NH GOP lawmaker heckles Hillary Clinton over Bill Clinton's sex scandals

'This time she's not smiling' reads another headline....

Faced with a woman exposing her despicable past that includes villainizing, bullying, threatening, silencing, and using investigators to dig up information to use against Bill's victims of sexual harassment, rape, and numerous affairs, Hillary responded with the most appropriate, vicious, comeback she could think of:

"You are very rude, and I'm not ever going to call on you. Thank you."

Yeah, THAT will shut that bitch up and completely end all discussion about how Hillary's past proves that her claim now to be such a staunch defender / champion of women is nothing but pure, self-serving, political-enhancing horse hockey!


Hillary Clinton heckled by NH lawmaker over Bill Clinton's sex scandals - CNNPolitics.com
She should have told the crowd to rough them up

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