NFL Owners Colin Kaepernick & Charlottesville

I see your problem. You think the NFL is a company that hires people to fill quotas. Nope.

The NFL hires people based on performance. Period.

Kaepernick was good, but not good enough. .... :cool:
There are LESSER skilled players than him currently gainfully employed by the NFL.

Try again.
You're too fucking stupid.

IT'S A BUSINESS, and that dumbass ungrateful prick was killing their opportunity to increase profits.
The only thing that matters.

That dumbfuck was too stupid to realize his talent =/= the controversy his mouth created.

You must be as stupid as him to not see the obvious. Plenty of stupid wife beating blacks still have jobs in the NFL. Know why? Not because of some other stupid whiney ass black dumbass like you protested but because their talent fills the seats more than their mouth emptied them.

You idiots really are too stupid for your own good.
The seats are going to be emptied regardless.

The NFL is being blackballed right now.

Sometimes you have to do what is right, and the NFL has done what was expedient.

They gon' learn today.

They did what was right when they refused to sign his punk ass.

Fuck Kapernick
For the team owners, it's only about who'll make them money. The spoiled half-black half-wit costs the team money when his antics drive away fans.
They did what was right when they refused to sign his punk ass.

Fuck Kapernick
Why are you so angry as to be reduced to spittle-flecked, vain popping, cussword shouting?

Is what he did THAT upsetting to you? Really?
If Kapernick was good enough, he would be signed and playing for team already. Coaches and owners are not willing to sign a meh player that comes with a lot of distractions for the team.
They did what was right when they refused to sign his punk ass.

Fuck Kapernick
Why are you so angry as to be reduced to spittle-flecked, vain popping, cussword shouting?

Is what he did THAT upsetting to you? Really?
I always cuss dumbass. You've been here long enough to know that.
Doesn't change the fact that you see entitlement rather than a for profit business decision.

You're not very smart
Pastor Dowell put it really nicely, breaking down the ills of American society...

but he has to understand that Colin Kaepernick was paid to take that stand. He quit the team. And no job doesn't like anyone whom quits on them. To me, that it seems as if the cause that he was fighting isn't over. And so why would anyone would hired someone that they know that they are going to quit on them. He should wait until the struggle is over. Him and his girlfriend whom is a member of the BLM organization, has gotten paid by Soros. If the struggle was finished, then I understand why he coming back to play. And now Soros flunky spike Lee is supporting Colin protest, but he will not be at the protest for Colin. To me, that it sounds as if someone handed Spike Lee some money to start the protest.
Someone needs to beat the living hell out of that adult diaper wearing bastard, Soros. He is getting on everyone's nerves. For right now, someone needs to tell Colin to go down to the gay clubs and polished cucumbers for money.
I just discovered him like a week or two ago.
I agree with some stuff he says, disagree with some other stuff he says.
I have listened to him several times. Sometimes he makes good points, while other times he goes into far left field.

When he started comparing NFL team owners to slave masters. I turned the video off.

Far as I know, no slave master ever paid their plantation slaves millions of dollars to pick cotton. ..... :cool:
I'd rather see the NFL hire great players who can also be role models. He doesn't meet either expectation!
Kaepernick just isn't that good of a player.

NFL teams would be fighting to sign him if they thought he could win the Superbowl. .... :cool:
Not a worthy excuse.

There's tons of much lesser players than him gainfully employed.

Try again.

Like who? Colin has been an awful QB for the past three years. Not mediocre...AWFUL! If he wasn't do you think they would have canned him in San Francisco to bring in someone like Brian Hoyer? He might make it as a back up somewhere because he's got NFL experience but who needs a backup player who brings that kind of controversy into the locker room?
Should any of us be surprised the op, a leftist, is too stupid to understand how capitalism & for profit businesses work?

It's truly astonishing to know there are full grown, mature adults, this stupid in our country.
I see your problem. You think the NFL is a company that hires people to fill quotas. Nope.

The NFL hires people based on performance. Period.

Kaepernick was good, but not good enough. .... :cool:
There are LESSER skilled players than him currently gainfully employed by the NFL.

Try again.

Kaepernick isn't worth the veteran minimum and that is the bottom line and then you have his baggage to figure into the equation? I would take Tim Tebow over Kaepernick any day of the week.

I wouldn't stand for the national anthem or place my hand over my heart for the corporate banner of USA.INC either...... but our reasons vastly differ.
trumpanzees liked it a lot better when the NFL held all these patriotic pre-game extravaganzas....and then charged the military for them.

This is the kind of maturity we have come to expect on this board. To stupid to talk like an adult yet wants to participate in an adult discussion.

As dumb as the op
Pastor Dowell put it really nicely, breaking down the ills of American society...

I made it through 3 minutes and the man boobed idiot did not say ANYTHING. Can you post the point at which the moron who thinks he is a Jew says something meaningful?
Pastor Dowell put it really nicely, breaking down the ills of American society...

I made it through 3 minutes and the man boobed idiot did not say ANYTHING. Can you post the point at which the moron who thinks he is a Jew says something meaningful?

Knowing the op my guess would be at the point at which the man in the video linked Kapernicks situation to the evil white boogeyman

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