" Not since the Civil War have we seen this


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Kind of Anti-Citizen Behavior ".By our Federal Government.Public Schools
failing miserably.Illegals allowed to enter en masse and never lectured or mandated
as to Covid Mandates.Violence at it's highest level since the 90's and rampant car-jackings.
Constant talk of unamerican politics like Expanding the Supreme Court.Re-inventing the
confirmation process.Elimination of the Filibuster.Talking up a mandate when one does not
exist with a 50-50 Senate.And only a handful majority in the House.Lowest House
majority in 80 years.
Mocking use of Voter ID.The standard in this Country.Can't go into a Federal Bldg,start
a bank account or cash a check w/o some legit form of ID.
Attempting to Federalize Election rules and laws.When the Constitution is very clear
on this matter.The State Legislatures Control each states Election.
Cops being under attack.Constant use of Science as if binding.
Used to be Science applauded skepticism.Part of digging-in to make sure.
Great Men like Thomas Edison used skepticism to make way for great inventions.
Edison was not some Know-it-all.Like Today's D.C. Elites or Democrat Operatives.
What the heck is going on.?
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Kind of Anti-Citizen Behavior ".By our Federal Government.Public Schools
failing miserably.Illegals allowed to enter en masse and never lectured or mandated
as to Covid Mandates.Violence at it's highest level since the 90's and rampant car-jackings.
Constant talk of unamerican politics like Expanding the Supreme Court.Re-inventing the
confirmation process.Elimination of the Filibuster.Talking up a mandate when one does not
exist with a 50-50 Senate.And only a handful majority in the House.Lowest House
majority in 80 years.
Mocking use of Voter ID.The standard in this Country.Can't go into a Federal Bldg,start
a bank account or cash a check w/o some legit form of ID.
Attempting to Federalize Election rules and laws.When the Constitution is very clear
on this matter.The State Legislatures Control each states Election.
Cops being under attack.Constant use of Science as if binding.
Used to be Science applauded skepticism.Part of digging-in to make sure.
Great Men like Thomas Edison used skepticism to make way for great inventions.
Edison was not some Know-it-all.Like Today's D.C. Elites or Democrat Operatives.
What the heck is going on.?

The Nazi democrats are waging civil war - what they view as a Bolshevik Revolution, to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and establish a fascist, collectivist dictatorship.

That's what's going on.
We have a tyrannical govt. That's what's going on. It's time for states to start seceding from this authoritarian trash. Our govt is a threat to the country.
Yet the no longer interesting but outright diabolical ways of Biden World
just keep it up.As if some new Poliburo Energizer Bunny.
Who has yet to run amuck.
I'm thinking the Post-Reconstruction Era, 1877 and on, when the Federal Occupation of the South ended, as did all the protections for the freedoms and liberties our Constitution guaranteed to the former slave class in those former Slave states, was much worse for Citizens than whatever trite partisan propaganda points you strung together there in your rant.
”Your post is spot-on, I have no logical retort to offer therefore I’ll pretend its not worth responding to.”

This is how the Left keeps their heads buried deep in their asses….by playing pretend.
Shall I be more specific?

The OP is a childish rant unrelated to reality
But it carries well in Conservative circles

Unworthy of responding to
Kind of Anti-Citizen Behavior "
Kinds of Anti-citizen behavior since the Civil War
Jim Crow
Womans‘s Suffrage restrictions
Anti-labor enforcement actions
Gay disenfranchisement

Makes the OP sound petty
I'm thinking the Post-Reconstruction Era, 1877 and on, when the Federal Occupation of the South ended, as did all the protections for the freedoms and liberties our Constitution guaranteed to the former slave class in those former Slave states, was much worse for Citizens than whatever trite partisan propaganda points you strung together there in your rant.
I'm a movie buff so the best way to comprehendo the Thread title { from Newt Gingrich }
is with a movie.The really good 60's movie starring James Stewart {arguably the classic
Golden Era example of an " Everyman " }.
That movie being ... Shenandoah - { 1965 } A virtual explanation of the Civil
Wars years from the prospective of a Virginia Farmer { widowed } yet has a large
family to help out.He's stubbornly Neutral as far as who's side to be on with
the pending Civil War.He just wants to Farm,live as he's accustomed and be
a good neighbor.Not interested in the least as to what side he should favor
The Confederacy or the North.Has 6 sons and doesn't feel they should join
into the war because he does not feel it's His War.Therefore it's not his Family's
war either.But the War comes to him at his Farm,like it or not.
As he battles all kinds of issues.Like losing a helping hand { Teenage Black who
relied on doing chores around the Farm to make ends meet }.The Black teen
learns about one aspect of the Civil War.That slaves are now free.Even though
he never felt unfree while working on the Farm,he decides to leave and experience for
himself what he's been hearing.That Blacks are finally free.So go out and be free.
But all is not easy as the Civil War recruits those along the way who learn firsthand
the true hazards of War.It's not at all what it's been billed.
Definately not some mere Rebel Yell contest.
I'm a movie buff so the best way to comprehendo the Thread title { from Newt Gingrich }
is with a movie.The really good 60's movie starring James Stewart {arguably the classic
Golden Era example of an " Everyman " }.
That movie being ... Shenandoah - { 1965 } A virtual explanation of the Civil
Wars years

I C. Okay. I like that movie too.
Kinds of Anti-citizen behavior since the Civil War
Jim Crow
Womans‘s Suffrage restrictions
Anti-labor enforcement actions
Gay disenfranchisement

Makes the OP sound petty
The Tread title is in quotes for a reason.The quote is from Newt Gingrich.
Former Speaker of the House.Leader of the New Republican Majority.
That managed to Balance 4 consecutive Budgets,despite Bill Clinton.
Gingrich was a Professor and an academic scholar.Particularly on History.
His many books prove his vast historical knowledge and perspectives.
He chose " Anti-Citizen " with care, I believe.Newt Gingrich is not one to
be petty.especially regarding History.What Biden and the Loosey-goosey
Democrats are doing to this Country is unheard of.
Books alone cannot describe.It's way to Fast & Furious for
even the Earth's axis to handle.Even if attempting to spin like a top,
most days.
The Tread title is in quotes for a reason.The quote is from Newt Gingrich.
Former Speaker of the House.Leader of the New Republican Majority.
That managed to Balance 4 consecutive Budgets,despite Bill Clinton.
Gingrich was a Professor and an academic scholar.Particularly on History.
His many books prove his vast historical knowledge and perspectives.
He chose " Anti-Citizen " with care, I believe.Newt Gingrich is not one to
be petty.especially regarding History.What Biden and the Loosey-goosey
Democrats are doing to this Country is unheard of.
Books alone cannot describe.It's way to Fast & Furious for
even the Earth's axis to handle.Even if attempting to spin like a top,
most days.
Newt Gingrich sent the Republican Party on their current path

Cut taxes without regard of deficits, no compromise with the opposition party, Supply Side Economics

Our country has gone to hell ever since
Kind of Anti-Citizen Behavior ".By our Federal Government.Public Schools
failing miserably.Illegals allowed to enter en masse and never lectured or mandated
as to Covid Mandates.Violence at it's highest level since the 90's and rampant car-jackings.
Constant talk of unamerican politics like Expanding the Supreme Court.Re-inventing the
confirmation process.Elimination of the Filibuster.Talking up a mandate when one does not
exist with a 50-50 Senate.And only a handful majority in the House.Lowest House
majority in 80 years.
Mocking use of Voter ID.The standard in this Country.Can't go into a Federal Bldg,start
a bank account or cash a check w/o some legit form of ID.
Attempting to Federalize Election rules and laws.When the Constitution is very clear
on this matter.The State Legislatures Control each states Election.
Cops being under attack.Constant use of Science as if binding.
Used to be Science applauded skepticism.Part of digging-in to make sure.
Great Men like Thomas Edison used skepticism to make way for great inventions.
Edison was not some Know-it-all.Like Today's D.C. Elites or Democrat Operatives.
What the heck is going on.?

You're scaremongering again.
There will be no communist takeover nor has the fabric of society broken down.
All those problems existed before Biden got there but you said nothing. How convenient.
You're scaremongering again.
There will be no communist takeover nor has the fabric of society broken down.
All those problems existed before Biden got there but you said nothing. How convenient.
Thank you for telling the board who you are and what you believe.
No need whatsoever to do like cops did in 40's and 50's Film Noir.
Where a baddie who refuses to confess his crime is taken to a back room
at the Inner city Police Precinct.No he's { Local male criminal } not asked what flavor of
Ice Cream he prefers.Instead a very thick telephone directory is put on the
interrogation table.Guess what happens next.
Kinds of Anti-citizen behavior since the Civil War

Womans‘s Suffrage restrictions
Anti-labor enforcement actions

Meaningless pablum

Gay disenfranchisement

Show where queers were ever restricted from voting.

Lying is pathetic - but it's all you've got - shitflinger.

Makes the OP sound petty

Reveals you as a complete moron.

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