North Carolina Proposal Would Ban Welfare Recipients From Buying Lottery Tickets

Just another way to demonize the poor and make work for themselves so they can get out of working to create jobs. Typical of the right to want government control of every tiny detail of our lives but, most "poor" in this country are children and elderly. They are also the biggest recipients of food stamps.

Forcing a lottery winner to give 95% of his winnings to the state? Is there no end to the controls the right wants put on the private citizen?

I got a Walmart gift card at Christmas. I couldn't buy alcohol with it. I thought it a bit strange, but not a punishment.

The punishment was having to go into a Keep China Green WalMart. WHY is it that rw's dont want to buy American-made? And, yes, you're a racist. That's old news. Move on.

For the record, I went to Sam's Club and bought a whole tenderloin (about $80) and some odds and ends with the card.
Walmart drives me up the wall. Narrow aisles and no one speaks English in the damned place.
Hatred of labour unions?

Always one of the more absurd arguments, as if other stores carry American goods and only Walmart sells Chinese made products. The truth is that the mom and pops are the absolute worst about selling foreign made crap.
Just another way to demonize the poor and make work for themselves so they can get WHY is it that rw's dont want to buy American-made?

Hatred of labour unions?

Honestly, I don't think that rw's would ever sink so low as to support foreign business over US business. I honestly believe that, while I've heard some really crappy shit on this board, I don't believe that most are THAT anti-American or hate their country quite that much.

Am I wrong?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a prime example of how it supports international Corporations over the American Workers for years now by giving seminars and other instructional materials on how to ship jobs off shore and increase a corporations bottom line and avoid paying U.S. taxes on top of getting a reward in the form of a tax break for doing so.

Ah, open lying.

So, how many times did you vote for Obama in the last election?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a prime example of how it supports international Corporations over the American Workers for years now by giving seminars and other instructional materials on how to ship jobs off shore and increase a corporations bottom line and avoid paying U.S. taxes on top of getting a reward in the form of a tax break for doing so.

Ah, open lying.

Sadly, no it's not. For generations now, the Harvard Business School model has taught that maximizing profits is the Holy Grail of business management. Any steps you take to decrease costs and while maintaining or increasing prices isi a good thing, because the sole purpose of a corporation is to make a profit. There is no consideration of the impact of these decisions on the overall economy.

Sadly, when manufacturing, or customer service jobs are sent off shore, American $$$ flow offshore with them taking those $$$ out of the US economy, thus shrinking consumer spending, and taxes paid on that income. Those manufacturing $$$ are no longer fueling the US economy. Taxes from those workers' income are no longer supporting US infrastructure. Manufacturers are relieved of the costs of US taxes and benefits and are able to pay Third World wages, thus helping THOSE countries improve their infrastructures and standards of living, while the opposite happens at home. In recent years, GE has shipped 16,000 American jobs offshore. It is important to important to buy stuff made at home. Your friends and neighbours need jobs too.
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Sadly, no it's not.

Oh sure it is, and you know it is. (Or if you don't, your handlers do.)

For generations now, the Harvard Business School model has taught that maximizing profits is the Holy Grail of business management. Any steps you take to decrease costs and while maintaining or increasing prices isi a good thing, because the sole purpose of a corporation is to make a profit. There is no consideration of the impact of these decisions on the overall economy.

Which does nothing to support your false claims.

Of course Harvard and ANY responsible business school teaches that the responsibility of management team is to maximize the value of the business. Not many people seek to lower value.

I mean, perhaps you graffiti the walls of section 8 housing, but if you paid for your housing, you would seek to INCREASE rather than decrease the value.

Sadly, when manufacturing, or customer service jobs are sent off shore, American $$$ flow offshore with them taking those $$$ out of the US economy, thus shrinking consumer spending, and taxes paid on that income. Those manufacturing $$$ are no longer fueling the US economy.

So, your claim is that during the 1990's, during which nearly all offshoring occurred, the American economy SHRANK?


Taxes from those workers' income are no longer supporting US infrastructure. Manufacturers are relieved of the costs of US taxes and benefits and are able to pay Third World wages, thus helping THOSE countries improve their infrastructures and standards of living, while the opposite happens at home.

The depth of the ignorance in the talking points you post is astounding.

You decry the loss of unskilled, button pushing jobs. I understand that Unions miss the days when the infrastructure of Europe was in ashes and the third world lived in squalor, thus creating a monopoly for U.S. manufacturing. This created an artificial level for a segment of society that could not be sustained. Even in industries, such as automotive, that did not see significant off-shoring, the days of the overcompensated button pushers waned. Japanese and Korean cars pushed into American markets and crushed the poor offerings of GM and Chrysler. Ford shifted manufacturing to Brazil and Mexico. In all cases, the fat and lazy UAW became endangered. Even the hundreds of billions of taxpayer booty that Obama has given the UAW cannot alter reality. For GM to survive, a greater reliance on automation is required. GM employs less assemblers today than they did in 1960, and the number is dropping fast - it has to if they are to compete with Hyundai and Toyota, both American car makers who don't bow to the UAW.

This has nothing to do with lottery tickets, but if you want to talk about offshoring, move it to the CDZ and I'll be happy to go into it.
Besides offering up pure speculation, do you know of any stores accepting EBT cards as payment for either of those products? Because if you hadn't realized no one gets "food stamps" anymore, they get and EBT Card which is a debit card, so tell me oh wise one what establishment is going to lose their licenses swiping that damn card for payment on those 2 items?
"Food stamps" is still a common expression for it regardless of the actual format, I'm not sure why you are getting so twisted about over the term.

Regarding speculation, I have no idea what you are talking about. You cannot buy liquor or smokes with food stamps, it isn't speculation it is fact.
Punish is the correct word here, because it's sad how we are culturally condition to look down on the poorest in our society when they need Govt or State benefits just to survive and champion corporations who gets billions of our tax dollars for basically the same reason, but instead of calling that corporate welfare the word is changed to "subsidies".
Ah so your utterly retarded framing of this as "punishment" is validated because of sweeping generalizations you like to make about how the poor are viewed?

Negative, you have your own pet definition of punishment that I've not seen listed anywhere else.
North Carolina lawmakers have drafted legislation that would ban welfare recipients and people in bankruptcy from buying lottery tickets in the state, according to several news reports.
The bill draft would punish vendors for selling lottery tickets to someone who they know is on welfare or in bankruptcy

Makes Sense, however it would be unenforceable since how would the vendors know if the person was on welfare or had file for bankruptcy. So to make the law enforceable they would have to come up with a way to mark their id's as non eligible for these purchases. Which Im sure would create more problems.

North Carolina Proposal Would Ban Welfare Recipients From Buying Lottery Tickets

You can bet your bottom dollar, if an ID were required to purchase a lottery ticket, there'd be a rush on to get IDs.
North Carolina lawmakers have drafted legislation that would ban welfare recipients and people in bankruptcy from buying lottery tickets in the state, according to several news reports.
The bill draft would punish vendors for selling lottery tickets to someone who they know is on welfare or in bankruptcy

Makes Sense, however it would be unenforceable since how would the vendors know if the person was on welfare or had file for bankruptcy. So to make the law enforceable they would have to come up with a way to mark their id's as non eligible for these purchases. Which Im sure would create more problems.

North Carolina Proposal Would Ban Welfare Recipients From Buying Lottery Tickets

You can bet your bottom dollar, if an ID were required to purchase a lottery ticket, there'd be a rush on to get IDs.

and the lefties would scream racism
North Carolina lawmakers have drafted legislation that would ban welfare recipients and people in bankruptcy from buying lottery tickets in the state, according to several news reports.
The bill draft would punish vendors for selling lottery tickets to someone who they know is on welfare or in bankruptcy

Makes Sense, however it would be unenforceable since how would the vendors know if the person was on welfare or had file for bankruptcy. So to make the law enforceable they would have to come up with a way to mark their id's as non eligible for these purchases. Which Im sure would create more problems.

North Carolina Proposal Would Ban Welfare Recipients From Buying Lottery Tickets

You can bet your bottom dollar, if an ID were required to purchase a lottery ticket, there'd be a rush on to get IDs.

That's the dumbest thing I've heard on this thread yet.

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