No Hillary lie has been presented in my opinion...Any GOPer has MANY factual lies to deceive the ele

Always the two irrelevant white lies, and a huge pile of NOT LIES, hater dupes.

Are you lies in the video I presented irrelevant?

Lie number 1: She told Anderson Cooper she has been consistent over the course of her entire life when it comes to her progressive values.

Lie number 2: She told Terry Gross (NPR radio) that her opinion on gay marriage has not changed and kept deflecting when confronted about it.

Lie number 3: She told Anderson cooper that she doesn't switch her political identity depending on who she talks to. The video then shows her pandering to a group of people by calling herself a moderate.

Lie number 4: I'll just fit all of her lying about the emails into 1 and call it lie number 4.

Lie number 5: Claims to have fought for homeowners in 2007 by telling banks to "Cut it out!" The video then switches to her blaming it on homeowners in 2008.

Hypocrite: She trashed Obama in 2008 over attacking her universal healthcare plan and says "Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal healthcare?" She called it a tactic right out of Karl Rove's playbook. 2015/16 she does the exact same thing to Bernie Sanders.

Lie number 6: Lied about sniper fire in Bosnia then tripled down on that lie and made herself look VERY foolish.

Lie number 7: Claims to have always been against NAFTA when she helped create it and supported it.
Always the two irrelevant white lies, and a huge pile of NOT LIES, hater dupes.

Are you lies in the video I presented irrelevant?

Lie number 1: She told Anderson Cooper she has been consistent over the course of her entire life when it comes to her progressive values.

Lie number 2: She told Terry Gross (NPR radio) that her opinion on gay marriage has not changed and kept deflecting when confronted about it.

Lie number 3: She told Anderson cooper that she doesn't switch her political identity depending on who she talks to. The video then shows her pandering to a group of people by calling herself a moderate.

Lie number 4: I'll just fit all of her lying about the emails into 1 and call it lie number 4.

Lie number 5: Claims to have fought for homeowners in 2007 by telling banks to "Cut it out!" The video then switches to her blaming it on homeowners in 2008.

Hypocrite: She trashed Obama in 2008 over attacking her universal healthcare plan and says "Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal healthcare?" She called it a tactic right out of Karl Rove's playbook. 2015/16 she does the exact same thing to Bernie Sanders.

Lie number 6: Lied about sniper fire in Bosnia then tripled down on that lie and made herself look VERY foolish.

Lie number 7: Claims to have always been against NAFTA when she helped create it and supported it.

Well anyone with a working brain knows what a liar she is.

Of course Francohaterdupe doesn't have a working brain. Need I say more??
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

I can see Franco-twat sitting in the corner like those sheep from Animal Farm. "Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better!"
Who likes corporatism? The hater dupe likes corporatism!
Maybe next thread, he will bash the corporate right :lol:
Cant make this shit up!
Always the two irrelevant white lies, and a huge pile of NOT LIES, hater dupes.

Are you lies in the video I presented irrelevant?

Lie number 1: She told Anderson Cooper she has been consistent over the course of her entire life when it comes to her progressive values.

Lie number 2: She told Terry Gross (NPR radio) that her opinion on gay marriage has not changed and kept deflecting when confronted about it.

Lie number 3: She told Anderson cooper that she doesn't switch her political identity depending on who she talks to. The video then shows her pandering to a group of people by calling herself a moderate.

Lie number 4: I'll just fit all of her lying about the emails into 1 and call it lie number 4.

Lie number 5: Claims to have fought for homeowners in 2007 by telling banks to "Cut it out!" The video then switches to her blaming it on homeowners in 2008.

Hypocrite: She trashed Obama in 2008 over attacking her universal healthcare plan and says "Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal healthcare?" She called it a tactic right out of Karl Rove's playbook. 2015/16 she does the exact same thing to Bernie Sanders.

Lie number 6: Lied about sniper fire in Bosnia then tripled down on that lie and made herself look VERY foolish.

Lie number 7: Claims to have always been against NAFTA when she helped create it and supported it.
Full of BS> You CAN do both- No lies, dingbat.
Yup, they had a big ceremony and there was no hurry. BULLSHYTTE. I see changes in her views like all others, and yes you can be a moderate progressive.

Watch USA TODAY bend over backwards to find false and misleading statements by the Bern and Hillary. BULLSHYTTE. Compared to Pubs, RIDICULOUS.
Fact check: The fifth Democratic debate
Yes, an attack can be planned and triggered by the video. DUH, ya brainwashed functional MORONS.
Unknown facts for GOPers and Fox etc etc etc etc Crap Factory:24 DAYS of Dem control, Fanny and Freddie share of market went from 75% to 25% under Booooshies, The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.

Incredible bs you morons believe: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
Benghazi speaks to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton's incompetence.

Her Bosnia lie speaks to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton's integrity.

Her e-mail mess speaks to her contempt for the law as applied to her.

Her attempt to destroy those women who told the truth about her husband speaks to how she really feels about women who are abused.
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

You REALLY need to find a new word other than dupe! It brings to my mind a snot-nosed teenager, sitting at his Mom's laptop in the basement eating Cheetos by the case!

If that is the truth, you are the one being duped.
You have no Hillary lies. Yet somehow she's a LIAR!! Ridiculous, but seems to work. 25 years of GOP hate/ bs
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

You REALLY need to find a new word other than dupe! It brings to my mind a snot-nosed teenager, sitting at his Mom's laptop in the basement eating Cheetos by the case!

If that is the truth, you are the one being duped.

Half the GOP believe a huge pile of BS, so they are dupes. I'm a retired teacher/businessman, thanks.
You have no Hillary lies. Yet somehow she's a LIAR!! Ridiculous, but seems to work. 25 years of GOP hate/ bs

Really, you still clinging to no lies after seeing the Bosnia video? She shows clearly that deep in her soul she is a liar. You not thinking that truth is important just make you more of a liberal.
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

You REALLY need to find a new word other than dupe! It brings to my mind a snot-nosed teenager, sitting at his Mom's laptop in the basement eating Cheetos by the case!

If that is the truth, you are the one being duped.

Half the GOP believe a huge pile of BS, so they are dupes. I'm a retired teacher/businessman, thanks.

I'm sorry! No one should ever claim to be a teacher that overuses a word they do not understand.
How many people were prosecuted for similar things Mrs. Clinton has done. THat is something I would like to know. It might be the case that she accidentally got those emails but I do know that people are punished for distributing top secret emails. It would be interesting to compare treatment of either.
You have no Hillary lies. Yet somehow she's a LIAR!! Ridiculous, but seems to work. 25 years of GOP hate/ bs

Really, you still clinging to no lies after seeing the Bosnia video? She shows clearly that deep in her soul she is a liar. You not thinking that truth is important just make you more of a liberal.
One irrelevant stretch of the truth makes her LIAR!!!!? Hilarious. They were rushed off the tarmac because of worries, dupes. Meanwhile,the GOP candidates lie nonstop. It's the GOP platform lol.

2 years of control, Obama got everything lol, Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry.
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How many people were prosecuted for similar things Mrs. Clinton has done. THat is something I would like to know. It might be the case that she accidentally got those emails but I do know that people are punished for distributing top secret emails. It would be interesting to compare treatment of either.
None. That was easy lol. ONLY she has been pilloried for any of this bs...
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

You REALLY need to find a new word other than dupe! It brings to my mind a snot-nosed teenager, sitting at his Mom's laptop in the basement eating Cheetos by the case!

If that is the truth, you are the one being duped.

Half the GOP believe a huge pile of BS, so they are dupes. I'm a retired teacher/businessman, thanks.

I'm sorry! No one should ever claim to be a teacher that overuses a word they do not understand.

Hilarious. Pub hater dupes are THE political story of the last 30 years. A disgrace.

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