NJ teacher is suspended ‘after saying “We don’t negotiate with terrorists” to Muslim boy, 17, who asked for more time to complete math assignment

No, it's hilarious—really, it is. Funny how you react differently to persecution of Christians. Speak fluent hypocrisy do you? That teacher should count himself lucky the student wasn't wearing a suicide spitball vest . . .
"persecution of christians".......................:heehee:
i will not comment on this one

Women needs to have religon that is not vain. I have a lot more tact when talking to Muslims. She has a lot to learn. She needs to get a mot out of her eye, before she takes a beam out of the eye of another person. She will fail not being able to do that. Show mercy. See what happens. A right way was not taught, with what she said. She did not say anything to confirm that a Muslims way of thinking about Jesus was wrong. Jesus had perfect control of when he died and rose up again. A human does not have that control.
Sad to imagine one day these emotionally fragile snowflakes are going to face the real world. Victimhood is not a good path for success.
This thread is about the incident in the classroom. It is not about the Afghanistan withdrawal and it is not about Donald Trump
Blame a kid for extremism that he has played no part in.

Maybe this teacher should find a career more catered to his personality and brain activity.
I second this. I don't even know why a suspension took place. To me, that "teacher" should be fired especially if the student needed the extension due to a reason that is beyond their control. I have a co-worker who will not be at work today because of their losing one of their grandparents.

God bless you and him and the student always!!!

i will not comment on this one

The teacher SHOULD have been suspended, not investigated, for teaching FALSE information.

Of course the United States negotiates with terrorists!
- Barak Obama negotiated with terrorists to get Bo Bergdahl back

- Obama negotiated with Iran, negotiating his own personal, Un-Constitutional treaty with Iran

- Obama negotiated paying Iran a massive ransom for American hostages because he refused to make the release of US hostages a condition in his treaty because he was agraid if he did so Iran would walk away from the negotiating table.

- Biden and Blinken have negotiated with the terrorist Taliban on giving them huge ransoms for the return of Americans Biden abandoned in Afghanistan when he allowed the Taliban to chase him out of the country without taking all US citizens and allies with us.

We can't have teachers, substitute or not, teaching such false information as 'We don't negotiate with Terrorists' - SURE WE DO...and he should have negotiated with the student on his getting more time.


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