No President has a good second term, so why do you think Trump will?

So, without getting into policy or politics, the reality is that Presidents never have good second terms. There are reasons for this. While in a first term, a President will try to burnish his credibility by appointing Senators and Governors to key posts, in a second term, he's more likely to appoint loyalists who are less likely to say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." They are more likely to have scandals.

Let's review recent history, shall we?

Obama - Lost the Senate in the midterms. Mired in the IRS fake scandal.
Dubya Bush- Iraq war went south, Katrina, and the economic crash of 2008.
Clinton- Monica Lewinsky
Reagan - Iran Contra, the 1987 Stock market crash
Nixon- Watergate
Johnson - Vietnam, Race Riots, Civil unrest
Obama lost the senate in his first term in 2010. good points on your other examples. but what we are dealing with here is a split term, not consecutive as your examples show. That may be a difference. Time will tell.

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