(NFTSD) An empirical test for Christian belief!!


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
Maybe one cannot test for the existance of God---but one maybe able to measure the depths of another belief in Jesus.

According to Mark 16

..And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

If we are to take Jesus words as true and literal, there should exist a method to distinguish believers of the Christ from people that pretend to be believers. All we have to do is poison them!!

Of course, we will not poison them so much as to kill them, just enough to see if an adverse effect takes place. Thus I have come up with an idea for an empirical test for proclaimed holders of the christian faith! The idea is to create a toxin that, when taken in small doses, will not kill a man, but will produce some kind of physical attribute in humans if they are susceptible to the poison. Using my hypothesis and the claim of Jesus in Mark 16, the toxin will have no effects on True believers, and gradually the effects will become noticable in people of weaker faith until we reach a level of non-belief.

Considering that we can use Jesus's words to distinguish true believers and lovers of the word from charlatan and misled sheep, think of all the people we can help free from madmen and Jim Jones type if we were able to market such a test. Think about all those people that can escape purgatory if such an idicator of weak faith in the believer exist!

In fact, if it could be made into a simple test on the blood itself, we could sell devices as small as a One-Touch meter. We could call it the empirical Faith check.

What do you think about such an idea? All comments welcomed.

(By the way--NFSTD stands for "Not for the Seriously Devout" Since it is those that are most devouted to an idea that will take offense to my suggestions and ideas posted in this thread)
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Come to Jolo WV and you will find many people willing to drink your poison and even let snakes bite them and no harm will come to them.

I have seen it with my own eyes. Its pretty amazing stuff.
Or you could just do the test that Christ suggested (paraphrasing) - Follow His doctrine and you will know whether it's of the Father or not.
I don't know about that one Avatar. Someone could be led to believe they are following Christ, but actually is following Ol'Satan down the fiery road of everlasting Death.

.........And all the time thinking "This is of the father" because they do not know exactly what to look for!!
Lots of poisonous snakes down here. I'd be happy to donate them to the cause of identifying true religion.
Maybe one cannot test for the existance of God---but one maybe able to measure the depths of another belief in Jesus.

According to Mark 16

..And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

If we are to take Jesus words as true and literal, there should exist a method to distinguish believers of the Christ from people that pretend to be believers. All we have to do is poison them!!

Of course, we will not poison them so much as to kill them, just enough to see if an adverse effect takes place. Thus I have come up with an idea for an empirical test for proclaimed holders of the christian faith! The idea is to create a toxin that, when taken in small doses, will not kill a man, but will produce some kind of physical attribute in humans if they are susceptible to the poison. Using my hypothesis and the claim of Jesus in Mark 16, the toxin will have no effects on True believers, and gradually the effects will become noticable in people of weaker faith until we reach a level of non-belief.

Considering that we can use Jesus's words to distinguish true believers and lovers of the word from charlatan and misled sheep, think of all the people we can help free from madmen and Jim Jones type if we were able to market such a test. Think about all those people that can escape purgatory if such an idicator of weak faith in the believer exist!

In fact, if it could be made into a simple test on the blood itself, we could sell devices as small as a One-Touch meter. We could call it the empirical Faith check.

What do you think about such an idea? All comments welcomed.

(By the way--NFSTD stands for "Not for the Seriously Devout" Since it is those that are most devouted to an idea that will take offense to my suggestions and ideas posted in this thread)

Jesus was telling his 11 Deciples that...not saying it to ALL people! Of course you only are showing PART of Mark 16, before this statement it tells us he was talking to his deciples. He was telling them they would be protected from everything while they spread the word. Nice job only picking out the part you wanted.....
Jesus was telling his 11 Deciples that...not saying it to ALL people! Of course you only are showing PART of Mark 16, before this statement it tells us he was talking to his deciples. He was telling them they would be protected from everything while they spread the word. Nice job only picking out the part you wanted.....

So, you don't consider yourself a follower/disciple of Christ?
Dear AC:
Just ask people if they believe in
retributive justice
restorative justice.
If they believe in the power of forgiveness to heal relationships.

That will separate the sheep from the goats

using this standard
I've found out that one of my atheist friends
is a believer in restorative justice/forgivine grace
or the equivalent of Christ Jesus/Holy Spirit

and some of my friends who claim to respect God and Christ
don't quit get the full message of Christ Jesus

even one or two of my Muslim friends gets
Restorative Justice, but my other Muslim friends don't get any connection with Christianity

so some people you think reject God and Christ are closer in spirit
and some people who think they get it don't live by what the laws mean
Jesus was telling his 11 Deciples that...not saying it to ALL people! Of course you only are showing PART of Mark 16, before this statement it tells us he was talking to his deciples. He was telling them they would be protected from everything while they spread the word. Nice job only picking out the part you wanted.....

So, you don't consider yourself a follower/disciple of Christ?

The Disciples AT THAT TIME! Yes, i am a follower of Christ. He was talking only of the Disciples that were with him THEN. It would be pretty stupid for me to "think" i'm a disciple when God hasn't told me i am, and drinking poison to "test" Him. You don't test God, he tests YOU.

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