally for years to gain legal status but not citizenship.

"I want to be tough, but I'm not willing to kid people," the former House speaker said on CNN after the debate. "I can't imagine any serious person in this country that wants to tear families apart that have been here for 20 years." Texas Gov. Rick Perry lost his perch atop the polls after adopting a sympathetic approach to illegal immigrants during a September debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls for Regime Change in Iran -

Newt's moving to broaden his support.

Clever. Clever.

Yes, it's a smart move. He won that point and Romney lost. Is it enough to win him Latino support? Doubtful.
I want the Mexicans out of this country more then 99 percent of this board, but the political class within this country's at the leadership level, DON"T. As long as we have the congress; with solid members that care about us and our vote, there won't be amnesty. Don't you people understand that both Bush and Obama wanted Amnesty? Never got it because the congress couldn't pass one for them...With a president Gingrich we will just have to get enough of the senate and house to make sure he doesn't get what he wants.

Remember, a large part of the republican party supports amnesty and the dream act. Hell, they led the charge under George w Bush...So this isn't suprising at all.

The thing is Newt is far to the right on most issues then Obama. Still the best choice, even through if he was a king or dictator would grant amnesty. Thank god he is only running for president. He isn't a rino...If Not newt, who? Only Paul, Bachmann left worth voting for!
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- Freddie Mac lobbyist

- Supporter of ethanol

- Called Paul Ryan's budget "right-wing social engineering."

And now, he's for granting amnesty to illegal aliens. From the CNN debate

In a statement likely to resonate beyond the debate, Mr. Gingrich also advocated a program that would allow immigrants who have been in the country illegally for years to gain legal status but not citizenship.

"I want to be tough, but I'm not willing to kid people," the former House speaker said on CNN after the debate. "I can't imagine any serious person in this country that wants to tear families apart that have been here for 20 years." Texas Gov. Rick Perry lost his perch atop the polls after adopting a sympathetic approach to illegal immigrants during a September debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls for Regime Change in Iran -

Newt's moving to broaden his support.

Clever. Clever.

wow, the Romney-bots are now attacking Newt...

Perry faltered because he explained his position (which was quite sensible) poorly.

Frankly, the GOP needs to really confront the racists in their party, because only about 1% of the population lives in mortal fear a Mexican might date their daughter.

The GOP is not going to win without improving its position amongst Hispanics. That's a dead issue for Romney, for Pete's Sake. His hypocrisy on this issue is manifest, from using immigration bashing to best Perry to hiring illegals to do his lawn work. Oh, yeah, and his whacky cult thinks dark skin is a curse from God.


Cursed by God, apparently!

Let's break down the numbers, shall we. Bush-43 (Jesus, I'm using Dubya as a good example?) manifestly resisted the haters in the party. He still lost Hispanics overall, but he got a respectable 44% of their vote. John McCain initially tried to do the right thing, but in the quest for the nomination, he strated to embrace the Minuteman position. As a result, he got only 31% of the Hispanic vote.
I want the Mexicans out of this country more then 99 percent of this board, but the political class within this country within leadership, DON"T. As long as we have the congress, NO amnesty will be passed. Don't you people understand that both Bush and Obama wanted Amnesty? Never got it because the congress couldn't pass one for them...With a president Gingrich we will just have to get enough of the senate and house to make sure he doesn't get what he wants.

Remember, a large part of the republican party supports amnesty and the dream act. Hell, they led the charge under George w Bush...So this isn't suprising at all.

The thing is Newt is far to the right on most issues then Obama. Still the best choice, even through if he was a king or dictator would grant amnesty. Thank god he is only running for president. He isn't a rino...If Not newt, who? Only Paul, Bachmann left worth voting for!

Explain California and moonbeam decision. In Browns action, it's an attempt to drawn in voters for liberals plain and simple and it's a complete lie state otherwise when he passed the bill. It further is a magnet as stated in the debate to why illegals come here is based on the welfare benefits as passed by law by Brown and liberals in California..Brown's sig on the bill.
I want the Mexicans out of this country more then 99 percent of this board, but the political class within this country's at the leadership level, DON"T. As long as we have the congress; with solid members that care about us and our vote, there won't be amnesty. Don't you people understand that both Bush and Obama wanted Amnesty? Never got it because the congress couldn't pass one for them...With a president Gingrich we will just have to get enough of the senate and house to make sure he doesn't get what he wants.

Remember, a large part of the republican party supports amnesty and the dream act. Hell, they led the charge under George w Bush...So this isn't suprising at all.

The thing is Newt is far to the right on most issues then Obama. Still the best choice, even through if he was a king or dictator would grant amnesty. Thank god he is only running for president. He isn't a rino...If Not newt, who? Only Paul, Bachmann left worth voting for!

I think that amnesty was halted with the illness and subsequent death of Ted Kennedy. They need a powerful voice in congress to get it going again. I don't believe Newt is that voice, he probably doesn't even mean what he was saying so you all can continue to support him.
- Freddie Mac lobbyist

- Supporter of ethanol

- Called Paul Ryan's budget "right-wing social engineering."

And now, he's for granting amnesty to illegal aliens. From the CNN debate

In a statement likely to resonate beyond the debate, Mr. Gingrich also advocated a program that would allow immigrants who have been in the country illegally for years to gain legal status but not citizenship.

"I want to be tough, but I'm not willing to kid people," the former House speaker said on CNN after the debate. "I can't imagine any serious person in this country that wants to tear families apart that have been here for 20 years." Texas Gov. Rick Perry lost his perch atop the polls after adopting a sympathetic approach to illegal immigrants during a September debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls for Regime Change in Iran -

Newt's moving to broaden his support.

Clever. Clever.

wow, the Romney-bots are now attacking Newt...

Perry faltered because he explained his position (which was quite sensible) poorly.

Frankly, the GOP needs to really confront the racists in their party, because only about 1% of the population lives in mortal fear a Mexican might date their daughter.

The GOP is not going to win without improving its position amongst Hispanics. That's a dead issue for Romney, for Pete's Sake. His hypocrisy on this issue is manifest, from using immigration bashing to best Perry to hiring illegals to do his lawn work. Oh, yeah, and his whacky cult thinks dark skin is a curse from God.


Cursed by God, apparently!

Let's break down the numbers, shall we. Bush-43 (Jesus, I'm using Dubya as a good example?) manifestly resisted the haters in the party. He still lost Hispanics overall, but he got a respectable 44% of their vote. John McCain initially tried to do the right thing, but in the quest for the nomination, he strated to embrace the Minuteman position. As a result, he got only 31% of the Hispanic vote.

cursed by boob job.
Here is a vid from Los Angeles proclaiming the take over of Azlan and use racial rhetoric...hearing redneck...nation of aztlan.....white racist who are discriminate..etc

This fascism at its best demanding territory within our borders; taking place withing the sanctuary city of Los Angeles.
[ame=]The Nation of Aztlan - YouTube[/ame]
I think that amnesty was halted with the illness and subsequent death of Ted Kennedy. They need a powerful voice in congress to get it going again. I don't believe Newt is that voice, he probably doesn't even mean what he was saying so you all can continue to support him.

Amnesty was stopped because Americans don't want it. Even Obama brags about how he's deported more people than Bush did.

They remember the last time it was tried, by that ultra-liberal Ronald Reagan. Give the ones already here amnesty, and tighten down the border enforcement.

So we gave amnesty to 3 million illegals and ended up with 20 million more.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Now, that said, I think that there should be a path for citizenship to the ones who have worked hard and otherwise not committed any other crimes. But not until we have the border secured and workplace verification as foolproof.

Liberal are afraid once we've done those things, we won't come through with the Amnesty, we'll just throw them all out.
The GOP is not going to win without improving its position amongst Hispanics. That's a dead issue for Romney, for Pete's Sake. His hypocrisy on this issue is manifest, from using immigration bashing to best Perry to hiring illegals to do his lawn work. Oh, yeah, and his whacky cult thinks dark skin is a curse from God.


Cursed by God, apparently!

Let's break down the numbers, shall we. Bush-43 (Jesus, I'm using Dubya as a good example?) manifestly resisted the haters in the party. He still lost Hispanics overall, but he got a respectable 44% of their vote. John McCain initially tried to do the right thing, but in the quest for the nomination, he strated to embrace the Minuteman position. As a result, he got only 31% of the Hispanic vote.

cursed by boob job.

They look real to me..
Great headline:

Newt Gingrich Falls Into The Immigrant Compassion Trap
The GOP is not going to win without improving its position amongst Hispanics. That's a dead issue for Romney, for Pete's Sake. His hypocrisy on this issue is manifest, from using immigration bashing to best Perry to hiring illegals to do his lawn work. Oh, yeah, and his whacky cult thinks dark skin is a curse from God.


Cursed by God, apparently!

Let's break down the numbers, shall we. Bush-43 (Jesus, I'm using Dubya as a good example?) manifestly resisted the haters in the party. He still lost Hispanics overall, but he got a respectable 44% of their vote. John McCain initially tried to do the right thing, but in the quest for the nomination, he strated to embrace the Minuteman position. As a result, he got only 31% of the Hispanic vote.

cursed by boob job.

They look real to me..

look again.
- Freddie Mac lobbyist

- Supporter of ethanol

- Called Paul Ryan's budget "right-wing social engineering."

And now, he's for granting amnesty to illegal aliens. From the CNN debate

In a statement likely to resonate beyond the debate, Mr. Gingrich also advocated a program that would allow immigrants who have been in the country illegally for years to gain legal status but not citizenship.

"I want to be tough, but I'm not willing to kid people," the former House speaker said on CNN after the debate. "I can't imagine any serious person in this country that wants to tear families apart that have been here for 20 years." Texas Gov. Rick Perry lost his perch atop the polls after adopting a sympathetic approach to illegal immigrants during a September debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls for Regime Change in Iran -

Newt's moving to broaden his support.

Clever. Clever.

wow, the Romney-bots are now attacking Newt...

Perry faltered because he explained his position (which was quite sensible) poorly.

Frankly, the GOP needs to really confront the racists in their party, because only about 1% of the population lives in mortal fear a Mexican might date their daughter.

I guess the Bush family has because they have hispanics in their family.

I wonder who the racists are in the GOP. Are they the former Southern Democrats that the left keeps saying have drifted over to the GOP, or are they NASCAR fans that booed Michelle Obama. Folks that nobody took the time to ask who they voted for in the last election?

I live in the South. Some of the worst Red-necks I know voted Democrat in the last election. Their Great Grandaddy voted Democrat, their Grand Daddy voted Democrat, their Daddy voted Democrat, and God Dammit so will they. They don't care if some skinny commie prick is the front-runner, they'll always vote Democrat. Almost every one of them knows all of the drivers in NASCAR by name.

I asked some of these folks why they insist on voting for a Democrat. The nearly universal answer seemed to be that the GOP is for the rich. These are the same folks that don't want their daughters dating a black or even associating with anyone who's friends with blacks.

Fact is most of the racists in this country vote Democrat. Most of them are African-Americans who vote for skin color above all else. Just as many of them are Southern Blue-Dog Democrats that regardless of the issue will continue to vote Democrat. And as long as they continue to vote that way nobody is gonna say "We need to do something about all of the racists in the Democrat Party".
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Unbelieveable how many one world, one race and free trade people are on this board. I guess it's somehow wrong to wish to keep ones nation a first world nation of ones culture(American culture). You all just support the plans of the transnationalist without thinking about what it will do to this nation and our very civilization. I'm against turning it into a third world country. It is pure insanity.

The globalist done a damn good job!
Unbelieveable how many one world, one race and free trade people are on this board. I guess it's somehow wrong to wish to keep ones nation a first world nation of ones culture(American culture). You all just support the plans of the transnationalist without thinking about what it will do to this nation and our very civilization. I'm against turning it into a third world country. It is pure insanity.

The globalist done a damn good job!

I'm against free trade. I'd prefer fair trade. (We should only openly trade with countries that have our wages, environmental and safety protections.)

But I have never been thrilled with the angry hatred that a very slim fraction of the GOP has for hispanic immigrants. Maybe because I've dated hispanic women, maybe because my own late father was an immigrant.

We have a group immigrating in, there's hate against them, we get over it as a nation, they blend in, and everyone looks back at it with a bit of embarrassment.
Unbelieveable how many one world, one race and free trade people are on this board. I guess it's somehow wrong to wish to keep ones nation a first world nation of ones culture(American culture). You all just support the plans of the transnationalist without thinking about what it will do to this nation and our very civilization. I'm against turning it into a third world country. It is pure insanity.

The globalist done a damn good job!

If you want to live in a pure racial country move to China or Mexico. Mexico has laws that assure racial purity. China.....well, need I say more?.

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