Not just ObamaCare makes the difference

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
I've written about the really excellent and inexpensive emergency care I got in Brussels so won't again. But, in 2010, I had a total knee replacement here in the US. Without going into details, because it would take a long time, I probably could have sued and won. As it was, I demanded my doctor discharge me before the incompetent staff succeeded in killing me. When I looked on line, I found that the hosp is known for poor care.

Yesterday morning, I had surgery in a different hospital, different city. The care I've had is absolutely first rate, partly because its a major, regional medical center with trauma and burn units.

I've made a point of making idle conversation with various staff about ObamaCare. I did find one who didn't seem to be happy but she didn't really say. Not surprising because staff really aren't supposed to proselytize. I tried to not state my own opinion until I had a feel for theirs.

One young man is in college to become a physical therapist. He delivered one of my meals. He told me his mother had worked in the kitchen for umpty-zillion years and that he and his family are very relieved he can stay on their policy which is, of course, one of her benefits.

One of the nurses is getting married and her fiance is working and going to college as well. He will go on her policy and she will pay more in premiums - and again, that's a big relief for them.

An older gentleman who came and got me with a wheelchair has worked there since 1981 and gets health care insurance as a benefit. His family has been covered all that time. Obviously, that job is as high as he'll go and he probably has little or no education.

No one said that the medical center was cutting hours or pay or benefits and two specifically mentioned that benefits were increasing because the hospital is saving money with ObamaCare.

Not a scientific sampling, to be sure but, should any of those people not be able to continue to get health care coverage?
No shit it's not a scientific sampling. Your warped reality doesn't count for shit, especially for all those that have lost their insurance and/or their job thanks to O-Stalincare and you D-bags that support it.
I've written about the really excellent and inexpensive emergency care I got in Brussels so won't again. But, in 2010, I had a total knee replacement here in the US. Without going into details, because it would take a long time, I probably could have sued and won. As it was, I demanded my doctor discharge me before the incompetent staff succeeded in killing me. When I looked on line, I found that the hosp is known for poor care.

Yesterday morning, I had surgery in a different hospital, different city. The care I've had is absolutely first rate, partly because its a major, regional medical center with trauma and burn units.

I've made a point of making idle conversation with various staff about ObamaCare. I did find one who didn't seem to be happy but she didn't really say. Not surprising because staff really aren't supposed to proselytize. I tried to not state my own opinion until I had a feel for theirs.

One young man is in college to become a physical therapist. He delivered one of my meals. He told me his mother had worked in the kitchen for umpty-zillion years and that he and his family are very relieved he can stay on their policy which is, of course, one of her benefits.

One of the nurses is getting married and her fiance is working and going to college as well. He will go on her policy and she will pay more in premiums - and again, that's a big relief for them.

An older gentleman who came and got me with a wheelchair has worked there since 1981 and gets health care insurance as a benefit. His family has been covered all that time. Obviously, that job is as high as he'll go and he probably has little or no education.

No one said that the medical center was cutting hours or pay or benefits and two specifically mentioned that benefits were increasing because the hospital is saving money with ObamaCare.

Not a scientific sampling, to be sure but, should any of those people not be able to continue to get health care coverage?

sheesh, medical staff is not supposed to engage in the discussions over ANY controversial matters with the patients :lol:

it's a big no-no

only neutral things.

so you are honestly expecting they will tell you what they REALLY feel? LOL

everything you have described has absolutely no relation to obamacare. a big teaching hospital has had employers benefits long time before anybody has heard about obama. and even the small community hospitals as well. and those benefits always were including family members - so your awe about the nurse getting married and being able to get her spouse on her plan is laughable. Hospitals have been providing healthcare benefits to their full time workers for years, and that included family members always ( if chosen).
Seems like you have been living under the rock ;)

p.s. glad everything went well.
Now - don't forget the rehab, that's the main need after TKA
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Wow, Belgium. What a pile of euro shit. They love EUTHANASIA and death panels in that filthy, dune coon overridden country!
No shit it's not a scientific sampling. Your warped reality doesn't count for shit, especially for all those that have lost their insurance and/or their job thanks to O-Stalincare and you D-bags that support it.

the above described has absolutely nothing to do with obamacare. it is a standard situation with healthcare benefits in ANY hospitals for as long as I have been working in the American hospital system ( 10 years)
No shit it's not a scientific sampling. Your warped reality doesn't count for shit, especially for all those that have lost their insurance and/or their job thanks to O-Stalincare and you D-bags that support it.

the above described has absolutely nothing to do with obamacare. it is a standard situation with healthcare benefits in ANY hospitals for as long as I have been working in the American hospital system ( 10 years)


Perhaps you missed what I wrote about that.

And, yes, of course I know that hosp personnel are not supposed to talk about "controversial" subjects with patients.

Please note what I wrote about that.

And, you're three for three because I did not write that the surgery I had yesterday was a TKA.

(Actually, I do the same thing - scan instead of reading.)

Thank you though. It did go well and I hurt like crazy.

Note to RC Christian: You've never even been out of that trailer park. Please don't try to contribute to a subject you know nothing about.
No shit it's not a scientific sampling. Your warped reality doesn't count for shit, especially for all those that have lost their insurance and/or their job thanks to O-Stalincare and you D-bags that support it.

the above described has absolutely nothing to do with obamacare. it is a standard situation with healthcare benefits in ANY hospitals for as long as I have been working in the American hospital system ( 10 years)


Perhaps you missed what I wrote about that.

And, yes, of course I know that hosp personnel are not supposed to talk about "controversial" subjects with patients.

Please note what I wrote about that.

And, you're three for three because I did not write that the surgery I had yesterday was a TKA.

(Actually, I do the same thing - scan instead of reading.)

Thank you though. It did go well and I hurt like crazy.

Note to RC Christian: You've never even been out of that trailer park. Please don't try to contribute to a subject you know nothing about.

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