No Federal Charges Against Officers In Tamir Rice Shooting.

Not a "prank", in fact Smollett stands behind his accusations.

I think that if black homos in Chicago are being subjected to Hate Crimes, that's a pretty important crime to investigate.

Okay. They investigated. And it took them all of a day to find out it was a hoax. You announce it's a hoax, and done deal.

Instead, we are here, two years later, they are still trying to prosecute this guy, they are trying to figure out how do to it without the black community acquitting this guy to give a big of "Fuck you" to the Chicago Police Department.
How is this list of criminals evidence that supports your preposterous theory?

Jean Botham was a "Criminal"? The guy was sitting in his house, minding his own business, when a cop shot him because she got off on the wrong floor and she was paying more attention to her phone than where she was.
Do you understand how stupid your statement is here?

Nothing stupid about it. His supervisors got wind he wanted to work somewhere else. If the boss at your job hears you are unhappy with his company, chances are you're going to get the shit jobs to pressure you out, or get laid off.

You seem to be unable to post here without lying.

The Cleveland police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice last month resigned from his previous small-town police job after less than five months when he was deemed emotionally unstable and unfit for duty — especially in his handling of firearms — according to personnel records released Wednesday.

Officer who killed Tamir Rice found unfit in previous police job
He seemed to handle his firearm quite well the day he shot Tamir. That throws doubt on the entire premise that he was incompetent.

He was able to shoot a kid. Not exactly impressive.
Are kids easier to shoot than adults? Your logic is weird. If anything they are smaller targets.
This kid was 190 pounds. That is about the weight of a full-grown liberal woman. Small, he wasn't.
Okay. They investigated. And it took them all of a day to find out it was a hoax. You announce it's a hoax, and done deal.

Instead, we are here, two years later, they are still trying to prosecute this guy, they are trying to figure out how do to it without the black community acquitting this guy to give a big of "Fuck you" to the Chicago Police Department.

If after he was caught, just do the right thing and admit his guilt, it would be all behind him today. But no, like a typical leftist, he refused to come clean and lie about it instead. That's why they have to pursue this. Then you have that pig, Kim Foxx, trying to help him cover up his crimes, so that had to be pursued which takes more time and money.
Not a "prank", in fact Smollett stands behind his accusations.

I think that if black homos in Chicago are being subjected to Hate Crimes, that's a pretty important crime to investigate.

Okay. They investigated. And it took them all of a day to find out it was a hoax. You announce it's a hoax, and done deal.

Instead, we are here, two years later, they are still trying to prosecute this guy, they are trying to figure out how do to it without the black community acquitting this guy to give a big of "Fuck you" to the Chicago Police Department.

Actually, the investigation took a lot longer than a day, and Mr. Smollett has yet, to this very day, admitted that it was a hoax.

If Smollett admitted he was wrong, compensated the City of Chicago for their expense and apologized to the people of MAGA Country for his lies, it would be past us now. But he didn't.
First of all, the gun was AirSoft. so had an orange tip.

It would have if Tamir didn't remove the orange tip to make it look more like a real firearm.

Second is that he obviously was small enough to clearly be identified as a child.

His autopsy report showed he was 5'9, 195 lbs, and after the shooting, the officer called it in to dispatch that the subject was in his late teens to early 20's. You have to remember that the media plays you people like fools. They only released a picture of this kid several years earlier just like they did in the Travon Martin shooting. You bought is hook, line and sinker.

Third is that the police drove up on the grass right next to Tamir, and if they had not done that, they would have had no excuse to claim to feel at risk.

Why would they not claim to feel at risk either 20 feet away or five feet away. Do you understand the speed that a bullet travels? Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

You can't claim self defence when you are the cause of your own feelings of fear.

The officer was not the cause of his fears. His fear was when a person pulls out a firearm in front of him despite his orders to freeze.

And if a child had picked up a real gun, would that justify shooting him that many times?

He was shot once.

It was still deliberate murder.

Murder is legally defined as an intent to kill somebody. The officers did not go there with the intent to do that.

And the video show no attempt by police to do anything a normal person would have done to clarify the situation before shooting.

There was no time to clarify anything. They pulled up to the kid, told him to freeze, and he was pulling out a realistic gun on them. What does one clarify when your life can possibly be at it's end in a matter of less than one second?

You can not remove the orange part as it is the barrel, but I suppose you could paint over it.
But I doubt Tamir did that?


And no, Tamir was hit twice, and witnesses said there were 6 shots.
{... Loehmann, who fired two bullets into Rice ..}

Worse is that the call to police had warned police it was a juvenile and was not likely a real gun.
{... The officers were responding to a 911 call during which the caller said there was a man — "probably a juvenile" — pointing a gun — "probably fake" — at people on the playground. ...}

Speed of a bullet is irrelevant.
If they had parked 100' way and used a bullhorn, then they would not been in danger.
At that distance a pistol is not accurate enough to be risky.

No normal person would have driven on the grass at all, much less right up to a person they were supposed to be wary of.
What the police did was insane.

In as much as you know police procedure and training more than police officers themselves, no, you don't go on a bullhorn and stay 100 feet away. You rush the subject and try to get him before he pulls the gun. If you are a police officer, your job is to apprehend the suspect, not give him every chance in the world to get away from you, and then you have a situation of a potential nut running around with a loaded gun.

Yes, the tip of the gun was removed to make it look more realistic. It's only a piece of plastic for crying out loud.

As for the police officers, they were never advised that somebody suspected it was a kid possibly with a toy gun. The dispatcher never forwarded that information to the officers, so all they knew was that there was some nut with a gun pointing it at passing cars.
If after he was caught, just do the right thing and admit his guilt, it would be all behind him today. But no, like a typical leftist, he refused to come clean and lie about it instead. That's why they have to pursue this. Then you have that pig, Kim Foxx, trying to help him cover up his crimes, so that had to be pursued which takes more time and money.

Actually, you don't have to pursue this, and Kim Foxx made exactly the right call.

Exposing the hoax caused him to lose his job, his livelihood and made him a national joke.

Putting this in front of a jury, where the jury pool is still damned pissed off that Jason van Dyke (the guy who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times when he was lying on the ground) only got three years and would love to flip off the CPD in an epic way. that would be kind of stupid.

Again, they still haven't put him on trial for this "Prank". They are afraid to. All he has to do is ask for a black jury, and bam, they get a big old spanking like the LAPD did in the OJ Trial.
Actually, the investigation took a lot longer than a day, and Mr. Smollett has yet, to this very day, admitted that it was a hoax.

If Smollett admitted he was wrong, compensated the City of Chicago for their expense and apologized to the people of MAGA Country for his lies, it would be past us now. But he didn't.

Oh, so he needs to apologize to the MAGAts? Um. Why?

Tell you what, let's end racism and homophobia in this country, and THEN we can go back and ask Mr. Smollett for an apology for the prank. Sounds fair to me.

Realistically, we'll all look a lot dumber if they put him on trial and a jury finds him not guilty because they want to send a message to the CPD.
If after he was caught, just do the right thing and admit his guilt, it would be all behind him today. But no, like a typical leftist, he refused to come clean and lie about it instead. That's why they have to pursue this. Then you have that pig, Kim Foxx, trying to help him cover up his crimes, so that had to be pursued which takes more time and money.

Actually, you don't have to pursue this, and Kim Foxx made exactly the right call.

Exposing the hoax caused him to lose his job, his livelihood and made him a national joke.

Putting this in front of a jury, where the jury pool is still damned pissed off that Jason van Dyke (the guy who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times when he was lying on the ground) only got three years and would love to flip off the CPD in an epic way. that would be kind of stupid.

Again, they still haven't put him on trial for this "Prank". They are afraid to. All he has to do is ask for a black jury, and bam, they get a big old spanking like the LAPD did in the OJ Trial.

In this country, you don't get to choose the race of your jury. They could easily ask for a Change of Venue and bring in Honkies to try him if they needed to for a Fair Trial.

BTW, I'm not so sure that even a black jury in Chicago would believe Smollett's claims about the MAGA Country terrorists trying to lynch him.
Actually, you don't have to pursue this, and Kim Foxx made exactly the right call.

Exposing the hoax caused him to lose his job, his livelihood and made him a national joke.

Putting this in front of a jury, where the jury pool is still damned pissed off that Jason van Dyke (the guy who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times when he was lying on the ground) only got three years and would love to flip off the CPD in an epic way. that would be kind of stupid.

Again, they still haven't put him on trial for this "Prank". They are afraid to. All he has to do is ask for a black jury, and bam, they get a big old spanking like the LAPD did in the OJ Trial.

Oh please, Pig Foxx tried to coverup a crime. No wonder your city is so corrupt when you stick up for fat asses like her. You deserve what you get. Speaking of which, I don't know how much money this is costing Chicago, but again, stupid voters. If you don't punish people for their crimes, you inspire others to follow in their footsteps. If you're willing to pay for it, that's on you, I don't live there so it's not my money being wasted.

Now you come off saying that blacks can't be fair on a jury. They will stick up for blacks no matter what. By George, I think you're starting to learn a few things here Joe. A bit racist of you if you ask me, but you're learning.
In this country, you don't get to choose the race of your jury. They could easily ask for a Change of Venue and bring in Honkies to try him if they needed to for a Fair Trial.

Uh, when they put Jason Van Dyke on trial for killing Laquan McDonald, the jury was made up of 7 whites, 3 Hispanics, 1 asian and one black person.

when they put Zimmerman on trial for murdering Trayvon Martin, his jury was five white women and one woman of color.

Um, yeah, you can totally choose the jury you want...

BTW, I'm not so sure that even a black jury in Chicago would believe Smollett's claims about the MAGA Country terrorists trying to lynch him.

I'm sure they won't believe him for a moment. But what they will believe is that the CPD is corrupt and they'd happily ignore the evidence of a prank to give the CPD a message.
Oh please, Pig Foxx tried to coverup a crime. No wonder your city is so corrupt when you stick up for fat asses like her. You deserve what you get. Speaking of which, I don't know how much money this is costing Chicago, but again, stupid voters. If you don't punish people for their crimes, you inspire others to follow in their footsteps. If you're willing to pay for it, that's on you, I don't live there so it's not my money being wasted.

I think you fail to understand WHY Kim Foxx is States Attorney in Cook COunty (which is not just Chicago).

Her predecessor, Anita Alvarez, refused to prosecute Jason van Dyke until video was made public of him shooting McDonald. That's what people were upset about. Her conduct was so criminal the state had to take the prosecution out of her office's hands and appoint a special prosecutor to handle the case.

Somehow, I'm not worried a bunch of black folks are going to pay people to beat them up in fake hate crimes... Because, honestly, that would be, you know, stupid. I don't think there's going to be a rash of copycat crimes here somehow.

I do think that we do see a lot of cops engaging in bad behavior because you don't get prosecuted for police brutality unless they have tape of you doing it.

Now you come off saying that blacks can't be fair on a jury. They will stick up for blacks no matter what. By George, I think you're starting to learn a few things here Joe. A bit racist of you if you ask me, but you're learning.

Not at all... I pointed out that "fair" would be not making a bigger deal about this prank than we did.

If Jason Van Dyke gets only three years for brutally murdering Laquan McDonald...

Then Jussie should get... um... no time for a prank where he was the only person who suffered any harm.

That sounds Fair to me.
I'm sure they won't believe him for a moment. But what they will believe is that the CPD is corrupt and they'd happily ignore the evidence of a prank to give the CPD a message.

Maybe you are right, and black jurors are more interested in sending a message for alleged injustices of the past instead of judging the facts put before them.

But it is ironic that Chicago and its police department have been under continuous control of the Far Left for the past 90 years.
I think you fail to understand WHY Kim Foxx is States Attorney in Cook COunty (which is not just Chicago).

Her predecessor, Anita Alvarez, refused to prosecute Jason van Dyke until video was made public of him shooting McDonald. That's what people were upset about. Her conduct was so criminal the state had to take the prosecution out of her office's hands and appoint a special prosecutor to handle the case.

One has nothing to do with the other. She lied to the public, dropped a 15 count indictment against the guy, and then tried to have the records sealed so nobody could get at them. She's more of a criminal than that half-a-sissy nobody actor who wasted police resources so some people would actually learn who he was. I'll even go one better by saying if this was a conservative white guy who made the claim he was attacked by two blacks with Biden caps on, he would be going to prison for at least ten years, and that pig would have made sure of it.

Not at all... I pointed out that "fair" would be not making a bigger deal about this prank than we did.

If Jason Van Dyke gets only three years for brutally murdering Laquan McDonald...

Then Jussie should get... um... no time for a prank where he was the only person who suffered any harm.

That sounds Fair to me.

Again, one has nothing to do with the other. You don't forgive crimes of one person because you think a totally different person that had nothing to do with the case got too little time. That's idiotic, and anybody who thinks that way is a total racist.
Maybe you are right, and black jurors are more interested in sending a message for alleged injustices of the past instead of judging the facts put before them.

But it is ironic that Chicago and its police department have been under continuous control of the Far Left for the past 90 years.

You think the Daley family is "Far left"?

Boy, you are stupid.
One has nothing to do with the other. She lied to the public, dropped a 15 count indictment against the guy, and then tried to have the records sealed so nobody could get at them. She's more of a criminal than that half-a-sissy nobody actor who wasted police resources so some people would actually learn who he was. I'll even go one better by saying if this was a conservative white guy who made the claim he was attacked by two blacks with Biden caps on, he would be going to prison for at least ten years, and that pig would have made sure of it.

Can you cite a case where that happened.

For the record, I actually did find a similar case to Smollett's... that of Morton Downey Jr, who claimed he was ambushed by Nazis in an airport bathroom and they drew a backwards swastika on his face.

He wasn't charged with anything when it was determined to be a hoax.

I'm glad she didn't waste millions of dollars prosecuting a prank. That's fiscal responsibility.
One has nothing to do with the other. She lied to the public, dropped a 15 count indictment against the guy, and then tried to have the records sealed so nobody could get at them. She's more of a criminal than that half-a-sissy nobody actor who wasted police resources so some people would actually learn who he was. I'll even go one better by saying if this was a conservative white guy who made the claim he was attacked by two blacks with Biden caps on, he would be going to prison for at least ten years, and that pig would have made sure of it.

Can you cite a case where that happened.

For the record, I actually did find a similar case to Smollett's... that of Morton Downey Jr, who claimed he was ambushed by Nazis in an airport bathroom and they drew a backwards swastika on his face.

He wasn't charged with anything when it was determined to be a hoax.

I'm glad she didn't waste millions of dollars prosecuting a prank. That's fiscal responsibility.
that wasnt a racist claim,,, sorry,, a false racist claim,,
Can you cite a case where that happened.

For the record, I actually did find a similar case to Smollett's... that of Morton Downey Jr, who claimed he was ambushed by Nazis in an airport bathroom and they drew a backwards swastika on his face.

He wasn't charged with anything when it was determined to be a hoax.

I'm glad she didn't waste millions of dollars prosecuting a prank. That's fiscal responsibility.

Actually it's called taking care of your own kind; preferential treatment; dereliction of duty. The guy with the phony story at the airport didn't involve the police department. It was a security cop that laughed at his story and it didn't cost taxpayers a dime.
Actually it's called taking care of your own kind; preferential treatment; dereliction of duty. The guy with the phony story at the airport didn't involve the police department. It was a security cop that laughed at his story and it didn't cost taxpayers a dime.

Actually, the police did an investigation. They'd have been derelict if they hadn't.

He still wasn't charged. White Privilege strikes again.
Actually, the police did an investigation. They'd have been derelict if they hadn't.

He still wasn't charged. White Privilege strikes again.

That's not the way I remember it. The Security guard knew right away it was all made up, and it sounded like the guy was some sort of flake. There was nothing for the police to investigate. Maybe a city cop might have came by to talk to the security guard, but they didn't launch any intense investigation.

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