Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

So............you can't defend your post. Got it.
You refuted nothing. You let your hurt feelings cause you to skedaddle when I gave you a link to the comment you insisted didn’t exist.

You can’t sidestep how weak and fragile you are. Lay prostrate before princess Harris and have a good cry. Let it all out.
Get back to me when you can avoid your usual skedaddle when your attempt at argument is not shown to be a total fraud.
So..........you can't provide a legit quote from a Dem saying the southern border is secure without it being edited. Making you and your argument a total fraud.
He also said peacefully and patriotically is the same speech. There is that.
Sure. That’s nice. Whether that exonerates everything else is a matter of opinion.

Dems have said to protest peacefully too but right wingers love saying they were causing riots, so it’s not like there’s much consistency anywhere.

But again, you need to be able to draw a clear line between the rhetoric and the action and you can’t do that.

That’s not even to say that this language doesn’t call for violence anyway so the whole point is an exercise in trolling. Not that right wingers have any real commitment to protecting free speech.
It's a made up acronym so trumpletards can reflexively dismiss criticism of Don without factual refutation.
It’s a condition that afflicts people like you who reflexively stutter and mumble slogans as you hump his leg like a un-neutered mutt.
Pay attention to what Trump and Trumpers accuse the opposition of because they are telling you what THEY are guilty of

Nope. The dems have been using the tactic for decades.
I'm stopped reading your BULLSHIT the moment you defended Donald Trump's past weasel word statements and state he was "misquoted".

Here is Trump's press conference about Charlottesville. The violence in Charlottesville started on Friday night, continued all day Saturday, and ended with death of a young woman on Sunday. Trump didn't mention it until Tuesday.

Trump had to be dragged kicking and screaming in front of the cameras to even mention what happened. And then he walked all of it back when the press called him on his failure to condemn the white supremacists.

Debunked, Simp
I would remind Hillary that the biggest pushers of misinformation are politicians, out of office politicians and the media. So if she wants to go down this road fine maybe she can reserve Jeffery Epstein’s old cell for herself. Yes I know Republicans including Trump engage in it as well.
So, if the borders aren’t closed, they gave us disinformation

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