Noam Chomsky: Israeli Apartheid ‘Much Worse’ Than South Africa

That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
No. I'm saying that the Pali's are a retrograde collection of beggars and squatters who represent the greatest fraud in history.
You are an Idiot,Palestinians one of the most educated and one of the highest matriculation rates to enter University in the world per head of population.

Some how your Zionist Hate has imbued you completely,you are retrograde,inept and your mind Beggars Belief......Keep Squatting on Palestinian Land....You will in the end fail on your Judgement Day and be cast asunder

Putting aside the 'Zionist position' I would be interested to know how come that nobody bother to verify the claim of Chomsky and others.
That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
No. I'm saying that the Pali's are a retrograde collection of beggars and squatters who represent the greatest fraud in history.
You are an Idiot,Palestinians one of the most educated and one of the highest matriculation rates to enter University in the world per head of population.

Some how your Zionist Hate has imbued you completely,you are retrograde,inept and your mind Beggars Belief......Keep Squatting on Palestinian Land....You will in the end fail on your Judgement Day and be cast asunder

Putting aside the 'Zionist position' I would be interested to know how come that nobody bother to verify the claim of Chomsky and others.
I agree Danny,you will note I have been mute on the thread regarding this matter..steve
So ratboy you don't think that international law should apply to Israel when it supports their actions. typical islamomarxist brainwashing propaganda
The UN does not support Israeli actions, they grudgingly tolerate them.
They don't even tolerate them if given a free vote. America, Israel's bitch keeps the U.N. "in line".

Then why doesn't the UN kick Israel and the US out and move to another location. You never know it might just start an avalanche of nations leaving and setting up a new organisation without any Islamic interference
You're quite the islamo-vacant minded. If you search these threads, you will find rote lists of UN " resolutions" condemning Israel for every bad decision, pratfall and disaster self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis.

We can thus agree your shrill whining is pointless.

Does that include the UN resolution telling Israel to stop continuing economic trade with apartheid South Africa.

Was that "...self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."?

Was the UN able to enforce this recommendation then, or was it a toothless old hag and unable to take it further. Just as it has been unable to stop islamonazi atrocities from taking place
Since there is no apartheid in Israel how does it makes Chomsky look given this false equivalence?
Then why is it, Jews from all over the world can come to live in Israel, but an Arab-Israeli citizen, can't bring his wife to live with him from the West Bank?

Because that is the law. Just as a Jew cant move back to his land and property in Saudi, Jordan, Egypt or any number of islamonazi apartheid states. Neither can a Palestinian in one of the concentration camps of Jordan, Iraq and Syria take his wife from the west bank to his tent in the concentration camp.
That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
Billo,you do realize that Israel has been employing White Boer South African Mercenaries for the past 45 years,to do a lot of their "dirty work"against the Palestinians.

How about a link then from an unbiased and non partisan source to prove your claim.

That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
No. I'm saying that the Pali's are a retrograde collection of beggars and squatters who represent the greatest fraud in history.
You are an Idiot,Palestinians one of the most educated and one of the highest matriculation rates to enter University in the world per head of population.

Some how your Zionist Hate has imbued you completely,you are retrograde,inept and your mind Beggars Belief......Keep Squatting on Palestinian Land....You will in the end fail on your Judgement Day and be cast asunder


So why don't we see then in employment outside of Palestine, is it because they are not recognised as they have no practical experience and cant even add 2 + 2 to get 4.
How many Palestinian doctorates do you employ in your business at their chosen professions ?
That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
No. I'm saying that the Pali's are a retrograde collection of beggars and squatters who represent the greatest fraud in history.
You are an Idiot,Palestinians one of the most educated and one of the highest matriculation rates to enter University in the world per head of population.

Some how your Zionist Hate has imbued you completely,you are retrograde,inept and your mind Beggars Belief......Keep Squatting on Palestinian Land....You will in the end fail on your Judgement Day and be cast asunder

Oh, yeah. Those "Balisdinian" diplomas are a valuable commodity. Graduates with degrees in welfare fraud and Islamic terrorism are in high demand.
Since there is no apartheid in Israel how does it makes Chomsky look given this false equivalence?
Then why is it, Jews from all over the world can come to live in Israel, but an Arab-Israeli citizen, can't bring his wife to live with him from the West Bank?
1.They can ('Family Reunion') permit.
2.Does that define apartheid?
3.If so would that be "much worse" than the apartheid of SA?
That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
No. I'm saying that the Pali's are a retrograde collection of beggars and squatters who represent the greatest fraud in history.
You are an Idiot,Palestinians one of the most educated and one of the highest matriculation rates to enter University in the world per head of population.

Some how your Zionist Hate has imbued you completely,you are retrograde,inept and your mind Beggars Belief......Keep Squatting on Palestinian Land....You will in the end fail on your Judgement Day and be cast asunder

Putting aside the 'Zionist position' I would be interested to know how come that nobody bother to verify the claim of Chomsky and others.

The mindless leftist drones lining up to suckle at his dusty teats don't need or want to know if what they are swallowing is true or not.
That was "....failure, incompetence and ineptitude self-created by the Islamic terrorist Palis..."
So you're saying the Palestinian's were responsible for Israel's trade with apartheid South Africa?
No. I'm saying that the Pali's are a retrograde collection of beggars and squatters who represent the greatest fraud in history.
You are an Idiot,Palestinians one of the most educated and one of the highest matriculation rates to enter University in the world per head of population.

Some how your Zionist Hate has imbued you completely,you are retrograde,inept and your mind Beggars Belief......Keep Squatting on Palestinian Land....You will in the end fail on your Judgement Day and be cast asunder

Putting aside the 'Zionist position' I would be interested to know how come that nobody bother to verify the claim of Chomsky and others.

The mindless leftist drones lining up to suckle at his dusty teats don't need or want to know if what they are swallowing is true or not.
Can you provide an unbiased link to one of Professor Chomsky's lies?

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