NJ Legislators once again exploiting a child death


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The “Anti Bullying Bill of Rights,” announced at an emotional news conference attended by parents, lawmakers and adults who had been bullied in school, would require training for nearly all school employees on how to spot, prevent and report acts of intimidation. Each district must form a “school safety team” that reviews complaints, lead by a counselor designated as an “anti-bullying specialist.’’

Four major points of proposed legislation designed to combat incidents of bullying, harassment and intimidation at public schools and colleges:

1. Requires new teachers and administrators hired in the 2011-12 school year to complete an anti-bullying training program, and mandates all teachers must learn about bullying as part of the suicide prevention training they already complete. School board members would also undergo training.

2. Disciplines school administrators who fail to investigate an incident of bullying.

3. Includes “harassment, intimidation and bullying’’ in the types of conduct that may cause a student to be suspended or expelled.

4. Mandates school superintendents deliver a report twice a year at an open school board meeting on “all acts of violence, vandalism, harassment, intimidation or bullying.’’ The report would be used to “grade” schools and districts on their efforts to identify and respond to incidents of bullying under a program devised by the state Education Commissioner. The state’s School Report Cards would also include statistics about bullying.

The measure (A3466) would also require school employees to report harassing actions they learn about that take place off school property — and those who don’t could face disciplinary action.

N.J. proposal to toughen anti-bullying laws follows Rutgers student suicide | NJ.com

Another feel good piece of legislation that has no funding and adds another level of bureaucracy to already cash-strapped schools.

This infuriates me. The suicide at Rutgers was tragic - as are all teen suicides. But a team of "professionals" at the high school level would not have prevented a death at Rutgers.

This is not about bullying. It is about pandering to the gay community. Don't tell me that fat kids and ugly kids and kids with weird ticks will get the same attention. And no one is bullied more. :(
The “Anti Bullying Bill of Rights,” announced at an emotional news conference attended by parents, lawmakers and adults who had been bullied in school, would require training for nearly all school employees on how to spot, prevent and report acts of intimidation. Each district must form a “school safety team” that reviews complaints, lead by a counselor designated as an “anti-bullying specialist.’’

Four major points of proposed legislation designed to combat incidents of bullying, harassment and intimidation at public schools and colleges:

1. Requires new teachers and administrators hired in the 2011-12 school year to complete an anti-bullying training program, and mandates all teachers must learn about bullying as part of the suicide prevention training they already complete. School board members would also undergo training.

2. Disciplines school administrators who fail to investigate an incident of bullying.

3. Includes “harassment, intimidation and bullying’’ in the types of conduct that may cause a student to be suspended or expelled.

4. Mandates school superintendents deliver a report twice a year at an open school board meeting on “all acts of violence, vandalism, harassment, intimidation or bullying.’’ The report would be used to “grade” schools and districts on their efforts to identify and respond to incidents of bullying under a program devised by the state Education Commissioner. The state’s School Report Cards would also include statistics about bullying.

The measure (A3466) would also require school employees to report harassing actions they learn about that take place off school property — and those who don’t could face disciplinary action.

N.J. proposal to toughen anti-bullying laws follows Rutgers student suicide | NJ.com

Another feel good piece of legislation that has no funding and adds another level of bureaucracy to already cash-strapped schools.

This infuriates me. The suicide at Rutgers was tragic - as are all teen suicides. But a team of "professionals" at the high school level would not have prevented a death at Rutgers.

This is not about bullying. It is about pandering to the gay community. Don't tell me that fat kids and ugly kids and kids with weird ticks will get the same attention. And no one is bullied more. :(

Teachers already get suicide prevention training? Good grief.

I agree...far too burdensome. A much less bureaucratic approach would be equally effective...prolly moreso.

BTW, I dun see this bill as pandering to GLBT people. I see it as pandering to "consultants" who will be "certified" to conduct these newly mandated training classes and supervisors/administrators of school districts, looking to pad the payroll and/or their paychecks.
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Timing Madeline. This is all about that Rutgers kid. I am a graduate of Rutgers. I don't have any stats on suicides but I do know its not that uncommon. No law named after those kids. They are all tragic.

I just heard a story about six kids waiting outside the library last night for a student who was being tutored. One small white kid vs. six big black kids. Do you think the school will touch that one? Not a chance. Unless the white kid is gay. Fortunately the boys dad was there and called the cops.

I hear insults all day long. I guess I'll now have to spend half my teaching day writing them down.

But what angers me the most is they are high fiving each other because it shows they "care" Happens every single time a kid dies in this state. No bullshit.

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