Not learning from their mistakes


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I love how Liberals never seem to learn from their own mistakes. Take this election for instance.

They spent a lot of time telling the American people they were to stupid to vote, to stupid to see the success of the Democrats, to stupid to understand what was at stake, just plain to stupid.

And as evidenced by the responses after they lost they are STILL calling the people to stupid. Keep it up till 2012 Liberals it worked so well in 2010 you should have a winner in 2012 with that tactic.
I love how Liberals never seem to learn from their own mistakes. Take this election for instance.

They spent a lot of time telling the American people they were to stupid to vote, to stupid to see the success of the Democrats, to stupid to understand what was at stake, just plain to stupid.

And as evidenced by the responses after they lost they are STILL calling the people to stupid. Keep it up till 2012 Liberals it worked so well in 2010 you should have a winner in 2012 with that tactic. are stupid. And pretending you aren't is a lie.

Another right wing rant thread.
One might think they lost in the recent election from their tone.

the truth is that basically none of us as a whole have learned from our mistakes.
We keep trying more of the same over and over expecting it to somehow work this time.
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Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Conservatives nearly destroyed this country, yet the electorate put them back in power.

What if they are just plain stupid?
I love how Liberals never seem to learn from their own mistakes. Take this election for instance.

They spent a lot of time telling the American people they were to stupid to vote, to stupid to see the success of the Democrats, to stupid to understand what was at stake, just plain to stupid.

And as evidenced by the responses after they lost they are STILL calling the people to stupid. Keep it up till 2012 Liberals it worked so well in 2010 you should have a winner in 2012 with that tactic. are stupid. And pretending you aren't is a lie.

Keep it up! I'm sure he's THIS CLOSE to registering Democrat! :clap2:
Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Conservatives nearly destroyed this country, yet the electorate put them back in power.

What if they are just plain stupid?

Because people who don't agree with you and Obama are stupid?

Why then even have elections?

Sorry if I scared some of you.
Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Conservatives nearly destroyed this country, yet the electorate put them back in power.

What if they are just plain stupid?

Because people who don't agree with you and Obama are stupid?

Why then even have elections?

Funny...I don't see Obama mentioned in my post.

What I posted was a fact, not a political opinion.
So why not address that instead of proving the point?
Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Conservatives nearly destroyed this country, yet the electorate put them back in power.

What if they are just plain stupid?

Because people who don't agree with you and Obama are stupid?

Why then even have elections?

Funny...I don't see Obama mentioned in my post.

What I posted was a fact, not a political opinion.
So why not address that instead of proving the point?

You are either for them or for the other guys.
Independent thought and actions are discouraged.

I am against em all right now. Both sides have their heads stuck up their butts so far they have to look out their belly buttons.
Neither side even recognizes the causes of the problems beyond what their party tells them.
In the mean time both sides are being ripped off.
In confusion there is opportunity for profit.
Stupid is as stupid does, right?

Conservatives nearly destroyed this country, yet the electorate put them back in power.

What if they are just plain stupid?

They elected Obama and gave him super Majorities in both houses of congress at the same time.

Yep, Maybe they Are stupid.
I love how Liberals never seem to learn from their own mistakes. Take this election for instance.

They spent a lot of time telling the American people they were to stupid to vote, to stupid to see the success of the Democrats, to stupid to understand what was at stake, just plain to stupid.

And as evidenced by the responses after they lost they are STILL calling the people to stupid. Keep it up till 2012 Liberals it worked so well in 2010 you should have a winner in 2012 with that tactic. are stupid. And pretending you aren't is a lie.


Why do you hate RGS?
I love how Liberals never seem to learn from their own mistakes. Take this election for instance.

They spent a lot of time telling the American people they were to stupid to vote, to stupid to see the success of the Democrats, to stupid to understand what was at stake, just plain to stupid.

And as evidenced by the responses after they lost they are STILL calling the people to stupid. Keep it up till 2012 Liberals it worked so well in 2010 you should have a winner in 2012 with that tactic. are stupid. And pretending you aren't is a lie.


Why do you hate RGS?
:lol: I don't hate him...I hate his stupidity.

And, the answer to your next question is because it lost Vietnam.
Conservatives nearly destroyed this country
Yup there were NO liberals or Dems in any position of power. It was all Cons.


The overriding principal driving the Country have been Conservative going all the way back to Reagan and voodoo economics.

The middle class was gutted and wealth redistributed to the Rich who blew it on hookers and coke on Wall St.

Certainly, many Democrats were complicit but it was Conservative philosophy that brought America to the point of collapse.

The Tea Party is just the latest incarnation of the Radical right being tweaked and manipulated by Republicans and their Corporate leaders to unwittingly serve their agendas.

Now all you need to get in power in this country is a sound bite on FOX simple enough for an ignorant, low information electorate to grasp or fear who also overwhelmingly believe in the Rapture and Alien abduction.

Frogs in a barrel.
Conservatives nearly destroyed this country
Yup there were NO liberals or Dems in any position of power. It was all Cons.


The overriding principal driving the Country have been Conservative going all the way back to Reagan and voodoo economics.

The middle class was gutted and wealth redistributed to the Rich who blew it on hookers and coke on Wall St.

Certainly, many Democrats were complicit but it was Conservative philosophy that brought America to the point of collapse.

The Tea Party is just the latest incarnation of the Radical right being tweaked and manipulated by Republicans and their Corporate leaders to unwittingly serve their agendas.

Now all you need to get in power in this country is a sound bite on FOX simple enough for an ignorant, low information electorate to grasp or fear who also overwhelmingly believe in the Rapture and Alien abduction.

Frogs in a barrel.


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