Non-Subjective government waste - duplicative spending


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
As opposed to waste where something someone else doesn't think we need to spend money on, but where we spent money on it twice.

2013 Waste List: Diesel Emissions
~ $740 million wasted

2013 Waste List: Financial Literacy
~ $31 million wasted

2013 Waste List: Information Technology Investment Management (Personnel Assignment Management)
~ $39 million wasted

2013 Waste List: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Aircraft)
~ $5.8 billion (with a 'b') wasted

2013 Waste List: Information Technology Investment Management (Promotion Rating)
~ $3.3 million wasted

on n on.

Without losing anything, just by cutting duplicative funding we can fund those projects we would cut otherwise.
Granny says dat's why we in so much debt...

Solar Beer, Killer Snails, and Unlicensed Llamas: New Report Calls Out Outrageous Gov’t Waste
December 1, 2015 | Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) released a “Federal Fumbles” report Monday that calls out 100 examples of the misuse of taxpayer dollars through out of control government spending and regulation.
Some of the most outrageous examples include a killer snail card game for elementary school children, solar panels for brewers, and a USDA demand that the owners of a pair of celebrity llamas obtain licenses in order to be able to showcase their animals or risk fines. The report initially noted that the national debt is “careening towards $19 trillion (yes, that is a 19 followed by 12 zeros), and federal regulations are expanding at a record pace.” Here are 10 over-the-top examples of government waste and over regulation from Lankford’s report:

Truck Driver Weight Loss Program

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) spent $2,658,929 in taxpayer dollars to fund a weight loss program for truck drivers. “From 2011 to 2015, NIH awarded Oregon Health & Science University a total of $2,658,929 to conduct a cell-phone-based program for a ‘weight loss competition’ and ‘motivational interviewing,’” the report said.

Studying the History of Tobacco Use in Russia

The NIH also announced in April 2015 a $48,500 grant to produce a book entitled, “Cigarettes and Soviets: The Culture of Tobacco Use in Modern Russia.” According to Lankford’s report, “The supposed hook into NIH and public health relevance is that ‘understanding Russia's distinctive history may suggest different strategies for U.S. policy initiatives’ and that it can ‘provide insights into the successes and failures of government-led tobacco control efforts.’”

Media Ethics Training in India

The State Department announced July 2015 that it was seeking proposals for a media ethics course for journalists in India. “Since Indian journalists are ‘part of a global community of media professionals,’ as the ad put it, the course would supply ‘a baseline understanding of the international industry standards media should strive to meet,’” the report explained.

Unlicensed Llamas
What difference does it make at this point, really? With trillions in debt which we'll never hope to get clear of, and the completely worthless dollar, coupled with government spending out of control, there's no way we can recover from this. Illegal immigrants and others on the dole compound the problem further.

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