" Not since the Civil War have we seen this

Newt Balanced the Budget. Thanks Newt, wish we had more balanced budgets instead of a $30T Debt.
So what was the Speakers fate.Gingrich was hounded by the attack dog
Democrats.They were hellbent on getting him out of office.
They accomplished.By filing Ethics charges { over 80 }.And one stuck.It had to
do with his time as a Teacher { Professor } and not correctly filling for a
tax-exempt status.He quickly lost favor and ability to run again as a member
of Congress.He was now a victim of Controversy.And was left with no alternative
but to not run for office again.The damage had been done.It was the first time
a Speaker was disciplined for an ethics violation.
Afterwards the IRS Cleared Gingrich of the ethics violation after carefull
Investigation. The Bratty Democrats however were not done with their
pesky targetting.Next up was Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.
His targeting virtually bankrupt him and he too was forced out of
leadership.And into court.
Still not done with their use of finding a GOP scalp,the Democrats found a
way to take out Dennis Hastert { Longest serving Republican Speaker }
After he retired.Drummed-up some sex scandal.He was caught off guard and
couldn't effectively defend himself.Similar to the case of Jerry Sandusky which
entrapped the most victorious College Football coach in history.
Joe Paterno.Poor Joe went to his death an innocent and defeated man.
It took time to restore what the Left did to him.The Sandusky Case and Joe
Paterno connection was a massive use of Targetting.I spent hours investigating it.
It was concocted by a single Journalist in order to foment a lesson on how
to Frame a person and use the Media in making it possible.The ease of how it
could be driven.YouTube used to have Videos by Radio personality John Ziegler
explaining in depth how the Sandusky case was used,and handled in order to
prove how a person could be used { Framed } for a purpose.
Sandusky was no Pedophile.Ziegler spent many many hours and interviews
to come to the realization that Jerry Sandusky was used { framed } .
Basically to establish a Narrative.That it was possible to rewrite and create
a false narrative and use the MSM to push real hard and Voila.
Now that technique is used like Gangbusters.At the drop of a hat.
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Well, and I mean no offense to the OP, but......but that post #1 read as if was being screeched out during the typing. I kinda feel relieved I could just read it.....an not hear it.
My instincts tell me it woulda been shrill and loud. And emotional.

Anyway, that was the opening post. Soon forgotten.

On the other hand, post #22 (by the very same author, good poster Foolardi,} offers some real thought-provokers.
Here is some of it:

Next up was Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.
His targeting virtually bankrupt him and he too was forced out of
leadership. And into court
Tom Delay. The guy who was convicted by a jury of his peers of money laundering?
Democrats found a way to take out Dennis Hastert { Longest serving Republican Speaker }
After he retired .Drummed-up some sex scandal.He was caught off guard and

couldn't effectively defend himself.
"After he retired"......they took him out?
Ummm, mi amigo, you may wanna re-think that one.
Also, check the trial record.

"..the case of Jerry Sandusky which
entrapped the most victorious College Football coach in history.
The Sandusky Case....was a massive use of Targetting. I spent hours investigating it.

It was concocted by a single Journalist.......
A single journalist?
No mention of the 26 victim children?
Here's Wicki as a thumbnail backgrounder:
"The university settled with 26 victims of Sandusky, 71, a longtime assistant to legendary head football coach Joe Paterno, for about $60 million in October 2013. Sandusky was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison in October 2012 for having abused 10 boys he met over 15 years through his charity for troubled children.

"Sandusky was no Pedophile."
Ah, I dunno.
So here we have an anonymous poster on an internet chatroom opining under a fake name telling us Sandusky was wronged. He was "no Pedophile". Yet there is a ton of reportage that says otherwise. Not to mention 26 victims who say otherwise.

From Wicki: "Victims also commonly reported that Sandusky would place his hand on their thighs or inside the waistband of their underpants. Two recounted oral sex with Sandusky, sometimes culminating in his ejaculation.[43] Penn State janitor James Calhoun reportedly observed Sandusky performing oral sex on an unidentified boy in 2000, but by the time of Sandusky's trial he was in a nursing home suffering from dementia; he was deemed not competent to testify.[43]

Here's ABC reportage of trial testimony:
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What a fucking retard.....

It's astounding how you all make ridiculous unsupported statements and when you get pinged, the best you've got is your childish statement.

Why bother posting in the first place. You've got nothing to add. Piss off and stay away.
Thank you for telling the board who you are and what you believe.
No need whatsoever to do like cops did in 40's and 50's Film Noir.
Where a baddie who refuses to confess his crime is taken to a back room
at the Inner city Police Precinct.No he's { Local male criminal } not asked what flavor of
Ice Cream he prefers.Instead a very thick telephone directory is put on the
interrogation table.Guess what happens next.

You do go on with a load of rubbish.
Settle down.
We have a tyrannical govt. That's what's going on. It's time for states to start seceding from this authoritarian trash. Our govt is a threat to the country.
I personally hope the union stays together but if it breaks up I hope it is a peaceful secession.

However I do believe it can happen and if it does it may so fast as to amaze people.

The liberal democrats are pushing for Marxist socialism. The empty shelves in the stores today are an early warning of what will happen if the democrats ever succeed.
Cops being under attack.


Blue Lives Matter, my ass.

I personally hope the union stays together but if it breaks up I hope it is a peaceful secession.

However I do believe it can happen and if it does it may so fast as to amaze people.

The liberal democrats are pushing for Marxist socialism. The empty shelves in the stores today are an early warning of what will happen if the democrats ever succeed.

Marxist socialism my arse. There's not one policy which points to that. It's your hate of democrats and scaremongering that says it.

Show some constructive debate. You're an ignorant fool.
RE: Poster "Uncensored:

"Why bother posting in the first place. You've got nothing to add. Piss off and stay away."

Well, poster CN, may I offer some pushback on your sentiment? A contrasting view?

Here's my take on the good poster Uncensored:
He is the poster boy for TrumpThink MAGAHats.
He's the avatar for the forum's Trumper constituency.
As such, he is a wonderful example of a bad example.

Now, he's not alone in that 'proto-typical representative' category. There are others. Their exact avatar handles escapes me right now, but we've got the guy paralyzed by Jew-phobia and who claims it was they who created and led ISIS, and burned down the Twin Towers; and we've got the golfer guy who can't complete sentences without using the 'f-bomb' (actually we got a couple of those types). Then too, we've got the guy who keeps predicting that Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason and Don Trump is gonna take back the Oval Office in, well, August 2021, and if not August, then September, but if not then, well, it'll be October.

I'm sure you recall that Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod collection of MAGAHats.

So you see, with such spokespersons for Trumpville, the distinction is clear.
And that is their value. They are who Trumpers are.
Which leaves everybody else as, well, rational normal loyal Americas.

Call it a clear ...and convenient.... dichotomy.

Well, and I mean no offense to the OP, but......but that post #1 read as if was being screeched out during the typing. I kinda feel relieved I could just read it.....an not hear it.
My instincts tell me it woulda been shrill and loud. And emotional.

Anyway, that was the opening post. Soon forgotten.

On the other hand, post #22 (by the very same author, good poster Foolardi,} offers some real thought-provokers.
Here is some of it:

Tom Delay. The guy who was convicted by a jury of his peers of money laundering?

"After he retired"......they took him out?
Ummm, mi amigo, you may wanna re-think that one.
Also, check the trial record.

A single journalist?
No mention of the 26 victim children?
Here's Wicki as a thumbnail backgrounder:
"The university settled with 26 victims of Sandusky, 71, a longtime assistant to legendary head football coach Joe Paterno, for about $60 million in October 2013. Sandusky was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison in October 2012 for having abused 10 boys he met over 15 years through his charity for troubled children.


Ah, I dunno.
So here we have an anonymous poster on an internet chatroom opining under a fake name telling us Sandusky was wronged. He was "no Pedophile". Yet there is a ton of reportage that says otherwise. Not to mention 26 victims who say otherwise.

From Wicki: "Victims also commonly reported that Sandusky would place his hand on their thighs or inside the waistband of their underpants. Two recounted oral sex with Sandusky, sometimes culminating in his ejaculation.[43] Penn State janitor James Calhoun reportedly observed Sandusky performing oral sex on an unidentified boy in 2000, but by the time of Sandusky's trial he was in a nursing home suffering from dementia; he was deemed not competent to testify.[43]

Here's ABC reportage of trial testimony:

Yer beyond help.You pick and chose what matters as if a rich spoiled
brat in a candy store.Where the brat is sticking his hand in many a candy
jar and experimenting.Mommy comes over and kindly asks the brat to
Please stop that and the Brat continues.Knowing that there will be no
consequence.That is how a Bart eventually becomes a Lifelong Democrat.
BTW ... " Just the Facts ... Ma'am " -- Sgt.Joe Friday.
Even though today is a saturday.
It's astounding how you all make ridiculous unsupported statements and when you get pinged, the best you've got is your childish statement.

Why bother posting in the first place. You've got nothing to add. Piss off and stay away.

I made an accurate assessment of you. Your history of posts supports my assertion that you are indeed a "fucking retard."
Kind of Anti-Citizen Behavior ".By our Federal Government.Public Schools
failing miserably.Illegals allowed to enter en masse and never lectured or mandated
as to Covid Mandates.Violence at it's highest level since the 90's and rampant car-jackings.
Constant talk of unamerican politics like Expanding the Supreme Court.Re-inventing the
confirmation process.Elimination of the Filibuster.Talking up a mandate when one does not
exist with a 50-50 Senate.And only a handful majority in the House.Lowest House
majority in 80 years.
Mocking use of Voter ID.The standard in this Country.Can't go into a Federal Bldg,start
a bank account or cash a check w/o some legit form of ID.
Attempting to Federalize Election rules and laws.When the Constitution is very clear
on this matter.The State Legislatures Control each states Election.
Cops being under attack.Constant use of Science as if binding.
Used to be Science applauded skepticism.Part of digging-in to make sure.
Great Men like Thomas Edison used skepticism to make way for great inventions.
Edison was not some Know-it-all.Like Today's D.C. Elites or Democrat Operatives.
What the heck is going on.?
the demafacist are in charge


Blue Lives Matter, my ass.


Herr Nazi; why have you of the Reich remained silent about the storming of a federal building yesterday by Insurrectionists who injured police and occupied the building?

Police and climate activists clashed Thursday during protests at the Interior Department, with security personnel sustaining “multiple injuries” and one officer being taken to a hospital, agency spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said.

Climate demonstrators were attempting to occupy the Interior Department, with dozens entering the Stewart Lee Udall Main Interior Building on C Street NW. Those who remained outside clashed with police as they tried to keep the one unlocked door open. At times, protesters attempted to push past the police line.}

But that's different, because reasons.
I'm a movie buff so the best way to comprehendo the Thread title { from Newt Gingrich }
is with a movie.The really good 60's movie starring James Stewart {arguably the classic
Golden Era example of an " Everyman " }.
That movie being ... Shenandoah - { 1965 } A virtual explanation of the Civil
Wars years from the prospective of a Virginia Farmer { widowed } yet has a large
family to help out.He's stubbornly Neutral as far as who's side to be on with
the pending Civil War.He just wants to Farm,live as he's accustomed and be
a good neighbor.Not interested in the least as to what side he should favor
The Confederacy or the North.Has 6 sons and doesn't feel they should join
into the war because he does not feel it's His War.Therefore it's not his Family's
war either.But the War comes to him at his Farm,like it or not.
As he battles all kinds of issues.Like losing a helping hand { Teenage Black who
relied on doing chores around the Farm to make ends meet }.The Black teen
learns about one aspect of the Civil War.That slaves are now free.Even though
he never felt unfree while working on the Farm,he decides to leave and experience for
himself what he's been hearing.That Blacks are finally free.So go out and be free.
But all is not easy as the Civil War recruits those along the way who learn firsthand
the true hazards of War.It's not at all what it's been billed.
Definately not some mere Rebel Yell contest.

Most of the us learned in the first grade to put a space after periods and commas and depending on how old you are, you may have learned to put two spaces after periods.
I made an accurate assessment of you. Your history of posts supports my assertion that you are indeed a "fucking retard."

Coming from a brain dead Republican, your source is quite spurious and need not be taken seriously.

Isn't it coincidental to all republicans their opposition is invariable communist, low IQ, atheist, anti American and unpatriotic?
Why is that do you think? Forget the last sentence, you don't think dickhead.
RE: Poster "Uncensored:


Well, poster CN, may I offer some pushback on your sentiment? A contrasting view?

Here's my take on the good poster Uncensored:
He is the poster boy for TrumpThink MAGAHats.
He's the avatar for the forum's Trumper constituency.
As such, he is a wonderful example of a bad example.

Now, he's not alone in that 'proto-typical representative' category. There are others. Their exact avatar handles escapes me right now, but we've got the guy paralyzed by Jew-phobia and who claims it was they who created and led ISIS, and burned down the Twin Towers; and we've got the golfer guy who can't complete sentences without using the 'f-bomb' (actually we got a couple of those types). Then too, we've got the guy who keeps predicting that Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason and Don Trump is gonna take back the Oval Office in, well, August 2021, and if not August, then September, but if not then, well, it'll be October.

I'm sure you recall that Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod collection of MAGAHats.

So you see, with such spokespersons for Trumpville, the distinction is clear.
And that is their value. They are who Trumpers are.
Which leaves everybody else as, well, rational normal loyal Americas.

Call it a clear ...and convenient.... dichotomy.

You do go on with some bullshit.
That reiterates what I said about nothing t o offer.

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