"Non-fatal" fatal episodes...

Mr. H.

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2009
A warm place with no memory.
I was maybe 8 years old when I decided to climb a really big tree. A branch broke and I went tumbling 30 ft. to the ground. Hitting every stupid branch on the way down. Major concussion. I only remember vague bits.

I don't know why I didn't die.

Two "non fatal" swimming accidents. One, a near-death experience. Life flashing before me and all.

I don't know why I didn't die.

Speeding along a snow-plowed highway. It was a white-out. Watching a car coming from the other direction- and passing me on the right.

I don't know why I didn't die.

In the throes of divorce, (ugly episode) I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Poised to thrust it into my chest... it didn't happen. And it wasn't me who stopped it.

I don't know why I didn't die.

I haven't died many times over but should have.

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