"No Speak English"

That's the kind of response that I got today when my fiancée and I went out to dinner and I asked for a box for my French fries. This is such a pet peeve of mine. Granted, the man I saw had on an apron so he was probably a dishwasher or something, but if you live and especially work in this country and especially at a place where people might ask you stuff like a restaurant (I asked him for a box because I couldn't find our waitress) then you should speak or learn to speak English. It drives me crazy! :rolleyes: (Hopefully he was at least legal though but I just kept my thoughts to myself until we got back in the car)
How far have you traveled from the place where you were born & grew up?
That's the kind of response that I got today when my fiancée and I went out to dinner and I asked for a box for my French fries. This is such a pet peeve of mine. Granted, the man I saw had on an apron so he was probably a dishwasher or something,

That man has something you don’t have.
A desire to work for a living.

He doesn’t hide behind the fact that he struggles with English to quit on life and demand government assistance
It really is in one's interest to be multilingual. I can't even begin to recall how many times I've relied on it during my traveling years out in the field.

Never ran out of towels. Always got what I needed. And everybody got along just fine.
Exactly what I said.

I don't speak Spanish and therefore I can't communicate with him if I don't speak Spanish and I shouldn't be expected to either.
I don't speak Spanish and therefore I can't communicate with him if I don't speak Spanish and I shouldn't be expected to either.
You have Google translate on your phone

Don’t forget to say…..por favor
I don't speak Spanish and therefore I can't communicate with him if I don't speak Spanish and I shouldn't be expected to either.
You don't have to speak a common language to communicate. Make an effort.
You don't have to speak a common language to communicate. Make an effort.
Everyone has a phone with Google Translate.
Doesn’t take much effort to find the word you are looking for.

Especially if your fries are that important to you
Everyone has a phone with Google Translate.
Doesn’t take much effort to find the word you are looking for.

Especially if your fries are that important to you

I have to admit that that's a good point.
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