Nooow, hear this. CNN reporting that Russia used Pokemon to influence election!!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

They have become a complete joke unto themselves. I mean CNN has become comedy gold.

The best are the losers that follow and believe it.
When I do my 10 second pause on CNN, it is looking more like state run TV every day. I expect to see a RESISTANCE flag hanging behind them soon.
Guys our nation has a serious problem. We have a bunch of absolute nutjobs controlling the media. And people who actually agree with this nonsense.
People didn't believe me when I told them how dangerous Pokemon go was they should have listened.
It's getting boring with the idiots on Crap News Network.

Looks like Hollywood is making the stories for CNN as well as for all liberal Media.

I can't imagine so many people still believe their BS even after they say on camera "It's mostly BS!"

That unreal stupid poster Valerie believes all of this shit.

There is literally nothing dumber or more annoying than a liberal white woman. Nothing.
It's getting boring with the idiots on Crap News Network.

Looks like Hollywood is making the stories for CNN as well as for all liberal Media.

I can't imagine so many people still believe their BS even after they say on camera "It's mostly BS!"

That unreal stupid poster Valerie believes all of this shit.

There is literally nothing dumber or more annoying than a liberal white woman. Nothing.

It seems to me all liberals should be patients of local mental hospitals. Look at this nut-case:


They have become a complete joke unto themselves. I mean CNN has become comedy gold.

The best are the losers that follow and believe it.


They've all admitted it. Youtube was invaded by Russian sponsored adds. There are investigations all over about this now. Including Robert Mueller who has assigned a task force of following the money on a lot of these Russian adds. If any Americans were involved in this, they will be charged.
Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platforms

If Pokemon GO had advertisements on their site--they probably bought adds there also. The money for these adds have all been traced back to a firm in Russia--which operates out of St. Petersburg Russia.
Russian firm tied to pro-Kremlin propaganda advertised on Facebook during election

They don't say their from Russia, they're not obvious at all. They came with names for "Border Security" Muslim Brotherhood" and yes "Black Lives matter type adds." There was one even with a Texas icon on their add. Specific areas of the country were targeted. The south was inundated about immigration adds--with FAKE news about crimes committed by illegals. Black Lives adds were negative toward Hillary Clinton--& Bill Clinton's 3 times you're out policy.

Muslim adds were also negative against Muslims and they were all DESIGNED to sway public opinion toward Trump. If a state leaned toward Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein during the primary those states were targeted with FAKE adds about Hillary Clinton. One Russian add--even promoted voting for Jill Stein--"saying don't worry you won't waste your vote."

It's not only in this country that Vladimir Putin has done this. They were heavily involved in the Brexit election in the U.K---Germany's election process and even France & Spain have felt the Russian propoganda in their elections.
Russian involvement in US vote raises fears for European elections


It's real!
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It's getting boring with the idiots on Crap News Network.

You people sure don't know a lot do you? Does FOX NEWS report on anything anymore? Or has Trump just bought their network?


They've all admitted it. Youtube was invaded by Russian sponsored adds. There are investigations all over about this now. Including Robert Mueller who has assigned a task force of following the money on a lot of these Russian adds. If any Americans were involved in this, they will be charged.
Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platforms

If Pokemon GO had advertisements on their site--they probably bought adds there also. The money for these adds have all been traced back to a firm in Russia--which operates out of St. Petersburg Russia.
Russian firm tied to pro-Kremlin propaganda advertised on Facebook during election

They don't say their from Russia, they're not obvious at all. They came with names for "Border Security" Muslim Brotherhood" and yes "Black Lives matter type adds." There was one even with a Texas icon on their add. Specific areas of the country were targeted. The south was inundated about immigration adds--with FAKE news about crimes committed by illegals. Black Lives adds were negative toward Hillary Clinton--& Bill Clinton's 3 times you're out policy.

Muslim adds were also negative against Muslims and they were all DESIGNED to sway public opinion toward Trump. If a state leaned toward Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein during the primary those states were targeted with FAKE adds about Hillary Clinton. One Russian add--even promoted voting for Jill Stein--"saying don't worry you won't waste your vote."

It's not only in this country that Vladimir Putin has done this. They were heavily involved in the Brexit election in the U.K---Germany's election process and even France & Spain have felt the Russian propoganda in their elections.
Russian involvement in US vote raises fears for European elections


Maybe you people should think about changing the channel.


A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories
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They have become a complete joke unto themselves. I mean CNN has become comedy gold.

The best are the losers that follow and believe it.

WTF kind of video is this? Is this really what you watch? Is it how you get your news?! I guess that explains a lot

They have become a complete joke unto themselves. I mean CNN has become comedy gold.

The best are the losers that follow and believe it.

WTF kind of video is this? Is this really what you watch? Is it how you get your news?! I guess that explains a lot

What he is saying is TRUE dumbass--scroll back up to post # 15 on this thread. I really have no idea what news you all are listening too, but Russia buying adds all over Google, FACEBOOK, and Twitter has been known now for at least 3 months, and they've all admitted it.

If Pokeman Go had advertisments on their site, there's no reason to believe that Russia didn't invade that site with adds either.

There are tons of credible verifiable links on post # 15 on this thread.

They have become a complete joke unto themselves. I mean CNN has become comedy gold.

The best are the losers that follow and believe it.

WTF kind of video is this? Is this really what you watch? Is it how you get your news?! I guess that explains a lot

What the fuck is a piece of shit like you talking about?

You are all such fucking unreal pathetic losers.

They have become a complete joke unto themselves. I mean CNN has become comedy gold.

The best are the losers that follow and believe it.

WTF kind of video is this? Is this really what you watch? Is it how you get your news?! I guess that explains a lot

What the fuck is a piece of shit like you talking about?

You are all such fucking unreal pathetic losers.

I’m talking about the “News for partisan doochebags ” video that you posted. I thought I was pretty clear

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