Not a white man's top 10 New Year's resolutions


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Difference is these resolutions are valid. They weren't dreamed up by an emotional base in accord with PC (pussified country).

1. If you're black and unhappy with your disposition, then you can choose excuses or accountability. Take responsibility for your actions.

2. Feminists must quit being harsh on beautiful women. It's not their fault you weren't born the same, and this is really why you're angry. Keep in mind, while you might not appreciate their bodies a lot of us do. You claim to embrace science, try to wrap your heads around it. Most of you would do the same if you looked the same.

3. If you're an illegal immigrant then blame yourself for your alienation.

4. All considered, white men aren't so bad. If you believe otherwise then move to Africa or Mexico. See if your life improves.

5. There's no such animal as "man-speak" in the liberal context. If you have trouble communicating, then it's likely you're confused and you're confusing others. That or you've not gained their respect, and that's on you.

6. Sure we get it, you don't like Trump. Try to criticize him for something worth while. We realize Trump farts, but is it really worth the print?

7. Blacks who revisit slavery don't even live in the past. Not a one of you were slaves, and neither were your parents. Most of you are on the side of "progressive", perhaps you can prove it. This may come as a shock, but all nations had slavery, and it sure as fuck wasn't limited to blacks.

8. College professors must teach as opposed to preaching their ideology. That ideology is the result of a spoiled and fragile livelihood. There's a reason colleges pump out uneducated, ineffective flowers, and their instructors are a major component.

9. Stop playing the race and women cards when you don't have your way. It only contributes to your weakness, and the weakness of society as a whole. The proof is how you've reacted to the election.

10. Don't buy those fake tits. Nothing says artificial brains like artificial tits. Blow-up Betty is equally valuable, and she's a much cheaper date.
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You forgot a few:

- Blacks, STOP the Black-on-Black crime, gang violence, and pulling Trump supporters out of cars and beating them on video before raising hell across the nation because some black kid who stole from a store, assaulted the clerk, attacked a policeman, and was shot trying to take the officer's gun!

- Blacks, stop acting like animals, using 'protests' as an excuse to attack / shoot whites, looting and burning your own local stores that are there to support your local community.

- Illegals, if you are here illegally you do not have the right to complain about ANYTHING. We don't owe you ANYTHING. No one invited you here. It is illegal for you to be here! GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

- Blacks, WAKE UP to the fact that you are in the throes of modern-day economic liberal slavery, in the midst of a program designed by LBJ to 'give you something but not enough to matter' to keep you dependent on the government and continuing to vote 'Democrat'

- Blacks, wake up to the fact that the only reason Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and other RACIST 'leaders' and groups have money / a job is because they keep promoting racism. 'Fire them' by rejecting their promotion of racism in America.

ALL Americans need to finally realize that both parties / all politicians have so divided this country along racial and especially party lines that they have the majority of all Americans wasting the bulk of their time arguing over WHOSE POLITICIANS ARE LESS CRIMINAL rather than judging them based on the same standards.

The enemy is not the American people but the politicians who are pitting Americans against each other so they can continue to do whatever they want.
Another race baiting hater race baiting thread.
MTV puts out a video targeting WHITE PEOPLE, and I assume you had no problem with it...but you have a problem addressing the rest of America (non-whites)?

According to liberals it is ok for a propane dealer in Maine to refuse service customers due to political discrimination but nor for a Bakery to refuse service due to religions convictions (discrimination against same-sex couples)... amazing.

You know what is RACIST? The National Association For the Advancement of COLORED People - the NAACP. If someone began an AAAWP (WHITE People) liberals would be screaming their heads off about it being 'Racist'. The double-standard is BS.

Calling people 'racists' has become second nature, like breathing, for Liberals.
Another race baiting hater race baiting thread.
MTV puts out a video targeting WHITE PEOPLE, and I assume you had no problem with it...but you have a problem addressing the rest of America (non-whites)?

According to liberals it is ok for a propane dealer in Maine to refuse service customers due to political discrimination but nor for a Bakery to refuse service due to religions convictions (discrimination against same-sex couples)... amazing.

You know what is RACIST? The National Association For the Advancement of COLORED People - the NAACP. If someone began an AAAWP (WHITE People) liberals would be screaming their heads off about it being 'Racist'. The double-standard is BS.

Calling people 'racists' has become second nature, like breathing, for Liberals.

I don't watch mtv hon. You want to screech at a liberal go find one. Then perhaps you might consider a political issue.
Another race baiting hater race baiting thread.
MTV puts out a video targeting WHITE PEOPLE, and I assume you had no problem with it...but you have a problem addressing the rest of America (non-whites)?

According to liberals it is ok for a propane dealer in Maine to refuse service customers due to political discrimination but nor for a Bakery to refuse service due to religions convictions (discrimination against same-sex couples)... amazing.

You know what is RACIST? The National Association For the Advancement of COLORED People - the NAACP. If someone began an AAAWP (WHITE People) liberals would be screaming their heads off about it being 'Racist'. The double-standard is BS.

Calling people 'racists' has become second nature, like breathing, for Liberals.

Kinda like you with "liberals" ain't it hon.
Say Fenton, I suspect you're black and gay, which is perfectly fine, but I do have two more resolutions on the LGBT topic.

11. No matter how you dress it homosexuality is not equal heterosexuality. That's not bigotry, it's universal law. Perhaps it's you who isn't so tolerant?

12. Feel free to use the women's bathroom if you can fly as a woman. If you can't, then take it as a clue that your confusion is yours alone.
Difference is these resolutions are valid. They weren't dreamed up by an emotional base in accord with PC (pussified country).

1. If you're black and unhappy with your disposition, then you can choose excuses or accountability. Take responsibility for your actions.

2. Feminists must quit being harsh on beautiful women. It's not their fault you weren't born the same, and this is really why you're angry. Keep in mind, while you might not appreciate their bodies a lot of us do. You claim to embrace science, try to wrap your heads around it. Most of you would do the same if you looked the same.

3. If you're an illegal immigrant then blame yourself for your alienation.

4. All considered, white men aren't so bad. If you believe otherwise then move to Africa or Mexico. See if your life improves.

5. There's no such animal as "man-speak" in the liberal context. If you have trouble communicating, then it's likely you're confused and you're confusing others. That or you've not gained their respect, and that's on you.

6. Sure we get it, you don't like Trump. Try to criticize him for something worth while. We realize Trump farts, but is it really worth the print?

7. Blacks who revisit slavery don't even live in the past. Not a one of you were slaves, and neither were your parents. Most of you are on the side of "progressive", perhaps you can prove it. This may come as a shock, but all nations had slavery, and it sure as fuck wasn't limited to blacks.

8. College professors must teach as opposed to preaching their ideology. That ideology is the result of a spoiled and fragile livelihood. There's a reason colleges pump out uneducated, ineffective flowers, and their instructors are a major component.

9. Stop playing the race and women cards when you don't have your way. It only contributes to your weakness, and the weakness of society as a whole. The proof is how you've reacted to the election.

10. Don't buy those fake tits. Nothing says artificial brains like artificial tits. Blow-up Betty is equally valuable, and she's a much cheaper date.

Maybe the MTV could hire you:

So, they unleash a regressive racist masterpiece, telling white guys just how much they suck. Then they delete it, as the down-votes mount up... then the SJWs whine and the video is re-uploaded. And now, it's gone again!

Why is it so hard to understand? You snowflakes LOST BIG. Trump won...

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