Not Good: Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Automatic Spying Can't Be Stopped.


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Man I just don't know what to think.


Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Automatic Spying Cannot Be Stopped
Using Windows 98 right now and have no need to change for what I use the pooter for. Invoce for my rig is dated Feb 1999. And it included probably 2-3 year old tech. Lesson being don't fall for the hype. You don't need the latest greatest cpu, videocard, etc. to do web browsing, most multimedia, and games actually worth paying for. :)
Using Windows 98 right now and have no need to change for what I use the pooter for. Invoce for my rig is dated Feb 1999. And it included probably 2-3 year old tech. Lesson being don't fall for the hype. You don't need the latest greatest cpu, videocard, etc. to do web browsing, most multimedia, and games actually worth paying for. :)
I can't believe your browser is worth shit or even works on websites today.
Using Windows 98 right now and have no need to change for what I use the pooter for. Invoce for my rig is dated Feb 1999. And it included probably 2-3 year old tech. Lesson being don't fall for the hype. You don't need the latest greatest cpu, videocard, etc. to do web browsing, most multimedia, and games actually worth paying for. :)
I can't believe your browser is worth shit or even works on websites today.

Ones it doesn't work on aren't like irreplaceable. Don't need all the fluff eye-candy mutlimedia Flash crap. Just gimme a barerbones page with text. Usually what I'm after anyway.

Using FIrefox 2.0. Never seen an ad here and kinda laugh everytime someone whines about them. Learn how to use your computers and upgrading ceases to be necessary.

Only reason you'd ever actually and literally need newer rigs if you're making money and the faster you can do things the more money you make. But a poorly optimzed uber pc bough yesterday will still crawl, choke, and die compared to a 5 year old rig optimized for performance in whatever app you use most.

Apple has been doing this for 20 years and their users love them for it.

Apple sells it as a "feature," they spy on what you do on your iPhone so that they can adjust your Mac to reflect your preferences.

Apple hit with class action suit for spying on iPhone users (Here are the court filings)

Google does it as well, circles, Google +.

Why Google's Spying on User Data Is Worse than the NSA's

Microsoft is late to the party, everyone else has been doing this for over a decade.
Using Windows 98 right now and have no need to change for what I use the pooter for. Invoce for my rig is dated Feb 1999. And it included probably 2-3 year old tech. Lesson being don't fall for the hype. You don't need the latest greatest cpu, videocard, etc. to do web browsing, most multimedia, and games actually worth paying for. :)

I think you are wrong about the games. I could be wrong; maybe you can get recent games to play, and play well enough to be enjoyable, on 98. It seems unlikely to me, though.

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