Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

Hillary's at it again.
She's ready to jail you if you post "misinformation". People better wake up and stop getting caught up in the meaningless nonsense like the abortion wars that the Democrats keep election cycle after election cycle after election cycle. It used to be, "the republicans are going to throw Granny over the cliff with Social Security". Now, abortion is their big lie to stir up the masses.

This is the democrat ideology. They're totalitarians in the image of Stalin and Lenin.
You mean like when a guy posts phrases from the MSM disparaging Trump before trying to shoot him? Kind of like that? The entire MSM should face charges of incitement.
Who exactly did he hear it from?
There are criminals who served time already for posting lies, misinformation about how to vote. So what was she really talking about in that tiny little clip. I mean they cut into the middle of a sentence and cut out in the middle of one too. The rabid right is always using tiny clips like that and extrapolating a bold lie from it, then spreading that lie far and wide.
Hillary's at it again.
She's ready to jail you if you post "misinformation". People better wake up and stop getting caught up in the meaningless nonsense like the abortion wars that the Democrats keep election cycle after election cycle after election cycle. It used to be, "the republicans are going to throw Granny over the cliff with Social Security". Now, abortion is their big lie to stir up the masses.

Societies need Free Speech /Freedom of Expression, but they should have robust libel and slander laws too. Anyone not thunking hard enough and opens their mouth with a baseless accusation, they should get their ass sued off.

Certainly around here, it'll clean up most threads.
There are criminals who served time already for posting lies, misinformation about how to vote. So what was she really talking about in that tiny little clip. I mean they cut into the middle of a sentence and cut out in the middle of one too. The rabid right is always using tiny clips like that and extrapolating a bold lie from it, then spreading that lie far and wide.
"Hilarious" Clinton also appeared on the Rachel Maddow Clown Show railing about how American's shouldface criminal charges for "disinformation". This coming from the hack who paid for the fraudulent Steele Dossier

The question is does she have the power? There were lots of unexplained deaths during the Clinton administration and maybe the Clintons still have the connections to make it happen. Since the current president is a no show it might be possible that Hillary is part of the phantom administration that's really running the Country and that's freaking scary.

By focusing on that brief phrase, Trump is trying to deceive both the courts and the public. He wants people to focus on a short passage in which he told his supporters to march “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol, while ignoring all the inflammatory rhetoric he employed during the same speech.

With the federal election conspiracy case likely now on track for summer 2024 and Trump making many more public appearances over the course of this year, we can expect to see this line of defense play out in both the court of public opinion and in the run-up to the federal criminal trial (and the Georgia one where a 2024 trial has also been requested by prosecutors).

As we explain in detail below, Trump’s defense should fail in both those tribunals. We expect prosecutors will explain to the jurors why the sentence in the Ellipse speech is, in actuality, more incriminating than exculpatory when understood in context.

well I want you to show where he told them to storm the capitol.
The thing is, the established media, even a shitshow like Fox News, can be held accountable for spreading misinformation. They can be held liable in civil court, they can have the FCC Licenses revoked, etc.
So you giving a pass to Rachael, Joy, Lawrence and all the other 'peddlers of the truth'?
I don't have a problem with this.

The thing is, the established media, even a shitshow like Fox News, can be held accountable for spreading misinformation. They can be held liable in civil court, they can have the FCC Licenses revoked, etc.

Social Media is largely held immune from this sort of thing, "Why, I had no idea that Naziboi1488 was going to post a racist meme that gets people killed!"

Now, if one of those bomb threats turned out to be real, and someone was hurt because of the FALSE rumors that she spread about eating cats, shouldn't she be held liable?

You've never denied your totalitarian tendencies.
Who exactly did he hear it from?


Biden Hitler.jpg
This only proves we do not need Hillary's Ministry of Truth.,
If people (especially conservatives) were better at figuring out who is lying about what, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Not that anyone wants to talk about personal responsibility here.

In the end, Hillary lied, Hillary billed for it, Hillary hid her billing records, the records documented Hillary billed for it, and facing 2 years in Federal Prison....

Chelsea's bio daddy came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (a crime called billing fraud that should get any attorney disbarred) and Hubbell did 2 years...

while Hillary trotted out of the courtroom and declared herself innocent and the case a "witchhunt"
She's calling for the prosecution of Americans
for political speech.
She's calling for people who spread harmful disinformation/propaganda to be criminally charged. Why? Because disinformation is being used by nefarious entities to tear down the country.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that Americans "engaged" in "propaganda," similar to the type that led to the Russians "boosting Trump" in 2016, should face criminal prosecution.

"I think it's important to indict the Russians, just as Mueller indicted a lot of Russians who were engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016. But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence, because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States," Clinton told Maddow.

It's a suggestion worth exploring if it acts as a deterrent to The Following basing their opinions on lies................as they do.

Lies like stuff about a whistleblower and migrants.........

A wildly flimsy internet rumor launched by a random pro-Trump X poster about an “ABC whistleblower” who purportedly claims that the network rigged the September 10 presidential debate went viral in MAGA spaces over the last several days, with Donald Trump and his allies floating congressional investigations and potential regulatory retribution against ABC News in response.

The right-wing pundits and Republican politicians pushing the story don’t actually know who the “ABC whistleblower” is, if their claims are credible, or even if the person actually exists — but the purported document supposedly supports their preferred narrative that ABC News’ moderators were biased, so they’re running with it.

The saga, while laughable, shows the right's ongoing tendency to embrace and elevate anything that confirms their worldview. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) laid out that strategy in a Sunday interview on CNN, admitting that he pushed a debunked, racist, and demagogic claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets because he wants to “create stories” that drive news coverage of immigration.

It was a “Unite the Right “ rally and if you march n something like that with Nazis carrying torches like it’s Nuremberg in 1933 you are not “good people”
so are you saying they all had torches and were marching in 2021? hahahahahahahahahahaha. What an imagination you are an IF.

You should do a movie.
She's calling for people who spread harmful disinformation/propaganda to be criminally charged. Why? Because disinformation is being used by nefarious entities to tear down the country.
so her words are the boundaries we need to comply with? hahahahhaaha you are fking nutsola.

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