Notes from Donald Trump's breaking news conference

where does it say parents in that?

GEE, ummmm, parents? Wow, they never did. Mea culpa,

BTW: I thought when they said, "we’d love our son to be brought back home’. You know the remains" made it clear.
I was referring to the thousands number you highlighted. His comment about sons was on a different comment. but fk, why does that matter to you, only that it would prove your error. I'll just let you know it then, you errored.

So many people asked when I was on the campaign, I’d say ‘Wait a minute, I don’t have any relationship…’, but they said, ‘When you can President, we’d love our son to be brought back home’

LOL, you can't even spin credibly.

He only spins like a top.

He can't even stop.
Not evil, just stupid. Anyone that obsesses over a person the way he does Trump. Is mentally unstable. I mean I didn't even think about pussy as much in my teenage days, and that's bad, lol.
I did.....:4_13_65:
These are the notes I took just a few minutes ago in order along with Trump answering reporter's questions:

I don't criticize Kim's human rights because I don't want nuclear bombs to kill your family.

Thousands of parents want their son's remains back from North Korea.

Agreement says total denuclearization

Reporter how does Kim love his people if he keeps killing them
I can't speak to that

I never heard of investigators breaking into someone's office

I don't believe that Mike Flynn lied

The statement from Don Jr. you wrote
I don't want to talk about it. It was to papers and not investigators.

IG report totally exonerates me

Scott Pruitt I'm not happy about certain things

Trump It's the Democrats law taking away children.
Reporter No, not true, you did that
Trump No, it's the Democrats
Reporters No, GOP controls both houses and the presidency
Trump No, it's the Democrats, Democrats, Democrats their laws

Obama said Korea is the biggest problem we have ever had
I've solved it
it's gone

People are crying in the street parents wanting their sons remains back

China, North Korea, South Korea we are all working together because of me

(saying 8 times - I counted) Obama lost Crimea
Putin didn't respect Obama like he does me
Obama gave away Crimea

A little earlier on Fox Trump said:

Kim, he speaks and his people sit up at attention.
I want my people to do the same.

Right off my notes.
you take notes? dean you are more than obsessed....
You mean you prefer to stay stupid? Why? Let me tell you something, any phycologist will tell you staying stupid is way scarier than knowing. With a little less fear, who knows, you might even want to move out of Mom's basement.
if you cant watch a news conference without taking notes then maybe you are the stupid us a break once in a while dean,your bullshit gets old....
so you're saying that at no times the parents of the soldiers didn't want their sons bodies returned? you have no idea when the parents made the comments. could have been from decades ago. he'd know, he has the archives. what is it to you anyway? why are you so fking evil?

He was specifically referring to parents of Korean war soldiers that he met on the campaing trail.

Trump claims parents pleaded with him to bring back remains of sons killed in Korean War 65 years ago

The man simply lies about everything.
how do you know he didn't?

They would be too old. Jesus Christ, if he said great grandparents of soldiers from the Spanish American war you'd insist he was visited by ghosts.
do you know if there are any parents alive? there are 100 year old people alive you know this right?

According to Trump 'many' showed up at his campaign and asked. So, is it possible that many showed up? No, not really they'd over 100, I don't see how 'many' said jack to Trump.

Agreed, lying is like breathing for Rump!
Posts 2, 3, 4 & 5 above are complete idiot-grams which meet all three requirements of foolishness, i.e. not substantive, not thoughtful and not thought provoking; they are examples of posts of complete vacuity.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
yea it figures you would think dean is a sane you back the bullshit he says about anyone he doesnt like? he puts everyone in the same tent?....
Posts 2, 3, 4 & 5 above are complete idiot-grams which meet all three requirements of foolishness, i.e. not substantive, not thoughtful and not thought provoking; they are examples of posts of complete vacuity.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Dam if you could charge Trump rent for how long he has been living in your head you would be a millionaire.

Give it a rest blackhawk down, he's the president and when he does shitty things or lies people talk about it.

Then again, I forgot how Obama was never talked about when and since he was president. You guys can't stop bringing up Clinton...either one of them.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........
Posts 2, 3, 4 & 5 above are complete idiot-grams which meet all three requirements of foolishness, i.e. not substantive, not thoughtful and not thought provoking; they are examples of posts of complete vacuity.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Dam if you could charge Trump rent for how long he has been living in your head you would be a millionaire.

Give it a rest blackhawk down, he's the president and when he does shitty things or lies people talk about it.

Then again, I forgot how Obama was never talked about when and since he was president. You guys can't stop bringing up Clinton...either one of them.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'.
Posts 2, 3, 4 & 5 above are complete idiot-grams which meet all three requirements of foolishness, i.e. not substantive, not thoughtful and not thought provoking; they are examples of posts of complete vacuity.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Give it a rest blackhawk down, he's the president and when he does shitty things or lies people talk about it.

Then again, I forgot how Obama was never talked about when and since he was president. You guys can't stop bringing up Clinton...either one of them.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'. have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'. have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....

No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'. have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....

No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
deans last 20 posts all have one thing in do you see why i said what i said?...
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'. have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....

No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
deans last 20 posts all have one thing in do you see why i said what i said?...

I'm not micro managing dean's posts the way you are.

So, what were you saying about stalking?
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'. have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....

No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
deans last 20 posts all have one thing in do you see why i said what i said?...

I'm not micro managing dean's posts the way you are.

So, what were you saying about stalking?
of course your not....he is your buddy,you probably agree with everything he says.....but if i was talking about one of those evil righties you would be agreeing with me ....and it doesnt take away what i said about dean being trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum,the fucking guy takes notes when he talks....outside of reporters,who does that?...
It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'. have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....

No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
deans last 20 posts all have one thing in do you see why i said what i said?...

I'm not micro managing dean's posts the way you are.

So, what were you saying about stalking?
of course your not....he is your buddy,you probably agree with everything he says.....but if i was talking about one of those evil righties you would be agreeing with me ....and it doesnt take away what i said about dean being trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum,the fucking guy takes notes when he talks....outside of reporters,who does that?...

Seriously, I think you have DDS (Dean Derangement Syndrome) seek help. Maybe if he bothers you so much you should avoid threads he is in or perhaps put him on ignore so you won't have to worry about it.
Thousands of parents want their son's remains back from North Korea.

When Trump said that, I thought he was simply way over the top.

Thousands of parents? From the 50's? Those parents would have to be over a hundred years old.
And there's thousands?
To use deceased American heroes in such a way is an assault on Americans.
Trump is the worst.
so you're saying that at no times the parents of the soldiers didn't want their sons bodies returned? you have no idea when the parents made the comments. could have been from decades ago. he'd know, he has the archives. what is it to you anyway? why are you so fking evil?
Even my dog has learned words like cookie and go outside and walk. Let's see if you are able to learn.

Korean war 1950 to 1953

2018 this year

65 years. Add 25, the average age of the soldiers.

90 years. Assume the parents were 25 when the had their son

115 is how old they would be today.

How many people do right wingers know that are 115 years old?

So how many thousands of 115 year olds are running down the street begging for the remains of their sons? 5 thousand? 10 thousand?

How many?



Thought so.
well first I never said they were alive. so you're in error with your entire post. I stated that he had archive documents from parents from decades ago.
Trump said he had thousands of parents contact him.

So, you, like him, BIG FUKING FAIL! have been here 3 years are you that clueless as to what i am talking about?....

No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
deans last 20 posts all have one thing in do you see why i said what i said?...

I'm not micro managing dean's posts the way you are.

So, what were you saying about stalking?
of course your not....he is your buddy,you probably agree with everything he says.....but if i was talking about one of those evil righties you would be agreeing with me ....and it doesnt take away what i said about dean being trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum,the fucking guy takes notes when he talks....outside of reporters,who does that?...

Seriously, I think you have DDS (Dean Derangement Syndrome) seek help. Maybe if he bothers you so much you should avoid threads he is in or perhaps put him on ignore so you won't have to worry about it.
are you his defender this week?.....if so you are doing a shitty job.....dean has some of the most fun threads here,the reason so many pop in....the "respect" he gets is proof of that,but then that "respect" is what he has earned over the last 6-7 years.....what else you got happy?....
No, Harry, why don't you fill me in.
deans last 20 posts all have one thing in do you see why i said what i said?...

I'm not micro managing dean's posts the way you are.

So, what were you saying about stalking?
of course your not....he is your buddy,you probably agree with everything he says.....but if i was talking about one of those evil righties you would be agreeing with me ....and it doesnt take away what i said about dean being trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum,the fucking guy takes notes when he talks....outside of reporters,who does that?...

Seriously, I think you have DDS (Dean Derangement Syndrome) seek help. Maybe if he bothers you so much you should avoid threads he is in or perhaps put him on ignore so you won't have to worry about it.
are you his defender this week?.....if so you are doing a shitty job.....dean has some of the most fun threads here,the reason so many pop in....the "respect" he gets is proof of that,but then that "respect" is what he has earned over the last 6-7 years.....what else you got happy?....

I'm trying to get you back on the topic created by the guy you are stalking. Seriously, you're making this thread about him, because you're obsessed.

So, what do you think about Trump wanting the people to stand up and pay attention to him like the people of North Korea do Kim? Do you think he's jealous, tone-deaf, dictator wannabe, taken out of context? What's your take?
Posts 2, 3, 4 & 5 above are complete idiot-grams which meet all three requirements of foolishness, i.e. not substantive, not thoughtful and not thought provoking; they are examples of posts of complete vacuity.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Give it a rest blackhawk down, he's the president and when he does shitty things or lies people talk about it.

Then again, I forgot how Obama was never talked about when and since he was president. You guys can't stop bringing up Clinton...either one of them.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'.
Trump gave an hour long press conference today. Did he lie on every single topic brought up? Looks that way.
I took notes because it was breaking news. When Trump lies like he did today, the press usually only focuses in on two or three. So I tried to list every topic he talked about. I got most of them. I'll have to go back an look to know if there was one topic where he didn't lie.
But I feel that Trump really is a typical Republican. Except for the money. Most seem to be poor.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'.
Trump gave an hour long press conference today. Did he lie on every single topic brought up? Looks that way.
I took notes because it was breaking news. When Trump lies like he did today, the press usually only focuses in on two or three. So I tried to list every topic he talked about. I got most of them. I'll have to go back an look to know if there was one topic where he didn't lie.
But I feel that Trump really is a typical Republican. Except for the money. Most seem to be poor.

Yeah, he was pretty devoid of facts today...more so than usual. I think the pressure is getting to him and he wants to put his own spin on things. All he ends up doing is making it worse.

Anyway, I'm glad you took the notes I had missed the thing about Trump wanting people to treat him the way Kim is treated, that's alarming...I mean it all was but that really stuck with me.
but over the edge obsessive people like dean are an example of a great post?.....

Yep, a great post. When one considers the notes are evidence provided to the reader, at least those readers who are curious and not willfully ignorant, as those who posted in 2, 3, 4, and 5 above are. BTW, by suggesting it is willful and not a congenital issue is me being kind.
Up yours no joy I recall no one posting they took notes during an Obama or Clinton press conference if one is going to act that obsessed they can be mocked over it.

What would be wrong with paying attention and taking notes during a presidential press conference regardless of who is currently in office?
To me personally it comes of as creepy and obsessive if it’s your job to cover the President whoever it is it makes sense if it’s not it seem more like something a stalker would do.
well dean is trumps number one obsessive stalker in this forum..........

It's a forum dedicated to politics and Trump is the president. Not sure how talking about him is 'stalking'.
Trump gave an hour long press conference today. Did he lie on every single topic brought up? Looks that way.
I took notes because it was breaking news. When Trump lies like he did today, the press usually only focuses in on two or three. So I tried to list every topic he talked about. I got most of them. I'll have to go back an look to know if there was one topic where he didn't lie.
But I feel that Trump really is a typical Republican. Except for the money. Most seem to be poor.
If Trump told you fire was hot and ice was cold you claim he lied you have prove many times over you are nothing but a blind partisan hack the idea of you claiming to give an honest account on Trump or any Republican is beyond laughable.

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