I can't figure out why Democrats love corruption and evil

There is all this evidence of corruption in our highest offices and the response of the Ds (here and presumably everywhere) is


Then there's the extremism in their abortion views. I don't believe in abortion for ANY reason except that ectopic pregnancies are fatal to both mother and child. But the dims say abortion should be allowed through the 9th month and Ralph Northam, once governor of VA said once that if the parents don't want the baby, even after the child is born... put the child aside and let the parents make a decision!

What the hell is wrong w/ these people?
The Democrat Party, media and educational system has been infiltrated by Marxists. The goal is to destroy the United States, its Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus do all that they can to destroy the nuclear family, replace the nuclear family with the state. This entire CRT curriculum was created by a Communist, who saw that using race as a divider could be successful.
I would say that the solution may have to be an actual Civil War, however, most of the young people we have today are too comfortable with their instant entertainment, gratification and creature comforts. In short, the youth of today isn't the youth of the 1940's, so what will happen, is that Marxism will succeed and only after many years of suffering under it, would people be desperate enough to rise up en masse. That said, since they would no longer own a means to fight with, having been disarmed, such a revolt would probably be easily put down by the corrupt government.
I'll take "things racists say" for $500, Alex.
the poster is only saying that rich people should not be grabbing goodies that the poor do not have access to

It's quite a "goodie" to be able to murder your children (they say)

Of course, then the woman has to live with Post Abortion Syndrome for the rest of her life... bummer (they say, but also say Oh well... se la vie)

But we already knew the left couldn't care less about women and their problems/issues... or anyone else, for that matter. They care about ONE thing.. power and the $$ and other bennies that go w/ it
The Democrat Party, media and educational system has been infiltrated by Marxists. The goal is to destroy the United States, its Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus do all that they can to destroy the nuclear family, replace the nuclear family with the state. This entire CRT curriculum was created by a Communist, who saw that using race as a divider could be successful.
I would say that the solution may have to be an actual Civil War, however, most of the young people we have today are too comfortable with their instant entertainment, gratification and creature comforts. In short, the youth of today isn't the youth of the 1940's, so what will happen, is that Marxism will succeed and only after many years of suffering under it, would people be desperate enough to rise up en masse. That said, since they would no longer own a means to fight with, having been disarmed, such a revolt would probably be easily put down by the corrupt government.

why do people think the left want to confiscate America's guns?

They don't want a gun pointing back at them when they come to take... whatever from you, while holding... what else


a gun

Guns are for the elite! Peasants shouldn't have them

I can't figure out why Democrats love corruption and evil​

PROJECTION..........As usual.


why do people think the left want to confiscate America's guns?

They don't want a gun pointing back at them when they come to take... whatever from you, while holding... what else


a gun

Guns are for the elite! Peasants shouldn't have them

The left wants no such thing. A few, who do not speak for the left, may want that.
There is all this evidence of corruption in our highest offices and the response of the Ds (here and presumably everywhere) is


Then there's the extremism in their abortion views. I don't believe in abortion for ANY reason except that ectopic pregnancies are fatal to both mother and child. But the dims say abortion should be allowed through the 9th month and Ralph Northam, once governor of VA said once that if the parents don't want the baby, even after the child is born... put the child aside and let the parents make a decision!

What the hell is wrong w/ these people?
YOU do not provide hard evidence = Fascist Communist Anti American Party formerly known as the GOP.

I can't figure out why Democrats love corruption and evil​

PROJECTION..........As usual.

View attachment 925466
Judge Luttig explains why Donald Trump is disqualified from the presidency

J. Michael Luttig: Section 3 of the 14th Amendment ... disqualifies any person who, having taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, thereafter engages in an insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution of the United States, disqualifying that person from holding high public office in the future, including the presidency.

So it’s more than just a proscription and disqualification for anti-democratic conduct by an individual, but, in this circumstance, it is that and it would apply in this instance to disqualify the former president from holding the presidency again, because of his effort, plan and attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election, knowing that he had lost that election to then-candidate Joe Biden.

This is very, very important: Section 3 disqualifies one who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution of the United States, not an insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or the authority of the United States.

And so that’s the issue in Colorado and in Minnesota, and in the other states that are currently involved in the constitutional process to determine whether the former president is disqualified.


JR: To ask the natural follow-up, do you have any inkling about how the Supreme Court might look at this issue?

: I would only say this: All that any of us are able to do is evaluate the positive, objective law — in this instance, the Constitution and Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

Under the plain, clear terms of Section 3, the former president would be disqualified from holding the presidency again — specifically, for the reason that his plan and effort and attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and remain in power, notwithstanding that the American people had voted to confer the powers of the presidency on Joe Biden, constitutes a clear violation of the Executive Vesting Clause in the Constitution, which prescribes that a president will hold office for only a four-year term, unless and until he is re-elected to the presidency by the American people.

The former president’s effort to overturn the election and remain in power is precisely what constitutes a rebellion against the Constitution of the United States.

Judge Luttig explains why Donald Trump is disqualified from the presidency
Everyone has evil in them. Hardly political.

Not everyone practices the degree and frequency of evil that Democrats practice in countless ways, such as promoting and supporting the savage butchery of innocent unborn babies, started by a racist fan of the Ku Klux Klan, Margaret Sanger, who wanted all black unborn babies aborted.
Democrats are supporting her racist Darwinian evil.

Darwin said in his book that the "savage" blacks would be eradicated before too long. Hitler, Stalin and Marx loved Darwin. So did Sanger.
Judge Luttig explains why Donald Trump is disqualified from the presidency

J. Michael Luttig: Section 3 of the 14th Amendment ... disqualifies any person who, having taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, thereafter engages in an insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution of the United States, disqualifying that person from holding high public office in the future, including the presidency.

So it’s more than just a proscription and disqualification for anti-democratic conduct by an individual, but, in this circumstance, it is that and it would apply in this instance to disqualify the former president from holding the presidency again, because of his effort, plan and attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election, knowing that he had lost that election to then-candidate Joe Biden.

This is very, very important: Section 3 disqualifies one who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution of the United States, not an insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or the authority of the United States.

And so that’s the issue in Colorado and in Minnesota, and in the other states that are currently involved in the constitutional process to determine whether the former president is disqualified.


JR: To ask the natural follow-up, do you have any inkling about how the Supreme Court might look at this issue?

: I would only say this: All that any of us are able to do is evaluate the positive, objective law — in this instance, the Constitution and Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

Under the plain, clear terms of Section 3, the former president would be disqualified from holding the presidency again — specifically, for the reason that his plan and effort and attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and remain in power, notwithstanding that the American people had voted to confer the powers of the presidency on Joe Biden, constitutes a clear violation of the Executive Vesting Clause in the Constitution, which prescribes that a president will hold office for only a four-year term, unless and until he is re-elected to the presidency by the American people.

The former president’s effort to overturn the election and remain in power is precisely what constitutes a rebellion against the Constitution of the United States.

Judge Luttig explains why Donald Trump is disqualified from the presidency

Here is what his lawyers are claiming.

Donald Trump Says He Never Swore Oath 'to Support the ...


https://www.newsweek.com › ... › Lawsuit › Capitol Riots
Nov 28, 2023 — The former president's lawyers argue why he cannot be barred from running for office for allegedly violating the 14th Amendment.

There is all this evidence of corruption in our highest offices and the response of the Ds (here and presumably everywhere) is


Then there's the extremism in their abortion views. I don't believe in abortion for ANY reason except that ectopic pregnancies are fatal to both mother and child. But the dims say abortion should be allowed through the 9th month and Ralph Northam, once governor of VA said once that if the parents don't want the baby, even after the child is born... put the child aside and let the parents make a decision!

What the hell is wrong w/ these people?

Seems both sides like corruption... but each side will attack the other side for it, as if their own side isn't doing it.

I quote you "What the hell is wrong w/ these people?"
Not everyone practices the degree and frequency of evil that Democrats practice in countless ways, such as promoting and supporting the savage butchery of innocent unborn babies, started by a racist fan of the Ku Klux Klan, Margaret Sanger, who wanted all black unborn babies aborted.
Democrats are supporting her racist Darwinian evil.

Darwin said in his book that the "savage" blacks would be eradicated before too long. Hitler, Stalin and Marx loved Darwin. So did Sanger.

Democrats make up a huge percentage of politics, just like Republicans, because the US electoral system forces people of differing views into the same party.

And then you act like they're all the same.
There is all this evidence of corruption in our highest offices and the response of the Ds (here and presumably everywhere) is


Then there's the extremism in their abortion views. I don't believe in abortion for ANY reason except that ectopic pregnancies are fatal to both mother and child. But the dims say abortion should be allowed through the 9th month and Ralph Northam, once governor of VA said once that if the parents don't want the baby, even after the child is born... put the child aside and let the parents make a decision!

What the hell is wrong w/ these people?
Money is the name of the game. You can get very RICH in the D.C. Swamp.
Democrats love Truth, Justice and the American Way

Republicans want to destroy our Democracy
Nope. They just love wearing tights..
I disagree and most Democrats can’t even define democracy.
Nope. They just love wearing tights..
I disagree and most Democrats can’t even define democracy.
The key to democracy is the " peaceful transition of power. " That is what repubs don't understand. Their definition of democracy is
"We lose, you cheated. We win, great election. "

repubs are a cancer on democracy.
The key to democracy is the " peaceful transition of power. " That is what repubs don't understand. Their definition of democracy is
"We lose, you cheated. We win, great election. "

repubs are a cancer on democracy.
Mmm … do you recall how Trump was treated, just wondering?

Who wins when government is bloated and irresponsible is the cancer.

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