No Grace Period


Sep 23, 2010
I’m sorry Hussein won. I am not sorry Romney lost.

Not taking the senate away from the Democrats is my biggest disappointment. Right from the start of the longest, most offensive, most disgusting, media-campaign-season in American history I said Tea Parties should concentrate on the Senate. It didn’t happen.

Now for my post mortem.

The biggest plus is that Hussein gets no grace period. After he won in 2008 it took two years for Americans to see him for what he is. Everybody knows what he is this time around. The contempt Americans have for him continues uninterrupted.


No doubt Karl Rove will continue to pontificate from his perch on the FOX Network, while conservatives have seen the end of him along with those other “Republicans” who dumped on Todd Akin; thereby, handing one Senate seat to the Democrats. With a third party looming on the horizon it is important to note that Akin was abandoned by establishment Republicans because he was a Tea Party choice —— not because of anything he said about rape.

Interestingly, Rove quickly knifed Akin in the back because of a poorly stated definition of rape, while Rove bent over backwards covering up for Romney and Romneycare. It’s interesting because nobody was raped by Akin, while tens of thousands suffer under Romneycare.


Romney’s nomination, and subsequent defeat, is proof that conservatives will never get anything from the Republican party. A third party offers the only hope. A strong third party will force the Democrat and Republican parties to unite. When that happens conservative Americans will be no worse off than they are now.


Conservatives must break completely from the Republican party starting today. If they fail to get a viable third party operational before 2014 it will be too late in 2016. The goal should be Tea Parties uniting with other conservative parties under one banner and coming up with a party platform suitable to all American conservatives.


The race was not between Hussein and Romney. It was between parasites and producers. Hussein’s victory proves the parasites now have the numbers to win the presidency. It also demonstrated that parasites no longer have to lie about who they are and what they want. It will be worse in 2016 after a minimum of four million more parasites are given tax dollar incomes through the Affordable Care Act. Millions more will feed indirectly on tax dollars on the backs of the four million parasites who get their tax dollars at the source.


The ACA will not be repealed even if Democrats lose the Senate in 2014. That has to be the biggest tragedy of all because there is no telling how many Americans will be killed and brutalized by Hussein’s death panels in the years ahead. Think about that in relation to Chief Justice John Roberts.


Four more years of Hussein means four more years of Biden along with all of the sewer rats they brought with them. Government by executive order will strengthen the sewer rats even more than EOs were used in Hussein’s first term.


Hillary Clinton is finished.


Foreign governments are celebrating Hussein’s victory. If that does not tell you what he has planned for the next four years nothing will. In the same vain Putin expects to cash-in on Hussein’s promise:

On Monday while President Obama was taking part in a global nuclear security summit in South Korea, he was caught on tape asking for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for "space." "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility," Obama implored. Obama assured the departing Russian President he will have the "flexibility" required to deal with missile defense issues after the 2012 presidential election.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

Remember that Hussein gave Russia everything it wanted in the New START Treaty. The question is what else will his “flexibility” give away in missile defense.


Benghazi will be buried and forgotten. So what is Hussein planning for the US military? Will he and a handful of high-ranking military officers finally hand control of the US military to the United Nations to deploy as it sees fit? Remember that in 2008 he never told the public what he was going do, nor did he tell them in this campaign.


If you think the people the Senate confirmed in the past four years are UN-loving traitors just you wait and see what gets confirmed in the next four years. Not only will the Senate confirm worse there is every chance UN treaties will be ratified.


Finally, call it sour grapes if you must, but I am having trouble believing Hussein won without a lot of help from election fraud. As bad as Romney is, I can’t see Hussein beating him fair and square. More to point, it seems impossible that so many Americans voted for him knowing what he is. They did not know him in 2008, but they knew him yesterday. To believe he won fairly is to believe that Americans no longer care about America’s sovereignty. That is a tough one to swallow.
Great knowledge here. Oh wait, didn't you say Obama would lose?
After speaking to a politically astute friend, I am reminded that maybe Republican power brokers did not want Romney to win. If you put repealing the healthcare law at the top of the public’s wish list you have to ask: Why nominate a guy with Romneycare around his neck? Take it from there and you’ll see that repealing the ACA is the last thing Republican party decision makers wanted. That would also explain why it was important NOT to win the Senate. Democrats hanging on to the Senate was disaster insurance in case Romney won by accident. Repealing the ACA in a Democrat Senate is out of the question. Bottom line: President Romney with a Democrat-controlled Senate let everybody off the hook.

Serendipitously, repeal legislation would not have seen the light in the first two years; so Democrats up for reelection in 2014 were home free.

Why? Answer: Money. The answer is always money. Medical industry companies traded on Wall Street stand to rake in hundreds of billions of tax dollars in the first few years alone; trillions over the long term.

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