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Next Tea Party Targets


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Next Tea Party Targets

After conservative upsets in Indiana and Nebraska, these GOP senators should fear primary challenges in 2014

Lindsey Graham (South Carolina): Graham, a long-time irritant to national conservative leaders, is the face of the compromise-friendly approach to governing that the GOP base is revolting against. And South Carolina is arguably ground zero for the Tea Party revolt, home of Sen. Jim DeMint and the “four horsemen” quartet of true believer House freshmen. Any of them could be a viable primary foe against Graham (and one of them, Trey Gowdy, already beat an incumbent, then-Rep. Bob Inglis, by 42 points in a 2010 primary). Graham has said he expects to get a primary challenge, which seems inarguable.

Saxby Chambliss (Georgia): Chambliss, too, says he expects a primary. His voting record is reliably conservative (a career mark of over 90 percent from the ACU), but he was part of the bipartisan Gang of 6 deficit reduction negotiations last year and argued that tax increases had “to be part of the mix.”

Lamar Alexander (Tennessee): His reputation as a moderate has never quite matched up with his voting record, but the 71-year-old Alexander seems cut from the same cloth as Lugar – collegial manner, lots of talk of cooperation with the other side, occasional breaks with party orthodoxy, and a voting record that’s reliably Republican overall. But his age, his image, and his decades in state and national politics (he was governor from 1979 to 1987 and ran for president in 1996 and 2000) make him particularly vulnerable to an anti-establishment uprising. Alexander could take some consolation from the fact that his fellow Tennessee senator, Bob Corker, escaped a serious primary challenge this year.

Mitch McConnell (Kentucky): One of McConnell’s biggest humiliations came in 2010, when he threw his vaunted home state political operation behind Trey Grayson, only to watch his protégé lose the GOP Senate primary to Rand Paul. A five-term incumbent, the 70-year-old McConnell reeks of Washington insiderdom, so there’s plenty of speculation that he’ll be a primary season target. But there’s good news for McConnell: Paul is now on board with his ’14 reelection effort, and other veterans of Paul’s ’10 campaign are sending similar signals. For now, McConnell seems to be in good shape, but as the Senate’s GOP leader, there’s always a chance his fingerprints will end up on a legislative compromise that infuriates the base.

Pat Roberts (Kansas): He’s old (76) and has been on Capitol Hill for 32 years – the first 16 in the House and the last 16 in the Senate. He’s also a quiet, behind-the-scenes player whose voting record is only now evolving to synch up with the GOP base’s prevailing mood. It wouldn’t be too hard for an opponent to portray Roberts as a tired insider with Potomac Fever. Plus, the Kansas Republican Party is unusually prone to civil war. Roberts could provide an inviting target for, say, Kris Kobach, the youthful Kansas secretary of state who has become the leading national voice of the anti-immigration right.


More at the link.
I am pretty sure Roberts has said he won't be running again.

McConeel just needs to go.
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It takes more than the Tea Party to get this done.

They can spin up a candidate....but the candidate has to look reasonable. And please spare me the Delware mess. The choises were terrible. Nevada wasn't all that bad for a while...Angle actually looked good for a while....but then she went off the deep end.
Just more right wing cleansing.

Sorry Flopper, it not "just" a cleansing- it's an awakening. Conservatives need to stop compromising and stick to their principles. If the ones we've elected won't do it, we'll replace them until we find people that will.
In Kansas, the big thing is the stupid right to life hysteria. If Roberts wasn't a fanatic on that account it might draw fire.

Kobach ran heavily on that when we ran for the 3rd congressional district seat. His fight with Taft (I think) was so stupid that by the time he reached the general...he was spent.
Just more right wing cleansing.

Sorry Flopper, it not "just" a cleansing- it's an awakening. Conservatives need to stop compromising and stick to their principles. If the ones we've elected won't do it, we'll replace them until we find people that will.

You may not have a Party by then.

That's what they said in 2010. And we were a mess.....and we still kicked ass.

What does that say about the demobrats.
Just more right wing cleansing.

Sorry Flopper, it not "just" a cleansing- it's an awakening. Conservatives need to stop compromising and stick to their principles. If the ones we've elected won't do it, we'll replace them until we find people that will.

You may not have a Party by then.

I am willing to take that chance. If I saw a child drowning I would jump in the water and do anything I could to try and save the child. I wouldn't worry about ruining my shoes or getting my wallet wet. I feel the same way about my country.
Dont forget Orrin Hatch.
Yes, because Orrin Hatch, of Utah, isn't conservative enough for the fringers.

You may not have a Party by then.

That's what they said in 2010. And we were a mess.....and we still kicked ass.

What does that say about the demobrats.

You weren't "a mess" - you were all organized and riled up from all your town hall hijackings.

Democrats stayed home, out of disappointment in Obama going along with discredited Republican policies.

If the ones we've elected won't do it, we'll replace them until we find people that will.

You may not have a Party by then.

I am willing to take that chance. If I saw a child drowning I would jump in the water and do anything I could to try and save the child. I wouldn't worry about ruining my shoes or getting my wallet wet. I feel the same way about my country.

You don't fool me. :lol:
Just more right wing cleansing.

Sorry Flopper, it not "just" a cleansing- it's an awakening. Conservatives need to stop compromising and stick to their principles. If the ones we've elected won't do it, we'll replace them until we find people that will.

You may not have a Party by then.

You don't really think anyone really believes you care whether the Republicans have a party at the end of the year, do you?

They fact that you are encouraging us not to do this, says we should.
Yeah...Mitch isn't in any trouble in Kentucky. He's a pretty dependable conservative...other than a couple mistakes like supporting ethanol. And since Kentucky is an agriculture state...it's not going to kill him. Besides, I have a feeling he'll retire as soon as he's sure republicans have a solid replacement for him or clear majority in the senate anyway. He's a good soldier!

By the way, we just had our primary here in Kentucky today. Romney won with 66% of the republican vote. We do not have open voting. Have to vote the way you register.

Anyway Romney got 66% and the other 34% was spread out among Newt, Paul and the rest.

Interestingly, the democrat presidential primary was held here today as well. What's interesting is that although more than twice as many new republicans registered to vote than new democrats in Kentucky this year, about 20% more democrats turned out to vote than republicans in the primary today.

What is REALLY interesting is that Obama...just BARLEY won even though he was running unopposed!!!

Seriously, you can vote uncommitted in Kentucky and 43% of DEMOCRATS voted uncommitted...basically, none of the above over Obama. LOL

Only about 5% of republicans voted none of the above. So although turnout was low...for obvious reasons as the race is already over...they all know who they have to beat. Not so much for democrats. I'm guessing that democrats aren't counting on a win in Kentucky for Obummer. ;~)
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Wingnuts like to talk a good story, and some of them probably even believe their own twisted fantascies. Here is a good example:

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights
Want to know something about civil rights? Here is all you need to know. Abraham Lincoln....REPUBLICAN! Dr. Martin Luther King.....REPUBLICAN! Strom Thurmond...DEMOCRAT!!!

But hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good story....right?

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