No fault of mine either.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

So why is Obama asking me to provide primary and higher education, ESL classes, medical care and tax credits even if they don’t pay any taxes at all, public assistance, etc for them? I am only obligated to help provide for other Americans.

No fault of mine that our immigration law has not been enforced since the 1986 amnesty. So why is Obama asking me to sacrifice my children’s future to give a future to children of Illegal Aliens? The are not my problem so don’t make them my problem.

The long term solution is long over due and it is “deportation” no matter how it is done, just do it. Deporting them is not a punishment, it’s a privilege because it unite families that have been separated for decades. That’s the humane and compassionate thing to do. How can we ask grand parents to leave the only country, language and culture they have known to reunite with families here? Children born here or brought here as kids are not strangers to Mexico, the language and the culture because their parents have kept it alive by not assimilating.

Crime only pays if you are an illegal alien. They have got a temporary reprieve until it can become permanent. Amnesty probation.

Another amnesty, no matter how Obama chose to spin it, is a repeat of 1986 and will do nothing to fix the illegal immigration problem. The legal immigration system is not broken. It works and million of immigrants here legally proves it does work. Illegal immigration is a liability, not an asset. The country had nothing to benefit from 20 million low income workers who use the system more than they contribute. The come for a better life and that includes all the freebies this Government so generously provide them with. They receive far more than the give. Why do you think California is bankrupt and hospital are bankrupt?

What is wrong with this picture? We have 14 million unemployed Americans and Obama is giving work permits to Illegal Aliens.

Why are we making it easier for children of Illegal Aliens to attend college and making it harder for our own children to attend college? If we need better educated workers, let provide affordable education for our own brightest and smartest to attend college. My grand-daughter graduated college two years ago and she is cleaning houses. So why is Obama giving work permits to children of Illegal Aliens to compete with them for jobs we don’t even have?

Our immigration system is not broken, our government is broken so let reform it by getting rid of those who do not do their jobs like we get rid of bad teachers.

$4.2 million is tax credits for Illegal Aliens even if they don’t work? 20 million illegal in this country is no fault of my own, so don’t punish me and my children.

We are no longer into nation building were we need a massive population of immigrants, legal or illegal. We are into nation survival and we need to control immigration for uneducated and low wage earners that pay little in taxes or none at all.

To say children of Illegal Aliens are the brightest and smartest so we need to educate them, put them to work so they can save us is offensive to our bright an smart children and to their parents who are struggling to pay for their education and then is asked to pay for the education of children of Illegal Aliens.

If Illegal Aliens creates jobs, then way isn’t 20 million that is here not creating jobs for the 14 million that is unemployed?

Pro-illegal immigrants advocate’s rhetoric excuse do not add up to what they claim. No matter how they spin it.
Obama gonna stack the election in his favor by lettin' dem Hispexicans vote fer him...
Obama’s Bedfellows: Aligns Himself With Bush, McCain, Corporate CEOs on ‘Immigration Reform’
June 15, 2012 – President Barack Obama said the executive action to waive deportation of young illegal aliens and grant work permits to them, which his administration announced today, was only a first step, and he linked his actions to both former President George W. Bush and the nation’s CEOs in calling for comprehensive immigration reform legislation from Congress.
“Just six years ago, the unlikely trio of John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and President Bush came together to champion this kind of reform,” Obama said in a Rose Garden speech on Friday. “And I was proud to join 23 Republicans in voting for it. So there’s no reason that we can’t come together and get this done.” President Obama has spent much of his presidency pointing out that current problems facing the U.S. economy resulted from the policies of the Bush administration. He asserted this as recently as Thursday at campaign events.

Obama has also been critical of some of the nation’s largest corporations, but in today’s Rose Garden speech he applauded the CEOs. “As long as I’m president, I will not give up on this issue,” Obama said. “Not only because it’s the right thing to do for our economy, and CEOs agree with me, not just because it’s the right thing to do for our security, but because it’s the right thing to do, period. I believe, eventually, enough Republicans in Congress will come around to that view as well.” President George W. Bush did support comprehensive immigration reform but the legislation he supported did not pass in the Senate in 2007. Bush moved on to other issues and did not bypass Congress and implement steps like Obama did today by executive fiat.

The policy announced Friday morning by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano would immediately grant to certain young people brought to the United States as children relief from deportation if they pose no risk to national security. To qualify, these illegal aliens must be under age 30 and have come to the United States under the age of 16; must have continuously lived in the United States for at least five years; must be in school, or have graduated from high school, have a general education development certificate, or be honorably discharged veterans of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; must not have felony convictions, “a significant misdemeanor offense,” multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.

The policy is projected to affect at least 800,000 illegal aliens in the United States. These illegals will be eligible to apply for work permits and have them renewed every two years. Next week, Obama is scheduled to speak at the annual conference of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials in Orlando, Fla.


See also:

Obama Immigration Move ‘Possibly Illegal’
June 15, 2012 - Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) took to Twitter Friday to attack President Obama’s move to grant effective amnesty to young illegal immigrants
He was among the first lawmakers to react to the surprise announcement. “President Obama’s attempt to go around Congress and the American people is at best unwise and possibly illegal,” he tweeted. Graham, a former Air Force prosecutor, said the move, “regardless of motivation, will entice people to break our laws.”

While Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano insisted the program “is not amnesty,” other senior administration officials admitted that the program will stop illegal immigrants from being deported, even if a judge has already ordered it. On the same Friday conference call in which Napolitano said the program was not amnesty, the senior administration official said that the program would eliminate some illegal immigrants from the “universe of people subject to immigration enforcement.” In other words, the program would prevent some illegals from being deported – effectively granting them amnesty.

In order to qualify for this effective amnesty, an illegal immigrant must have entered the U.S. when they were less than 16 years old, have lived here continually for at least five years, not have been convicted of a felony, serious misdemeanor, or multiple misdemeanors, be enrolled in or have graduated from a U.S. high school or have a GED, have served honorably in the military, and be less than 30 years old.

Obama gonna stack the election in his favor by lettin' dem Hispexicans vote fer him...
granting work permits doesnt allow people to vote retard
Obama Immigration Move ‘Possibly Illegal’[/b]
June 15, 2012 - Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) took to Twitter Friday to attack President Obama’s move to grant effective amnesty to young illegal immigrants
He was among the first lawmakers to react to the surprise announcement. “President Obama’s attempt to go around Congress and the American people is at best unwise and possibly illegal,” he tweeted. Graham, a former Air Force prosecutor, said the move, “regardless of motivation, will entice people to break our laws.”
odd because Senator Lindsey Graham voted to make it so presedents had this power
So why is Obama asking me to provide primary and higher education, ESL classes, medical care and tax credits even if they don’t pay any taxes at all, public assistance, etc for them? I am only obligated to help provide for other Americans.
because in the end the taxes those immigrants pay will be larger than the assistence they get

The long term solution is long over due and it is “deportation” no matter how it is done, just do it.
doing that would cost300billion dolllars and shrink the economy by2.5trillion dollars and increase the deficit

Another amnesty, no matter how Obama chose to spin it, is a repeat of 1986 and will do nothing to fix the illegal immigration problem.
well since the problem to u is brown people no one cares
So why is Obama asking me to provide primary and higher education, ESL classes, medical care and tax credits even if they don’t pay any taxes at all, public assistance, etc for them? I am only obligated to help provide for other Americans.
because in the end the taxes those immigrants pay will be larger than the assistence they get

The long term solution is long over due and it is “deportation” no matter how it is done, just do it.
doing that would cost300billion dolllars and shrink the economy by2.5trillion dollars and increase the deficit

Dumb Ass. Deportation would cost $64 billion, amnesty would cost $2.6 trillion.
The economy is in the shit house because of illegal aliens drain on the system.
They pay very little in taxes and they get tax credits even if they pay no taxes as all.

Another amnesty, no matter how Obama chose to spin it, is a repeat of 1986 and will do nothing to fix the illegal immigration problem.
well since the problem to u is brown people no one cares

Where are the job these 20 million were supposed to create?

Dumb Ass. Deportation would cost $64 billion, amnesty would cost $2.6 trillion.
The economy is in the shit house because of illegal aliens drain on the system.
They pay very little in taxes and they get tax credits even if they pay no taxes as all.
They are nothing more then a bunch of free loaders and it time they go home.
Not my problem they are brown and from Messico
Obama gonna stack the election in his favor by lettin' dem Hispexicans vote fer him...
granting work permits doesnt allow people to vote retard
Obama Immigration Move ‘Possibly Illegal’[/b]
June 15, 2012 - Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) took to Twitter Friday to attack President Obama’s move to grant effective amnesty to young illegal immigrants
He was among the first lawmakers to react to the surprise announcement. “President Obama’s attempt to go around Congress and the American people is at best unwise and possibly illegal,” he tweeted. Graham, a former Air Force prosecutor, said the move, “regardless of motivation, will entice people to break our laws.”
odd because Senator Lindsey Graham voted to make it so presedents had this power

No, but they do. They have anchor babies that vote and they have family that are citizens that can vote. They can get any documents they want that allow them to vote. but they cannot get a DMV photo ID and they cannot duplicate it.

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