North Korea

Jay Zepher

Aug 21, 2020
Yeonmi Park, North Korea defector and author on her defection from North Korea talks about daily life in North Korea in this youtube video.

In other interviews, she has also talked about how her experiences in Columbia University in New York reminded her of what's taught in North Korea.

If this is what's being taught in most US universities, well, there is an end to all this: a self-fulfilled prophecy. America and capitalism are bad, evil. Teach that. Watch America become oppressive like North Korea, China, and the old Soviet Union. That is a future that present day youth will inherent, but it is a future that they are now asking for, not knowing what they will receive. Having lived through it, Yeonmi Park knows it well, the lies of socialism and communism, or in her case a communist nation ruled by a maniacal dictator. And it will definitely happen in the US. No college student taught to believe in that way will ever believe otherwise because we always believe what are professors teach us is true, even when absent of facts.
Yeonmi Park, North Korea defector and author on her defection from North Korea talks about daily life in North Korea in this youtube video.

In other interviews, she has also talked about how her experiences in Columbia University in New York reminded her of what's taught in North Korea.

If this is what's being taught in most US universities, well, there is an end to all this: a self-fulfilled prophecy. America and capitalism are bad, evil. Teach that. Watch America become oppressive like North Korea, China, and the old Soviet Union. That is a future that present day youth will inherent, but it is a future that they are now asking for, not knowing what they will receive. Having lived through it, Yeonmi Park knows it well, the lies of socialism and communism, or in her case a communist nation ruled by a maniacal dictator. And it will definitely happen in the US. No college student taught to believe in that way will ever believe otherwise because we always believe what are professors teach us is true, even when absent of facts.

North Korea is called a Republic and it's ruled by a despotic tyrant, there is zero communism going on there.

When did North Korea become a republic?

The elections were held in South Korea on 10 May 1948. On 15 August, the Republic of Korea formally came into existence. A parallel process occurred in North Korea. A new Supreme People's Assembly was elected in August 1948, and on 3 September a new constitution was promulgated. elections were held in,a new constitution was promulgated.

History of North Korea - Wikipedia​

It is also called,
The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea

The constitution defines North Korea as "a dictatorship of people's democracy" under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), which is given legal supremacy over other political parties.
North Korea is called a Republic and it's ruled by a despotic tyrant, there is zero communism going on there.

When did North Korea become a republic?

The elections were held in South Korea on 10 May 1948. On 15 August, the Republic of Korea formally came into existence. A parallel process occurred in North Korea. A new Supreme People's Assembly was elected in August 1948, and on 3 September a new constitution was promulgated. elections were held in,a new constitution was promulgated.

History of North Korea - Wikipedia​

North Korea is known as the largest prison on earth.
North Korea is called a Republic and it's ruled by a despotic tyrant, there is zero communism going on there.

When did North Korea become a republic?

The elections were held in South Korea on 10 May 1948. On 15 August, the Republic of Korea formally came into existence. A parallel process occurred in North Korea. A new Supreme People's Assembly was elected in August 1948, and on 3 September a new constitution was promulgated. elections were held in,a new constitution was promulgated.

History of North Korea - Wikipedia​

It is also called,
The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea

The constitution defines North Korea as "a dictatorship of people's democracy" under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), which is given legal supremacy over other political parties.

Omfg, you're dense
A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access to the articles of consumption and is often classless, stateless, and moneyless, implying the end of the exploitation of labour.

Communist society - Wikipedia​

They don't really practice what they preach.
yes they do. NK is what a socialist state looks like, it’s no different then all the other socialist states from the USSR, Cuba. the National Socialist Germany, China to Pol Pots regime

poverty, death, and slavery

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