North Korean missile flies higher, farther than any previous test

Trump needs to stay out of it. We don't need WWIII right now. A war is the last thing America needs.
If I understand you right you feel it is no threat on us to allow North Korea to continue to build up their nuclear capabilities. It really seems like a big gamble to me. The reporting we see from the US media clearly shows the threat of North Korea. If the reporting is correct and we continue to do like prior administrations we will definitely pay dearly.
Why would they want to bomb Alaska?

NK is building a defensive arsenal, and what they've got so far apparently is working since no one wants to poke the bear too much.

Where does ANY country get off demanding that another country not develop weapons to protect themselves. Russia, the United States, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea all have nuclear weapons. North Korea wants to be able to defend against that by saying "go for it, but we'll nuke you back."
I hate nuclear weapons and I wish we could get rid of all of them, but I'm not exactly sure what gives any country the right to refuse other countries to have what they have.

U.S. 1946 King's X

Robert Frost

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King's X--no fairs to use it any more!

China Warns North Korea Tensions Could Get ‘Out of Control’
Trump needs to stay out of it. We don't need WWIII right now. A war is the last thing America needs.
If I understand you right you feel it is no threat on us to allow North Korea to continue to build up their nuclear capabilities. It really seems like a big gamble to me. The reporting we see from the US media clearly shows the threat of North Korea. If the reporting is correct and we continue to do like prior administrations we will definitely pay dearly.

can you expand on the threat we face from North Korea------I am aware of the Alaska thing---
but do not see it as a threat. I am also interested in the threat other countries face from
N. Korea. ---ALSO who are the ALLIES of N. Korea?
Why would they want to bomb Alaska?

NK is building a defensive arsenal, and what they've got so far apparently is working since no one wants to poke the bear too much.

Where does ANY country get off demanding that another country not develop weapons to protect themselves. Russia, the United States, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea all have nuclear weapons. North Korea wants to be able to defend against that by saying "go for it, but we'll nuke you back."
I hate nuclear weapons and I wish we could get rid of all of them, but I'm not exactly sure what gives any country the right to refuse other countries to have what they have.

U.S. 1946 King's X

Robert Frost

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King's X--no fairs to use it any more!

The difference being that those countries havent been threatening other countries with annihilation.
I believe China and Russia are using North Korea as a diversion. A front for their own purposes. Communists are known for using front organizations to hide their own movements and in this case NK could be called a "front nation," for the Communist nations who do have the power and the resources to do great harm. They have to have a "fall guy" so to speak and North Korea appears to be the scapegoat they will sacrifice once WWIII begins. Communists have a history of turning on each other. Doubtful that Communist nations would be any different. They certainly have no intention of sharing power with NK once they execute their plan. No more than they intend to share power with the Communists inside our own country who have assisted them in weakening our defense through politics, education / universities, progressives, media, Pentagon, think tanks like RAND and so forth... Those people will be the first to go once the tanks roll in.
Keep punishing China and North Korea will fall into line, one way or another. This means a tariff against Chinese goods, banning certain products made in China from entering America, sanctions against Chinese banks.

I guarantee that if this is done, North Korea changes completely. If they don't, China might even understand that their own economic ability is at risk.
Trump needs to stay out of it. We don't need WWIII right now. A war is the last thing America needs.

Striking North Korea does not equal WWIII
Trump needs to stay out of it. We don't need WWIII right now. A war is the last thing America needs.
If I understand you right you feel it is no threat on us to allow North Korea to continue to build up their nuclear capabilities. It really seems like a big gamble to me. The reporting we see from the US media clearly shows the threat of North Korea. If the reporting is correct and we continue to do like prior administrations we will definitely pay dearly.

what is that nature of the reporting that shows CLEARLY the threat of North Korea
They now have the capability to hit Alaska.

This isn't going to end peacefully.

And yet we and the world sit back with out thumbs in our collective, politically correct asses, just as with Iran.

The time to strike ISIS was the first year we knew of them while they were small and confined in a limited area of Iraq. Not 1,500,000 dead later.

The time to strike Iran was at the start of their nuclearization, not after they are making bombs!

The time to get into China's face was a couple years ago, not after they have built up military islands all over the South China Sea, though Trump IS trying.

And the time to strike North Korea is NOW, shoot down their missiles on the launch pads, drop a MOAB on their next public square gathering of all of their top officials including Kim, take them all out, while we still can easily, and be damned what the rest of the fucking worthless world thinks. Not wait until they are launching missiles at the US.

If an asteroid were coming at the Earth, you take it out while it is still far away in space and easier to deal with, not wait until it is entering the upper atmosphere.
They now have the capability to hit Alaska.

This isn't going to end peacefully.

And yet we and the world sit back with out thumbs in our collective, politically correct asses, just as with Iran.

The time to strike ISIS was the first year we knew of them while they were small and confined in a limited area of Iraq. Not 1,500,000 dead later.

The time to strike Iran was at the start of their nuclearization, not after they are making bombs!

The time to get into China's face was a couple years ago, not after they have built up military islands all over the South China Sea, though Trump IS trying.

And the time to strike North Korea is NOW, shoot down their missiles on the launch pads, drop a MOAB on their next public square gathering of all of their top officials including Kim, take them all out, while we still can easily, and be damned what the rest of the fucking worthless world thinks. Not wait until they are launching missiles at the US.

yes-------they built articial ISLANDS in international waters---right? WHY-DA-HELL did they \
get away with DAT?
Why would they want to bomb Alaska?

NK is building a defensive arsenal, and what they've got so far apparently is working since no one wants to poke the bear too much.

Where does ANY country get off demanding that another country not develop weapons to protect themselves. Russia, the United States, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea all have nuclear weapons. North Korea wants to be able to defend against that by saying "go for it, but we'll nuke you back."
I hate nuclear weapons and I wish we could get rid of all of them, but I'm not exactly sure what gives any country the right to refuse other countries to have what they have.

U.S. 1946 King's X

Robert Frost

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King's X--no fairs to use it any more!

The difference being that those countries havent been threatening other countries with annihilation.
I get that. However, my understanding is that he has been threatening annihilation in retaliation if he is attacked. He has the countries with the world's biggest nuclear arsenals touching his borders--Russia, China and (via So. Korea) the U.S. The man is a menace, but I can understand to a certain degree his paranoia.
I hope we don't have to go in there and start blowing shit up. As a pre-emptive move, I think we're on pretty shaky ground.
They now have the capability to hit Alaska.

This isn't going to end peacefully.

And yet we and the world sit back with out thumbs in our collective, politically correct asses, just as with Iran.

The time to strike ISIS was the first year we knew of them while they were small and confined in a limited area of Iraq. Not 1,500,000 dead later.

The time to strike Iran was at the start of their nuclearization, not after they are making bombs!

The time to get into China's face was a couple years ago, not after they have built up military islands all over the South China Sea, though Trump IS trying.

And the time to strike North Korea is NOW, shoot down their missiles on the launch pads, drop a MOAB on their next public square gathering of all of their top officials including Kim, take them all out, while we still can easily, and be damned what the rest of the fucking worthless world thinks. Not wait until they are launching missiles at the US.

yes-------they built articial ISLANDS in international waters---right? WHY-DA-HELL did they \
get away with DAT?

No one has pointed out what devastating consequences that must have had for all of the sea life in the area. Those islands were built upon underwater shoals that were undoubtedly covered with coral and other things destroying the entire ecosystem in the area! Where are the environmentalists when you need them?
Why would they want to bomb Alaska?

NK is building a defensive arsenal, and what they've got so far apparently is working since no one wants to poke the bear too much.

Where does ANY country get off demanding that another country not develop weapons to protect themselves. Russia, the United States, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea all have nuclear weapons. North Korea wants to be able to defend against that by saying "go for it, but we'll nuke you back."
I hate nuclear weapons and I wish we could get rid of all of them, but I'm not exactly sure what gives any country the right to refuse other countries to have what they have.

U.S. 1946 King's X

Robert Frost

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King's X--no fairs to use it any more!

The difference being that those countries havent been threatening other countries with annihilation.
I get that. However, my understanding is that he has been threatening annihilation in retaliation if he is attacked. He has the countries with the world's biggest nuclear arsenals touching his borders--Russia, China and (via So. Korea) the U.S. The man is a menace, but I can understand to a certain degree his paranoia.
I hope we don't have to go in there and start blowing shit up. As a pre-emptive move, I think we're on pretty shaky ground.

No one is threatening the Norks.
They now have the capability to hit Alaska.

This isn't going to end peacefully.

And yet we and the world sit back with out thumbs in our collective, politically correct asses, just as with Iran.

The time to strike ISIS was the first year we knew of them while they were small and confined in a limited area of Iraq. Not 1,500,000 dead later.

The time to strike Iran was at the start of their nuclearization, not after they are making bombs!

The time to get into China's face was a couple years ago, not after they have built up military islands all over the South China Sea, though Trump IS trying.

And the time to strike North Korea is NOW, shoot down their missiles on the launch pads, drop a MOAB on their next public square gathering of all of their top officials including Kim, take them all out, while we still can easily, and be damned what the rest of the fucking worthless world thinks. Not wait until they are launching missiles at the US.

yes-------they built articial ISLANDS in international waters---right? WHY-DA-HELL did they \
get away with DAT?

No one has pointed out what devastating consequences that must have had for all of the sea life in the area. Those islands were built upon underwater shoals that were undoubtedly covered with coral and other things destroying the entire ecosystem in the area! Where are the environmentalists when you need them?

I kinda laughed at the thought of MAKING ARTIFICIAL ISLANDS in international waters and then
LAYING CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP ----------like homesteading on the western frontier
Can I build a shack on ANTARCTICA? and claim the land as my own? ----or maybe
Why would they want to bomb Alaska?

NK is building a defensive arsenal, and what they've got so far apparently is working since no one wants to poke the bear too much.

Where does ANY country get off demanding that another country not develop weapons to protect themselves. Russia, the United States, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea all have nuclear weapons. North Korea wants to be able to defend against that by saying "go for it, but we'll nuke you back."
I hate nuclear weapons and I wish we could get rid of all of them, but I'm not exactly sure what gives any country the right to refuse other countries to have what they have.

U.S. 1946 King's X

Robert Frost

Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King's X--no fairs to use it any more!

The difference being that those countries havent been threatening other countries with annihilation.
I get that. However, my understanding is that he has been threatening annihilation in retaliation if he is attacked. He has the countries with the world's biggest nuclear arsenals touching his borders--Russia, China and (via So. Korea) the U.S. The man is a menace, but I can understand to a certain degree his paranoia.
I hope we don't have to go in there and start blowing shit up. As a pre-emptive move, I think we're on pretty shaky ground.

Problem is, who is to say when he decides he feels he is being attacked? When Iran gets the bomb THEY WILL USE IT. When Kim gets his delivery system HE WILL USE IT. If Kim feels threatened, look at it this way, if you felt threatened by a bully, would you go to his house and throw rocks at his windows antagonizing him?

The danger of not acting now is million of lives. Evacuate Seoul NOW, quietly, move them out, then strike his batteries across the border, hit his armies, hit his military installations, hit his silos before it is too late.

Destroy North Korea's military structure and government, move in and take it over as a unified Korean continent. Bring in massive aide to all the suffering people of North Korea. Put the USA military power there to protect it and tell China and Russia to go pound sand. They had their chance to keep Kim under control. Now we are right in Russia and China's BACK DOOR and they can go suck an egg.
They now have the capability to hit Alaska.

This isn't going to end peacefully.

And yet we and the world sit back with out thumbs in our collective, politically correct asses, just as with Iran.

The time to strike ISIS was the first year we knew of them while they were small and confined in a limited area of Iraq. Not 1,500,000 dead later.

The time to strike Iran was at the start of their nuclearization, not after they are making bombs!

The time to get into China's face was a couple years ago, not after they have built up military islands all over the South China Sea, though Trump IS trying.

And the time to strike North Korea is NOW, shoot down their missiles on the launch pads, drop a MOAB on their next public square gathering of all of their top officials including Kim, take them all out, while we still can easily, and be damned what the rest of the fucking worthless world thinks. Not wait until they are launching missiles at the US.

yes-------they built articial ISLANDS in international waters---right? WHY-DA-HELL did they \
get away with DAT?

No one has pointed out what devastating consequences that must have had for all of the sea life in the area. Those islands were built upon underwater shoals that were undoubtedly covered with coral and other things destroying the entire ecosystem in the area! Where are the environmentalists when you need them?

I kinda laughed at the thought of MAKING ARTIFICIAL ISLANDS in international waters and then
LAYING CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP ----------like homesteading on the western frontier
Can I build a shack on ANTARCTICA? and claim the land as my own? ----or maybe

Yes you can.
They now have the capability to hit Alaska.

This isn't going to end peacefully.

And yet we and the world sit back with out thumbs in our collective, politically correct asses, just as with Iran.

The time to strike ISIS was the first year we knew of them while they were small and confined in a limited area of Iraq. Not 1,500,000 dead later.

The time to strike Iran was at the start of their nuclearization, not after they are making bombs!

The time to get into China's face was a couple years ago, not after they have built up military islands all over the South China Sea, though Trump IS trying.

And the time to strike North Korea is NOW, shoot down their missiles on the launch pads, drop a MOAB on their next public square gathering of all of their top officials including Kim, take them all out, while we still can easily, and be damned what the rest of the fucking worthless world thinks. Not wait until they are launching missiles at the US.

yes-------they built articial ISLANDS in international waters---right? WHY-DA-HELL did they \
get away with DAT?

No one has pointed out what devastating consequences that must have had for all of the sea life in the area. Those islands were built upon underwater shoals that were undoubtedly covered with coral and other things destroying the entire ecosystem in the area! Where are the environmentalists when you need them?

I kinda laughed at the thought of MAKING ARTIFICIAL ISLANDS in international waters and then
LAYING CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP ----------like homesteading on the western frontier
Can I build a shack on ANTARCTICA? and claim the land as my own? ----or maybe

Yes you can.


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