Not even one Democrat scumbag voted to repeal Obamacare

only 18% of Americans want Obamacare repealed without a replacement... that means 82% of Americans want it to stay or be replaced, NOT repealed with nothing to replace it...

the congress critters are simply representing their citizens in their districts

You libtards love to make up numbers. Well, you'll lie about anything really. But America doesn't what that life sucking bill.

Yes.America does what that law.
The fact that the Democrats would to a man want to keep shoving that inflated piece of shit down our throats tells you all you need to know about them. It's no wonder that their numbers have been shrinking and that their reps are limited to urban zombie centers.
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar
Much like in 2009, when all 60 Democrat Senators voted for Obamacare and none voted against it, in 2017, no Democrats Congressmen voted to repeal the "unaffordable" care act. 189 Dem congressmen voted against the repeal with another 5 not voting. These idiots have learned nothing from their sound defeats in the 2017 presidential election. These vermin have no intention of doing right by Americans.
That makes it bi-partisan then.......Time to shut up libs Nancy Pelosi has spoke
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets
Lives are being saved today because people are able to receive preventive care and diagnosis. Without preventive care and diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, a percentage will not be stopped or found. A simple example is pneumonia. What appears to be a bad cold or flu is actually pneumonia which when caught in the early stages can be easily cured. Instead, failure to address the illness puts patients in expensive hospital stays or leads to death. A visit to a doctor after five days or a week of a chest cold or flu-like symptoms is recommended, especially for children and seniors. Lack of insurance contributes to patients pushing the limits and failing to get timely medical attention. It also created huge medical bills when the patients who failed to get care end up in emergency rooms and get treatment that can easily end up costing tens of thousands of dollars.
How is $5,000 plus deductibles health insurance?

You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar
they have gone up since the passage, but there is also, better coverage, like no cost/no out of pocket for preventative care, and p-care followup, pre-existing condition coverage, no annual maximum for insurance coverage, hildren up to 26 allowed on parent's plan, etc.... the cost of these, by all experts, has been a 1-3% increase annually, the rest of the increases in health insurance has come from the increase in health care costs....

Healthcare insurance premiums were going up like crazy LONG BEFORE O-Care


Expenditures on health care have outpaced the growth in national income over each of the recent decades. Between 1970 and 2008, the share of the economy going to health care rose from 7.2% to an estimated 16.6%, or from about $356 per person in 1970 to an estimated $7,868 per person in 2008. Total health spending in the United States in 2008 is an estimated $2.4 trillion.

Impact on Health Insurance Costs

Although Americans benefit from this increasing investment in health care, its high cost and persistent cost growth are placing great strains on the systems we use to finance health care, including private employer-sponsored health insurance coverage and public insurance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Employer-sponsored health coverage premiums for family coverage have increased by 97% since 2000, from $6,438 to $12,680 in 2008.

Before the ACA...

we just forget what it was like before the ACA, which was bad as well!

Read this article dated in 2008 on it....

Health Care Costs and Election 2008
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar

So you're sticking by your claim that regular healthcare doesn't extend lives?
Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar

So you're sticking by your claim that regular healthcare doesn't extend lives?

I think you should answer the fucking question he asked: "What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?"

Are you that dumb? Ignorant?
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar

So you're sticking by your claim that regular healthcare doesn't extend lives?

I think you should answer the fucking question he asked: "What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?"

Are you that dumb? Ignorant?

I don't know if he's dumb, but I'm pretty sure he's a liar. His kind usually is.
Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar

So you're sticking by your claim that regular healthcare doesn't extend lives?

I think you should answer the fucking question he asked: "What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?"

Are you that dumb? Ignorant?

I don't know if he's dumb, but I'm pretty sure he's a liar. His kind usually is.

I don't know if he's dumb either; but I highly suspect that to be the case at least to some extent.
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

My insurance rates more than triple over night; and I didn't even have a good plan. Companies like United Healthcare pulled out of how many states because it was too costly? It's a government takeover of healthcare; and the government has no damn intention of doing a good job.
Change insurance companies.
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
You're clearly ignorant about every subject. Obamacare is a success, and the public doesn't want it repealed.

Define success.
Republican Voter Tells Paul Ryan Obamacare Saved His Life, Shows Why the GOP Is in a Pickle
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that regular medical care allows a person to live longer than someone who only receives care in emergencies? You're not that dumb, are you?

What kind of idiot doesn't realize that millions of people's premiums and deductibles have shot through the roof since its passage? You're not that dumb, are you?

Or maybe you're just a liar
Insurance companies set rates. Obamacare does not set rates or deductibles.

So sorry.
You're the scum bag that wants people to die! Who are you to call anyone scum bags??? You're insane.

Obamacare chooses who lives and dies, dipshit.
Propaganda for the brainwashed. Makes no logical sense. Can not be rationally explained. People will die when the ACA is repealed and they.lose their medical insurance.

Sure, because before the ACA everyone was dying in the streets
Lives are being saved today because people are able to receive preventive care and diagnosis. Without preventive care and diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, a percentage will not be stopped or found. A simple example is pneumonia. What appears to be a bad cold or flu is actually pneumonia which when caught in the early stages can be easily cured. Instead, failure to address the illness puts patients in expensive hospital stays or leads to death. A visit to a doctor after five days or a week of a chest cold or flu-like symptoms is recommended, especially for children and seniors. Lack of insurance contributes to patients pushing the limits and failing to get timely medical attention. It also created huge medical bills when the patients who failed to get care end up in emergency rooms and get treatment that can easily end up costing tens of thousands of dollars.
How is $5,000 plus deductibles health insurance?

That sounds like either someone who chose to have that high a deductible in order to keep their monthly rate down, or it sounds like someone who has a preexisting, terminally expensive condition.

Obamacare guarantees you can't be denied insurance for a preexisting condition. It doesn't guarantee it will be cheap.

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