Nightmare in the workers paradise


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Marxist rhetoric with its promise of a classless society and dignity for the workers sounds great in theory until you have a pistol at the back of your head. For these Americans, naiveté was fatal.

Nightmare in the workers paradise

By Tim Tzouliadis
Author, The Forsaken

It was the least heralded migration in American history.

At the height of the Depression, several thousand American emigrants left New York on the decks of passenger liners waving goodbye to the Statue of Liberty, bound for Leningrad.
Over 100,000 Americans had applied for jobs working in brand new factories in Soviet Russia, ironically built for Stalin by famous American industrialists such as Henry Ford.
Those American emigrants who entered the "workers' paradise" were certain that they were leaving the misery of unemployment and poverty behind them. They considered themselves fortunate.
Their optimism would prove to be short-lived. Most were stripped of their American passports soon after their arrival.
Considered suspect by Stalin's paranoid totalitarian state, the foreigners were swept away in the Terror.

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BBC - Today
You have to wonder what the hell was going on in the FDR administration for the first three terms in office for the old socialist. Under FDR's leadership in 1932 the recession turned into a soup line, bodies in ditches "great depression" for the next eight years until WW2.. Foreign policy was a joke and the Brits were shocked that there was no national intelligence agency but rather a hodge podge of competing amateur military attempts at analyzing threats to the U.S. . Communists were running for office and heavily recruiting candidates to Stalin's worker's paradise and once a citizen left the U.S. he was lost. Stalin was an ally of Hitler and later the U.S. and FDR used to call him "Uncle Joe" at the expense of Churchill.
Why have America's best historians, since they began rating presidents in 1948 rated always rated FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently rated FDR the best American president? Why have conservative historians rated FDR as third best president? Why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
Why did the average American in a 2000 poll say FDR was the third best president?
John Reed found out how wonderful the workers paradise was. Isn't he still the only American buried in the Kremlin?

(Subject of the movie "Reds" by Warren Beatty).
What saved his life was that he learned to eat rats. The rats were getting fat eating the human bodies so he decided to eat the rats:

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Victor Herman was a young American in Russia who, in 1938, was inexplicably thrown into a Soviet prison, unable to return to America for forty-five years. During this time, he shared a romance with a Russian gymnast who shared his exile in Siberia in a cave chopped
Why have America's best historians, since they began rating presidents in 1948 rated always rated FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently rated FDR the best American president? Why have conservative historians rated FDR as third best president? Why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
Why did the average American in a 2000 poll say FDR was the third best president?

The media writes the history books despite what "historians" claim. Name recognition and the better part of a hundred years of propaganda by the left wing media who never saw a left wing president that they didn't like and the shameful lack of history classes in the education system is what accounts for FDR's approval ratings. (If a sexual pervert former president can get 100k for a speaking engagement the media can rehabilitate any legacy). FDR may have been the victim of a stroke or several strokes by the time he was in his 3rd term. "Historians" fail to note that his medical records came up missing after his death from a locked safe and were never seen again. FDR should have faced impeachment for incarcerating innocent American citizens as well as innocent legal aliens based on their ethnicity but the "historians" looked the other way. If the executive order was rational and had a reasonable expectation of working it might be a point in his credit but it was an insane criminal violation of the Constitution no matter how you look at it. The order to lock up Japanese citizens wasn't even universal. Like most of the socialist experiments it was a hodge podge of ineffective idiocy. The "historians" also failed to note that the FDR supporters in the real estate market made a killing by reselling valuable property confiscated from the Japanese. Every other President was gentleman enough to bow out after two terms but they had to carry FDR out on a gurney in his 4th term after the crooked deceiving democrat party ran a virtual corpse. FDR tried to stack the Supreme Court after a couple of decisions didn't go his way and if nothing else he was at least guilty of criminal negligence for the carnage of Pearl Harbor but the "historians" merely quote his stirring speech before congress after 3,000 bodies were recovered.
The Koch family did just fine in Stalin's USSR fracking the oil fields, maybe he just knew how to blow Stalin the right whey?
Why have America's best historians, since they began rating presidents in 1948 rated always rated FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently rated FDR the best American president? Why have conservative historians rated FDR as third best president? Why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
Why did the average American in a 2000 poll say FDR was the third best president?

The media writes the history books despite what "historians" claim. Name recognition and the better part of a hundred years of propaganda by the left wing media who never saw a left wing president that they didn't like and the shameful lack of history classes in the education system is what accounts for FDR's approval ratings. (If a sexual pervert former president can get 100k for a speaking engagement the media can rehabilitate any legacy). FDR may have been the victim of a stroke or several strokes by the time he was in his 3rd term. "Historians" fail to note that his medical records came up missing after his death from a locked safe and were never seen again. FDR should have faced impeachment for incarcerating innocent American citizens as well as innocent legal aliens based on their ethnicity but the "historians" looked the other way. If the executive order was rational and had a reasonable expectation of working it might be a point in his credit but it was an insane criminal violation of the Constitution no matter how you look at it. The order to lock up Japanese citizens wasn't even universal. Like most of the socialist experiments it was a hodge podge of ineffective idiocy. The "historians" also failed to note that the FDR supporters in the real estate market made a killing by reselling valuable property confiscated from the Japanese. Every other President was gentleman enough to bow out after two terms but they had to carry FDR out on a gurney in his 4th term after the crooked deceiving democrat party ran a virtual corpse. FDR tried to stack the Supreme Court after a couple of decisions didn't go his way and if nothing else he was at least guilty of criminal negligence for the carnage of Pearl Harbor but the "historians" merely quote his stirring speech before congress after 3,000 bodies were recovered.
So where did you learn of all those charges, certainly not from history books. But as I tell Chic, you should get that information to historians as soon as possible so they can change the history books.
The old timers I knew, starting with great grandfather who was born in 1870, were all for FDR. I worked with a lot of people from the depression generation also in the 60's and 70's. Never heard anything negative about FDR. Usually positive, like, 'he saved our farm' or 'put us to work in WPA where we finally had a couple nickles to rub together'. Funny how cons are always trying to convince otherwise.
Why have America's best historians, since they began rating presidents in 1948 rated always rated FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently rated FDR the best American president? Why have conservative historians rated FDR as third best president? Why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
Why did the average American in a 2000 poll say FDR was the third best president?

What classifies them as "best"? I am curious.
Victor Herman was a young American in Russia who, in 1938, was inexplicably thrown into a Soviet prison, unable to return to America for forty-five years. During this time, he shared a romance with a Russian gymnast who shared his exile in Siberia in a cave chopped
There is a really good movie about Victor Herman's life called "Coming out of the Ice". .... :cool:
Why have America's best historians, since they began rating presidents in 1948 rated always rated FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently rated FDR the best American president? Why have conservative historians rated FDR as third best president? Why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
Why did the average American in a 2000 poll say FDR was the third best president?

What classifies them as "best"? I am curious.

The best historians, as in many professions, are well known to the others in the profession.
The same would go for doctors, lawyers and perhaps even baseball players. They also use a few presidential experts when rating presidents. If they didn't use the best historians the ratings would mean little.
Most citizens cannot name but a few of the presidents and most remember the famous and what their political party said about the president.

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