North Korea, Iran: Why not enforce a Standard Rule of Law on Arms


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010

RE: trying to hold nations to restrictions on arms

To me it is super simple.

The same way the 2nd Amendment "right to bear arms" should CLEARLY apply to DEFENDING laws,
not violating them, why not enforce the same standard for nations to bear arms?

If a Nation has a clear record of aggression and abuse of force to suppress civil rights,
that would be the equivalent of an individual having a criminal record and not being licensed to own a gun.

If Nations were required to develop a track record, of negotiating conflicts civilly first as a priority, ie show equal capability in RESOLVING conflicts so that no excess use of force is necessary, in order to qualify to bear arms,
then Nations would be competing to resolve conflicts peaceably in order to keep a good track record.

If all Nations were held to the same standards, maybe we would enforce law, order and equal justice in society.

Instead of having Presidents who abuse political force to subvert Constitutional processes, and then wonder why law and order cannot be enforced consistently for others, if our own leaders aren't showing respect for the laws.

How can you enforce an equal standard for bearing arms, if other nations and leaders aren't follow that?
The same way Peace Officers go through training to intervene in ways that prevent the need to use their guns, why not train govt leaders to do that as the standard for bearing weapons?

how would anyone tell North Korea that they cannot have arms- and will have to give up their massive arms buildup?
Even better, how long will it take for the US to accept it shouldn't spend as much on arms as the next ten countries combined?

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