Northam incident-analysis.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that the racist photo of Va. Gov. Ralph Northam almost certainly came from the Democratic Party not the opposition party. Northam publicly used clinical verbal virtuosity to justify the execution of a full term baby either with chemicals similar to those used on a condemned death row inmate or by brute force.

The Democrats had to quickly move to change the narrative because most Americans, even democrats, are not on board with infanticide. Northam’s bizarre comments that the baby would be made comfortable while the mother and a team of health professionals decided whether or not they would kill it sent shock waves across the nation.

It’s doubtful that even Margaret Sanger, a dedicated proponent of eugenics and the founder of Planned Parenthood, would have supported the outright murder of a fully developed baby emerging from the birth canal. The standard argument that a fetus is not a human is irrelevant in this context and the scenario presented by Northam is an abomination to biology human or otherwise.

Prominent Democrats all distanced themselves from Northam’s sinister revelations by saying they hadn’t heard them even though his words swept the airwaves instantly from coast to coast. Then, out of the blue, Northam’s yearbook photos emerged. Most think it’s a lead pipe cinch that that yearbook was in the possession of Democratic operatives and it was released as a distraction.

Democrats apparently fear that Roe VS. Wade is in jeopardy because Ruth Bader Ginsberg has one foot in the grave and the other on the third rail. The idea that a woman in America would ask doctors and nurses to exterminate her baby so she could pursue other interests, the eye color wasn’t right or maybe the child was not perfect is appalling to citizens of all political stripes. Northam’s sin was revealing the party’s intentions.

This incident is a great gift to President Trump and it will certainly provide ammunition for his reelection. With all his imperfections there is no evidence that Donald Trump ever attended the birth of any of his children and asked doctors to make the babies comfortable before they were killed. Elections have consequences and Trump’s Supreme Court could save some lives.

The zero sum fanfare surrounding Roe VS. Wade has gone beyond Margaret Sanger into the realm of Joseph Mengele. Remember that at election time.
What full term baby was killed? You people sure like to stretch the truth to where it is an outright lie, go back to pulling taffy.
What full term baby was killed? You people sure like to stretch the truth to where it is an outright lie, go back to pulling taffy.

Did you forget about the "conversation"?
What full term baby was killed? You people sure like to stretch the truth to where it is an outright lie, go back to pulling taffy.
Just because there is no record of it, doesn't mean, by law, it can't happen.

Why do you post such stupid things sometimes?

What part of what he wrote is wrong?
What child was killed per the governor's statement?
You people support war for profits and the slaughter of innocent children yet want to play like you actually care about kids or babies...I don't trust a one of you to tell the truth..
What child was killed per the governor's statement?
You people support war for profits and the slaughter of innocent children yet want to play like you actually care about kids or babies...I don't trust a one of you to tell the truth..
You know that isn't true of me Mooney.

I am one of the biggest anti-war folks on here.

Likewise, abortion is abhorrent.

A person CAN be logically consistent you know. You should try it some time. . . .

It doesn't matter if a child is killed per the governor's statement, it only matters if infanticide is allowed at the parents discretion b/c of the governor's policy. That is what the issue is here.

You have made it clear, you don't care.
What child was killed per the governor's statement?
You people support war for profits and the slaughter of innocent children yet want to play like you actually care about kids or babies...I don't trust a one of you to tell the truth..

Not me. I’m just as outraged over our wars for money. The political elite have managed to cheapen life among us. To showcase what morons we are, we will vote for people who say if you kill a kid in the womb from drunk driving you can be charged. But if you have a Dr. kill the kid because it stresses you out when it’s borne it’s your right to choose. Then you have 20 years of war. My boys and I have national service medals for conflict in the same shitty part of the world. You have multiple generations of parents and children who have fought in the same theatre of conflict. America needs to take a real hard look at where we are. Life, ALL life needs to be worth something again.
Please note that Northam's statements seemed to redefine abortion as encompassing the clinical execution of a fully developed, "viable" infant. This is what set off the alarm among his own party and provided the impetus to trade the defense of infanticide for the "me too" distraction of racism.
The Democrats shifted the narrative away from the "conversation" a doctor would have with the new mother about whether poison the completely developed infant with drugs or simply let the baby starve to death. Don't forget what this is all about.

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