No government required

Better aqueducts and better roads. Better infrastructure; something the right wing keeps deferring, and then proclaiming, the private sector comes up with solutions.
Government gave us $21 trillion in debt. Apple gave us the iPhone. Enough said.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.
How many bridges were built by private industry
Very few. Which is why we have $21 trillion in debt and our bridges collapse. Thank you for proving my point for me. :laugh:
Better aqueducts and better roads. Better infrastructure; something the right wing keeps deferring, and then proclaiming, the private sector comes up with solutions.
Government gave us $21 trillion in debt. Apple gave us the iPhone. Enough said.
Republicans gave us that debt spending on defense, giving tax cuts to the rich, and being incredibly corrupt with their Pals in real estate and Wall Street... They're Pals in big oil gave us the BP spill... Big business needs regulation.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.


How many bridges were built by private industry

How many highways


Private industry built plenty of bridges before government started doing it for free. Consider all the railroad bridges in this country. All privately built. The first turnpikes in this country were privately built, and they had plenty of bridges.

Why would private industry build anything that the government will build at no cost to private industry?

You're an ignorant fool who knows nothing about the history of this country
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
Rice University officials announced Tuesday they will provide full tuition scholarships to undergraduate domestic students from low- and middle-income backgrounds starting in the fall of 2019. The new financial plan, The Rice Investment, will allow full-tuition scholarships and grants to be offered to undergraduate students whose family incomes fall between $65,000 and $130,000 a year.
Government didn't need to place a gun to their head. They did it of their own free will. Proving once again that the private sector does everything exponentially better than failed left-wing government.

Rice University announces free tuition for middle income undergraduate students
A drop in the bucket as up against the ridiculous costs of college and Bank loans that Republicans have caused the last 50 years. Thanks Ronnie Ray Gun Etc. Tax the rich their fair share again and invest in America and Americans again.
No it's the "everyone has to go to college" bullshit that has driven up the costs
Public universities used to be basically free a lot of places, started to change when Ronnie ray gun started messing with California colleges. The GOP doesn't like smart people, they prefer silly dupes like you... They also love giving Banks the student loans which also drives up costs a lot.
State Universities are still cheap

But when you have the everyone has to go to college mindset you are an idiot if you think prices are not going to rise
and FYI College doesn't make you smart
Big business has tremendous power to inflict damage on our people by controlling the "free" market.
How do you figure? McDonald’s is a massive corporation. But they can’t do a thing to you if you choose not to do business with them. Just don’t order their fries and you are completely free from their reach.
Come on man, do I really need to explain this to you? You can’t just throw out a simplistic example like, if you don’t like McDonald’s then don’t go there, and think that addresses what I’m talking about. Do you really not get it?
Only one of us doesn’t get it - and I assure you it isn’t me.
What don’t i get?

Dear P@triot and Slade3200
You are both talking about different angles by which
people CAN check big business (though this takes concerted effort to have any impact) and
ways big business SUBVERTS constitutional protections of people and free market
by MONOPOLIZING the legislative and legal process.

Yes to both, you are both right on both points:

1. Slade3200 's point is true that because "corporations" act as "individuals" with COLLECTIVE POWER
unequal to individuals, they can abuse this status to bypass Constitutional checks because those laws DON'T APPLY TO THEM.
Corporations are not required to follow the same limits on govt, unless the Corporations are sued, and lose in court, and enforce the orders.

It is VERY hard to do all 3 to check Corporations which run amok unchecked.
The Constitution does not protect us against Big Corporations
It is hard enough to hold Govt accountable to Constitutional checks,
and almost impossible to hold big corporations that monopolize courts, especially federal.
Even the lawyers all know this game is going on, and feel obliged to keep playing it for the money..

2. P@triot 's point is that the people's free choice is the ultimate check on Big Corporations by not doing business with them.
Yes, but this would have to be collectively organized to have the equivalent impact.
"One person" is not enough to stop a corporation that is considered a greater commercial interest.
So it has to be an organized movement of people to have the same impact as "one" corporate entity.

We can do this, but it takes a higher level of unity to meet and beat Corporations at their own game.

P and S: What is defeating the people in checking the Govt and Corporations
is we are divided by party instead of organizing as two witnesses to the same abuses!

Instead of fighting against each other, to compete whose party's wrongs are WORSE than the other,
why not agree to check ALL abuses that are outted by BOTH parties?

If the left checks the right, and the right checks the left,
if we support BOTH channels, we should clean up govt left and right!

Then when we have the audience of our govt,
then we can go after corporate abuses, that otherwise
take advantage of the division to get away with abuses at taxpayer expense.

We are letting the crooks ransack the store
while consumed in arguing with management
whose fault was greater for the lax security.
Why not focus on policing the STORE
instead of arguing whether to profile which
crooks are stealing more? We should be
going after ALL the crooks robbing the taxpayers.

Whether these are corporate or government or party interests!

When can we call a meeting of party members and leaders,
to organize a national movement for each party to police
different groups of crooks taking advantage and costing taxpayers?
How else can we address EVERY grievance, except we delegate
to the different parties to focus on different groups? The Greens
are good at researching environmental abuses costing us the public.
The Libertarians have researched out of control foreign spending
that has gotten the US in unauthorized debts deemed unconstitutional
which needs to get tracked and paid back instead of charging to taxpayers
without recourse. Republicans and Democrats are the best experts
at outting the abuses of taxmoney by the other party
so why not go after ALL these crooks, not compete to excuse one or the other.
We need to get paid back for ALL illicit spending or abuse of
public resources, laws and authority
The only thing missing is we are not fully united on all fronts.
if we did unite, that would be the national movement to check
ALL abuses whether by govt, party or corporate leaders.

So yes P@triot the people CAN check govt and corporations.
But it would take national unity to have the same weight.
We can do this, not by divided against each other, but
using parties to organize masses around EACH area of grievance and abuse.
so we stay focused, and not scattered. You are both right!

Correct me if i'm wrong here, but the article is about a large corporate entity approaching the FCC to loosen regulations besed on their desire to monopolize on infrastucture.

Which brings to mind>

Is not the 'free market' contingent is all about deregulating , but here we have it in form of handout to corporate entities the little guy would not be privy to

B) Michael Powell's historic media deregulation(s), resulting in the media monopoloization we have now, along with it's infamous 'fake news'
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.


How many bridges were built by private industry

How many highways


Private industry built plenty of bridges before government started doing it for free. Consider all the railroad bridges in this country. All privately built. The first turnpikes in this country were privately built, and they had plenty of bridges.

Why would private industry build anything that the government will build at no cost to private industry?

You're an ignorant fool who knows nothing about the history of this country
If we had to rely on the few turnpikes and "Bridges of Madison County" built by private enterprise and virtually NO non-railroad bridges...we'd be a third world nation.

And those railroads and railroad bridges were built using the Army Corp of Engineers to oversee their construction.

That was a HUGE cost that "We the People" absorbed because it was in the public interest
That was a HUGE cost that "We the People" absorbed because it was in the public interest

Well yes, our entire infastructure was on the tax dime , either of direct government employees, and/or oversight

The 'free market' would never have provided direction, regulations, standards, or any other disciple for this

I fail to see WHY this is bad?

Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.


How many bridges were built by private industry

How many highways


Private industry built plenty of bridges before government started doing it for free. Consider all the railroad bridges in this country. All privately built. The first turnpikes in this country were privately built, and they had plenty of bridges.

Why would private industry build anything that the government will build at no cost to private industry?

You're an ignorant fool who knows nothing about the history of this country
If we had to rely on the few turnpikes and "Bridges of Madison County" built by private enterprise and virtually NO non-railroad bridges...we'd be a third world nation.

And those railroads and railroad bridges were built using the Army Corp of Engineers to oversee their construction.

That was a HUGE cost that "We the People" absorbed because it was in the public interest

Private railroads built railroad bridges, moron, not the Army Corp of Engineers. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Private companies don't build infrastructure when they have to compete with government that provides it at taxpayer expense.

What part of that don't you understand?

The taxpayers absorbed the cost of building roads because the automakers bribed the politicians to have government pay for it. A bunch of dumb suckers like you voted for it.
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That was a HUGE cost that "We the People" absorbed because it was in the public interest

Well yes, our entire infastructure was on the tax dime , either of direct government employees, and/or oversight

The 'free market' would never have provided direction, regulations, standards, or any other disciple for this

I fail to see WHY this is bad?

That's total bullshit.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans

Ever heard of GPS? Hate to tell you, but it was developed by the government, and the government is also the ones that put in the infrastructure for it to be useful.

Incidentally, there was talk about not allowing civilians to use GPS, but then they changed their mind and released it to civilian companies.

Sorry.............but there are several examples where the government has developed things well ahead of civilian businesses.

Another one of them is the computer.

Cell phones that were developed from Walkie-Talkies which was a military application to start with. Not sure if it was our military that developed the two-way but it was a military application to start with.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans

Ever heard of GPS? Hate to tell you, but it was developed by the government, and the government is also the ones that put in the infrastructure for it to be useful.

Incidentally, there was talk about not allowing civilians to use GPS, but then they changed their mind and released it to civilian companies.

Sorry.............but there are several examples where the government has developed things well ahead of civilian businesses.

Another one of them is the computer.

Cell phones that were developed from Walkie-Talkies which was a military application to start with. Not sure if it was our military that developed the two-way but it was a military application to start with.
Cell phones have little in common with walkie-Talkies, moron. The later are just common, ordinary radios first developed by Guglielmo Marconi
We simply need better management in Government.
Sure. And I “simply” need to run 7x’s as fast as I currently do to beat Deion Sanders.’ll never get “better management in government”. Ever. That’s the point. Private industry requires specific qualifications for specific roles. No such requirements exist for government. You can be a high school dropout and become elected President of the United States. You can have a degree in engineering but be elected Senator.
Only excuses instead of results?
Private railroads built railroad bridges, moron, not the Army Corp of Engineers. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Wow. I get it now.

You have no clue and base your philosophy on dogmatic ideology ... in place of facts.

What a shock
You have some evidence that the Army Corp of Engineers built bridges for private railroads?

Please post it.

I'm pretty dogmatic about facts.
Private railroads built railroad bridges, moron, not the Army Corp of Engineers. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Wow. I get it now.

You have no clue and base your philosophy on dogmatic ideology ... in place of facts.

What a shock
You have some evidence that the Army Corp of Engineers built bridges for private railroads?

Please post it.

I'm pretty dogmatic about facts.
That project only happened due to Government financing; just like the Moon landing.
Private railroads built railroad bridges, moron, not the Army Corp of Engineers. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Wow. I get it now.

You have no clue and base your philosophy on dogmatic ideology ... in place of facts.

What a shock

First Transcontinental Railroad - Wikipedia

Heavy government subsidies and oversight

Yeah, we all know the government subsidized two transcontinental railroads, but dumbasses like you are ignorant of the fact that they were total disasters. They were cesspools of corruption, and all the participating railroads went bankrupt. Ever heard of the Credit Mobilier scandal? The government never subsidized another railroad after that.

Crédit Mobilier of America scandal - Wikipedia

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