No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

Bengazi WAS a witch hunt that proved nothing!
haha it proved an attempted cover up and also exposed how the obama admin was recklessly handing classified material on an illegal server.

it exposed a massive national security risk
Bengazi WAS a witch hunt that proved nothing!
The Benghazi investigations revealed Hillary Clinton's use of private servers to dodge Congressional oversight, Billo! They are what led to her shocking loss to Donald Trump.

Proved nothing? They proved quite a bit actually.
So he offered the National Guard and that was part of his "plan"? LOL Really, Billo?
I assume he didn't "do shit" because his offers to do something BEFORE the protest turned violent were turned down!
Trump wanted the violence.
and yet he offered troops the day before to protect the capital and he said to protest peacefully
That Trump! He's a freaking mastermind! He offers the National Guard and tells the crowd to protest peacefully but he's actually using Jedi Mind Tricks to cause the riot! That's how dangerous he is, Sarge! (Eye Roll)
With all due respect, Marener? Can you name another instance when the husband of someone accused of what Hillary was accused of, met secretly with a sitting Attorney General to work out a deal? Hillary was NEVER going to be treated like everyone else! She was caught red handed running the State Department through hidden servers to avoid Congressional oversight and her response to that was to attempt to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing! Bill Clinton's meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona resulted in the DOJ's decision not to bring charges against Clinton with James Comey claiming that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she'd been doing something of the most unbelievable things an FBI Director has EVER uttered!

Colin Powell did the same thing.... and no one said boo, even after he couldn't produce email related to the war in Iraq.

the DOJ didn't bring a case because it was kind of bullshit. Most of the "Classified" documents were classified after the fact.
Colin Powell did the same thing.... and no one said boo, even after he couldn't produce email related to the war in Iraq.

the DOJ didn't bring a case because it was kind of bullshit. Most of the "Classified" documents were classified after the fact.
Did you really just try to claim that Colin Powell ran the US State Department from private servers he had hid in his house, Joe? Love to see you back that claim up, Little Buddy!
Colin Powell did the same thing.... and no one said boo, even after he couldn't produce email related to the war in Iraq.

the DOJ didn't bring a case because it was kind of bullshit. Most of the "Classified" documents were classified after the fact.
The DOJ didn't bring a case because Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton worked out a deal when they met secretly on the tarmac in Arizona! Or are you one of the truly clueless that bought the story that all they talked about that day was their "grandkids"? (Eye roll)
Did you really just try to claim that Colin Powell ran the US State Department from private servers he had hid in his house, Joe? Love to see you back that claim up, Little Buddy!

No, he did something worse... he used email servers owned by public email companies.

Colin Powell told Hillary Clinton, his successor as secretary of state, that he used a personal computer to email foreign leaders “without going through State Department servers”, a seven-year-old email exchange reveals.

Powell dismissed some of the official security restrictions on him as “nonsense” and questioned why his personal digital assistant (PDA) was any more vulnerable to spies than a TV remote control or “something embedded in my shoe heel”.

The email correspondence was released on Wednesday by Representative Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee, intending to show that Clinton’s handling of data was hardly less meticulous than previous secretaries of state.

The DOJ didn't bring a case because Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton worked out a deal when they met secretly on the tarmac in Arizona! Or are you one of the truly clueless that bought the story that all they talked about that day was their "grandkids"? (Eye roll)

The only two people in that room said that's what they talked about.

Comey said he was under no pressure from Lynch or Obama on how to dispose of the case.

And given what they've caught Trump doing with ACTUAL classified documents, you are being a bit hypocritical here.
No, he did something worse... he used email servers owned by public email companies.

Colin Powell told Hillary Clinton, his successor as secretary of state, that he used a personal computer to email foreign leaders “without going through State Department servers”, a seven-year-old email exchange reveals.

Powell dismissed some of the official security restrictions on him as “nonsense” and questioned why his personal digital assistant (PDA) was any more vulnerable to spies than a TV remote control or “something embedded in my shoe heel”.

The email correspondence was released on Wednesday by Representative Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee, intending to show that Clinton’s handling of data was hardly less meticulous than previous secretaries of state.

The only two people in that room said that's what they talked about.

Comey said he was under no pressure from Lynch or Obama on how to dispose of the case.

And given what they've caught Trump doing with ACTUAL classified documents, you are being a bit hypocritical here.
There were only two people on the plane because they had their staffs wait outside in the blistering heat in Arizona! Which of course is what you DO if you're going to talk about your grandkids...right, Joey? (Eye Roll)
No, he did something worse... he used email servers owned by public email companies.

Colin Powell told Hillary Clinton, his successor as secretary of state, that he used a personal computer to email foreign leaders “without going through State Department servers”, a seven-year-old email exchange reveals.

Powell dismissed some of the official security restrictions on him as “nonsense” and questioned why his personal digital assistant (PDA) was any more vulnerable to spies than a TV remote control or “something embedded in my shoe heel”.

The email correspondence was released on Wednesday by Representative Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee, intending to show that Clinton’s handling of data was hardly less meticulous than previous secretaries of state.

The only two people in that room said that's what they talked about.

Comey said he was under no pressure from Lynch or Obama on how to dispose of the case.

And given what they've caught Trump doing with ACTUAL classified documents, you are being a bit hypocritical here.
If you can't grasp the HUGE difference between Powell sending some emails to foreign leaders and Hillary Clinton running the State Department through the two servers she hid in her home and lied to Congressional investigators about...then you're either clueless or deliberately obtuse!

Since you actually think Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch talked about their grandkids...I'm going with clueless!
There were only two people on the plane because they had their staffs wait outside in the blistering heat in Arizona! Which of course is what you DO if you're going to talk about your grandkids...right, Joey? (Eye Roll)

sure. Why not?

If you can't grasp the HUGE difference between Powell sending some emails to foreign leaders and Hillary Clinton running the State Department through the two servers she hid in her home and lied to Congressional investigators about...then you're either clueless or deliberately obtuse!

Actually, it was both kind of the same thing. They both found the antiquated IT systems of the State Department hard to work with, so they worked around them.

I just can't get worked up about it.

Since you actually think Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch talked about their grandkids...I'm going with clueless!

And until you have proof otherwise, let me know.

I know, I know, he handed her a copy of the Clinton Death List, and said, 'It would be a shame if you got added to it."
sure. Why not?

Actually, it was both kind of the same thing. They both found the antiquated IT systems of the State Department hard to work with, so they worked around them.

I just can't get worked up about it.

And until you have proof otherwise, let me know.

I know, I know, he handed her a copy of the Clinton Death List, and said, 'It would be a shame if you got added to it."
The "proof", you moron, is that the DOJ didn't charge Hillary Clinton when it was obvious to anyone who isn't clueless that she deliberately tried to run the State Department so that Congress would not have oversight and then deliberately destroyed evidence of what she'd been doing when it was uncovered by the Benghazi investigations.
With all due respect, Frank...the only way Comey's comment would make any sense at if Hillary Clinton was a complete MORON who didn't have a clue that running the State Department through hidden, unsecured servers in her home was totally illegal! Do you REALLY think Hillary is a moron? I can't stand the woman but I've never accused her of being dumb!
Of course she knew that was my point Comey let her go when she should have been held accountable!

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