*NFL Hiring Crooks And Killers*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Day in day out more and more NFL players are being cast into jails around this nation.
2. Seems they hire a huge amount of killers and crooks.
3. NFL used to have a good reputation.
4. Now they just have a bunch of jail bound losers playing.
5. No wonder I stopped watching them after Tom Landry got shit canned, all down hill after that!
Link:CBS News: 27 NFL Players Arrested Since Super Bowl « CBS Connecticut

"CBS News reports that 27 players have been arrested since the Super Bowl on Feb. 3. Just over the past two days alone two players are facing murder charges. New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was charged Wednesday with first-degree murder in the death of Odin Lloyd while Cleveland Browns rookie Ausar Walcott was charged with attempted murder Monday......"

6. Sad such a good game has gone to hell.

So 27 out of 1696 players makes the whole thing going down hill....interesting...oh and I am basing that off the fact a final roster can have 53 players...32 teams so...
Money, fame, and testosterone mixed with questionable intelligence is volatile.
You all are just butthurt that the Redskins are getting ready to start their dynasty this year. Enjoy the rest of your summer motherfuckers

Democrats held hearings about steroid use in baseball and they got pretty good press. How come nobody looks into the possibility that the rest of pro sports might rely on muscle pumping personality altering drugs?
You all are just butthurt that the Redskins are getting ready to start their dynasty this year. Enjoy the rest of your summer motherfuckers

What the fuck are you talking about. I was born, and raised in DC motherfucker!
You all are just butthurt that the Redskins are getting ready to start their dynasty this year. Enjoy the rest of your summer motherfuckers

What the fuck are you talking about. I was born, and raised in DC motherfucker!

Fuuuuuck yea son!!! Rak's back, Alf, D Hall, London Fletcher, Pierre's healthy, Fred Davis, and R... G... I...I...I... !!!!!!!!!!!

We can both celebrate in just a few short months!
They're BIG and powerful men. This means that they're mostly thugs that love to hurt people....

This is reality.

You are a moron. Talk about some generalization. Jesus tap dancing christ.I bet Tim Tebow is a real violent guy...eh? Peyton and Eli Manning? Matt Ryan? Tom Brady? Give me a fuckin break. We get it you don't like football but you also have no clue as to what you are talking about.
Sorry bout that,

1. Day in and day out they get cast into jails.
2. That should tell the thinking man something.


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