Notice of Evictions. Damage from Covid shut downs.

For those that rent and don't own their own home...the main thing landlords want is their property back. Fast. If you can't pay, leave. Give them back their property so they can re rent. Its money lost and it costs alot to keep the water going, the trash and sewer paid. So give them back the property. That's mostly what they want more than anything.
Renters should have paid what they could. As much as they could. Landlord would be more eager to keep them if they had done that. Some apts pay partial utilities too. Did any of the renters offer to at least pay that? Or towards it? Probably not. The ones that DID pay as much as they could each month, you won't hear about because they will not be evicted. The ones that spent what they got for unemployment and the stimulus check instead of paying rent...those are the ones getting kicked out.
You're assuming that everyone that needed it received unemployment and stimulus checks.
Well, we know that the illegals didn't get stimulus checks, and probably didn't get unemployment if they lost a job working for cash (where they screwed the government and taxpayers because they DIDN'T report their income)...

If that's the case, fuck 'em....

Let them go home, where they belong....
Renters should have paid what they could. As much as they could. Landlord would be more eager to keep them if they had done that. Some apts pay partial utilities too. Did any of the renters offer to at least pay that? Or towards it? Probably not. The ones that DID pay as much as they could each month, you won't hear about because they will not be evicted. The ones that spent what they got for unemployment and the stimulus check instead of paying rent...those are the ones getting kicked out.
You're assuming that everyone that needed it received unemployment and stimulus checks.
Well, we know that the illegals didn't get stimulus checks, and probably didn't get unemployment if they lost a job working for cash (where they screwed the government and taxpayers because they DIDN'T report their income)...

If that's the case, fuck 'em....

Let them go home, where they belong....
Oh, they probably paid. They get cash. Easier to hide, and employers want to keep them because they DO go to work..regardless.
I do believe there are going to be a bunch of new neighbors under overpasses and near creek beds soon.

It's not fun.
Temporary stays of execution have been done by the Cares Act and other temp fixes around the gov't..........With so many losing their jobs and behind on rent .....the real damage of shutting down the country is yet to be seen but coming.

Hope you morons promoting Fear across the country are happy when this shit hits the fan............How many families will be screwed from the so called cure of the virus????????

We Will see it .......coming to a neighborhood near you.

For the past several months, most of the people that lost their jobs made as much or more from unemployment as they would have made from their paychecks (due to the extra $600/wk)...

Plus they got an extra $1,200 each from the stimulus payment (with another one in the works)...

If they were stupid enough to ride the moratorium out while avoiding paying the rent (while blowing the money on bullshit), I have no sympathy for them....

I can agree with that scenario...............many that are from areas where the DNC is in charge and rent is through the roof.............

The jobs that don't come back as the tits dry up ........will lose everything if the jobs don't come back quick...........

I went back at 5 weeks when called.

That's the problem from this point on...

With the extra $600/wk expiring, the people that didn't save the extra money (and rode the extra money out and waited until NOW to look for work) will see their unemployment drop...

If they don't get on the ball and get work, they will suffer for being irresponsible!!!

..well, the job market is not great.....I wouldn't be surprised if they laid off people at my work--they usually do when there is no crisis/Covid--when they '''make''' $$$ they lay off people.....and our sales are down
Temporary stays of execution have been done by the Cares Act and other temp fixes around the gov't..........With so many losing their jobs and behind on rent .....the real damage of shutting down the country is yet to be seen but coming.

Hope you morons promoting Fear across the country are happy when this shit hits the fan............How many families will be screwed from the so called cure of the virus????????

We Will see it .......coming to a neighborhood near you.

For the past several months, most of the people that lost their jobs made as much or more from unemployment as they would have made from their paychecks (due to the extra $600/wk)...

Plus they got an extra $1,200 each from the stimulus payment (with another one in the works)...

If they were stupid enough to ride the moratorium out while avoiding paying the rent (while blowing the money on bullshit), I have no sympathy for them....

I can agree with that scenario...............many that are from areas where the DNC is in charge and rent is through the roof.............

The jobs that don't come back as the tits dry up ........will lose everything if the jobs don't come back quick...........

I went back at 5 weeks when called.

That's the problem from this point on...

With the extra $600/wk expiring, the people that didn't save the extra money (and rode the extra money out and waited until NOW to look for work) will see their unemployment drop...

If they don't get on the ball and get work, they will suffer for being irresponsible!!!

..same with my old company ---they laid off when we were in the black
Temporary stays of execution have been done by the Cares Act and other temp fixes around the gov't..........With so many losing their jobs and behind on rent .....the real damage of shutting down the country is yet to be seen but coming.

Hope you morons promoting Fear across the country are happy when this shit hits the fan............How many families will be screwed from the so called cure of the virus????????

We Will see it .......coming to a neighborhood near you.

I had to burst out in laughter..... Did you listen to that video by CNBC? At 1:40 the "reporter" says "Could the US cancel rents?".

Cancel rents!! LOL Yeah, of course we could just cancel the rents! Just let the land lords go completely bankrupt across the entire country, have the entire housing market as a whole entirely implode, wreck the entire economy so no one anywhere rents to anyone.... and with Millions homeless..... NO RENTS! BRILLIANT! Brilliant I say.

These people have lost their minds.
Temporary stays of execution have been done by the Cares Act and other temp fixes around the gov't..........With so many losing their jobs and behind on rent .....the real damage of shutting down the country is yet to be seen but coming.

Hope you morons promoting Fear across the country are happy when this shit hits the fan............How many families will be screwed from the so called cure of the virus????????

We Will see it .......coming to a neighborhood near you.

For the past several months, most of the people that lost their jobs made as much or more from unemployment as they would have made from their paychecks (due to the extra $600/wk)...

Plus they got an extra $1,200 each from the stimulus payment (with another one in the works)...

If they were stupid enough to ride the moratorium out while avoiding paying the rent (while blowing the money on bullshit), I have no sympathy for them....

I can agree with that scenario...............many that are from areas where the DNC is in charge and rent is through the roof.............

The jobs that don't come back as the tits dry up ........will lose everything if the jobs don't come back quick...........

I went back at 5 weeks when called.

That's the problem from this point on...

With the extra $600/wk expiring, the people that didn't save the extra money (and rode the extra money out and waited until NOW to look for work) will see their unemployment drop...

If they don't get on the ball and get work, they will suffer for being irresponsible!!!

..same with my old company ---they laid off when we were in the black

Sounds like it might be time to look for another company...

One that values their employees, and rewards them for making money for the company...
I feel bad for the ones that tried, but will still be evicted due to arrears in rent. Hopefully the landlord will work with them in letting them stay as long as they pay something to help him/her stay afloat himself.

In the 40+ years being a property manager, I assisted them as much as I could too. No money to pay rent? Give me back my property then, within 3 days or a week. No money to move their stuff? I gave them half their deposit immediately so they could rent a uhaul and buy gasoline to get wherever they were going to go. Other half given day they turn in the keys. No place to go at all? No family to take them in? I moved them in with me for a few weeks until they found a place to go. Did that twice during those 40 years.

But those that had the money and refused to pay rent? No mercy.
Millions of Americans are arrears in rent. Thirty percent of jobs aren't coming back. Landlord is a real tough game today.
The only way a landlord can survive is if the water company, electric co, trash co, sewer co all "forgave" the bills the landlord pays which is included in the rent. Otherwise..the landlord can lose the property. And we all know large companies like those will NOT forgive or waive anything.
This will go off topic a smidge..but this is where BLM is SUPPOSED to be stepping in. Helping black families pay for a roof over their heads. Alas..all that money they are getting..millions from banks, grocery stores, sports team owners, going to fund a white democrat for a power office. NOT to the poor folks they claim to care about.
Renters should have paid what they could. As much as they could. Landlord would be more eager to keep them if they had done that. Some apts pay partial utilities too. Did any of the renters offer to at least pay that? Or towards it? Probably not. The ones that DID pay as much as they could each month, you won't hear about because they will not be evicted. The ones that spent what they got for unemployment and the stimulus check instead of paying rent...those are the ones getting kicked out.
You're assuming that everyone that needed it received unemployment and stimulus checks.

It is up to the individual to find employment, and pay their bills.
Renters should have paid what they could. As much as they could. Landlord would be more eager to keep them if they had done that. Some apts pay partial utilities too. Did any of the renters offer to at least pay that? Or towards it? Probably not. The ones that DID pay as much as they could each month, you won't hear about because they will not be evicted. The ones that spent what they got for unemployment and the stimulus check instead of paying rent...those are the ones getting kicked out.
You're assuming that everyone that needed it received unemployment and stimulus checks.
I am assuming nothing. What I am saying is....renters have an obligation to pay rent. If they can't pay it all due to something like this damn virus and loss of jobs, pay SOMETHING to show good intent.
Two words, "GIG Workers."
I feel bad for the ones that tried, but will still be evicted due to arrears in rent. Hopefully the landlord will work with them in letting them stay as long as they pay something to help him/her stay afloat himself.

In the 40+ years being a property manager, I assisted them as much as I could too. No money to pay rent? Give me back my property then, within 3 days or a week. No money to move their stuff? I gave them half their deposit immediately so they could rent a uhaul and buy gasoline to get wherever they were going to go. Other half given day they turn in the keys. No place to go at all? No family to take them in? I moved them in with me for a few weeks until they found a place to go. Did that twice during those 40 years.

But those that had the money and refused to pay rent? No mercy.
There is absolutely no reason why those who were layed off due to the democratic party bio-attack on the United States, should be in arrears on their rent, none whatsoever, all have been receiving at least 25% higher salaries from Uncle Sam then they earned at their jobs, plus most of them also received a $1200.00 welfare handout signed by president himself! I know exactly what took place wth the vast majority of those who got all of the above, they fucking went full frontal stupid and lived and spent under the assumption it was party time! Well they'd best have a good sleeping bag and tent, these are exactly the same impossibly stupid democratic party intellectual abortions that troll here, and elsewhere on the internet, or riot and demand we tear down America and then proclaim their love & devotion for marxist/leninism, which they can now experience up close and personal... They can all now live in perpetuity under an overpass, or a tent city, fuck every last one of them!
Renters should have paid what they could. As much as they could. Landlord would be more eager to keep them if they had done that. Some apts pay partial utilities too. Did any of the renters offer to at least pay that? Or towards it? Probably not. The ones that DID pay as much as they could each month, you won't hear about because they will not be evicted. The ones that spent what they got for unemployment and the stimulus check instead of paying rent...those are the ones getting kicked out.
You're assuming that everyone that needed it received unemployment and stimulus checks.

It is up to the individual to find employment, and pay their bills.
That's really easy to say, but not so easy to do. One must find employment that affords enough pay to pay their bills. Most jobs are paying less than full-time for the benefit exemption.
I feel bad for the ones that tried, but will still be evicted due to arrears in rent. Hopefully the landlord will work with them in letting them stay as long as they pay something to help him/her stay afloat himself.

In the 40+ years being a property manager, I assisted them as much as I could too. No money to pay rent? Give me back my property then, within 3 days or a week. No money to move their stuff? I gave them half their deposit immediately so they could rent a uhaul and buy gasoline to get wherever they were going to go. Other half given day they turn in the keys. No place to go at all? No family to take them in? I moved them in with me for a few weeks until they found a place to go. Did that twice during those 40 years.

But those that had the money and refused to pay rent? No mercy.
There is absolutely no reason why those who were layed off due to the democratic party bio-attack on the United States, should be in arrears on their rent, none whatsoever, all have been receiving at least 25% higher salaries from Uncle Sam then they earned at their jobs, plus most of them also received a $1200.00 welfare handout signed by president himself! I know exactly what took place wth the vast majority of those who got all of the above, they fucking went full frontal stupid and lived and spent under the assumption it was party time! Well they'd best have a good sleeping bag and tent, these are exactly the same impossibly stupid democratic party intellectual abortions that troll here, and elsewhere on the internet, or riot and demand we tear down America and then proclaim their love & devotion for marxist/leninism, which they can now experience up close and personal... They can all now live in perpetuity under an overpass, or a tent city, fuck every last one of them!
Shit happens. Maybe an illness took place. Maybe someone that was working, died. Maybe this maybe that. Nobody knows. which is why I stress that TRY to pay what they can, prove they WILL catch up, and no problem. Hopefully. Depends on the landlord.
Renters should have paid what they could. As much as they could. Landlord would be more eager to keep them if they had done that. Some apts pay partial utilities too. Did any of the renters offer to at least pay that? Or towards it? Probably not. The ones that DID pay as much as they could each month, you won't hear about because they will not be evicted. The ones that spent what they got for unemployment and the stimulus check instead of paying rent...those are the ones getting kicked out.
You're assuming that everyone that needed it received unemployment and stimulus checks.
I am assuming nothing. What I am saying is....renters have an obligation to pay rent. If they can't pay it all due to something like this damn virus and loss of jobs, pay SOMETHING to show good intent.
Two words, "GIG Workers."
Two words to describe that post perfectly...

"You're retarded!!!"

I'm an independent contractor or gig worker out of work due to the pandemic. Am I eligible for unemployment insurance?

You probably are, on a temporary basis. The CARES act established a new program called Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, or PUA. It extends weekly unemployment benefits to the following groups:

  • Self-employed individuals;
  • People seeking part-time work;
  • Existing claimants who have maxed out their unemployment benefits (technically called "exhaustees");
  • Clergy and employees of religious organizations;
    • People without sufficient work history normally required to qualify for benefits.

  • If you're in one of these groups, you're eligible if you're out of work directly because of the pandemic (more on that in the next section). You also have to be able and available to work, even if you're not actively searching for a new job.
I'm not sure I lost work directly because of the pandemic. How is that defined?

To qualify for PUA, applicants have to prove they're out of work for at least one of the following reasons:

  • You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or you're experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and you're seeking a medical diagnosis;
  • A member of your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19;
  • You're providing care for a member of your family or household who has been diagnosed with COVID-19;
  • A child or household member for whom you are a primary caregiver can't attend school or another facility that is closed because of COVID-19, and the school or facility is required for you to work;
  • You can't reach your place of employment because of a stay-at-home order or because you've been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns about COVID-19;
  • You were scheduled to start working but you lost the job or can't reach the job as a direct result of COVID-19;
  • You've become the breadwinner or major support for a household because the head of household has died of COVID-19;
  • You had to quit your job as a direct result of COVID-19; or
  • Your place of employment is closed as a direct result of COVID-19.

Isn't there federal money available for contractors?

Yes. Unemployed independent contractors are eligible for an extra $600 per week, courtesy of the federal government.

The $600 supplement is called Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, or FPUC. Gig workers can collect this money for work lost after March 27, and it will be paid until July 31, 2020. This supplement is rolled into your regular state benefits and you don't have to apply separately for it.
I feel bad for the ones that tried, but will still be evicted due to arrears in rent. Hopefully the landlord will work with them in letting them stay as long as they pay something to help him/her stay afloat himself.

In the 40+ years being a property manager, I assisted them as much as I could too. No money to pay rent? Give me back my property then, within 3 days or a week. No money to move their stuff? I gave them half their deposit immediately so they could rent a uhaul and buy gasoline to get wherever they were going to go. Other half given day they turn in the keys. No place to go at all? No family to take them in? I moved them in with me for a few weeks until they found a place to go. Did that twice during those 40 years.

But those that had the money and refused to pay rent? No mercy.
There is absolutely no reason why those who were layed off due to the democratic party bio-attack on the United States, should be in arrears on their rent, none whatsoever, all have been receiving at least 25% higher salaries from Uncle Sam then they earned at their jobs, plus most of them also received a $1200.00 welfare handout signed by president himself! I know exactly what took place wth the vast majority of those who got all of the above, they fucking went full frontal stupid and lived and spent under the assumption it was party time! Well they'd best have a good sleeping bag and tent, these are exactly the same impossibly stupid democratic party intellectual abortions that troll here, and elsewhere on the internet, or riot and demand we tear down America and then proclaim their love & devotion for marxist/leninism, which they can now experience up close and personal... They can all now live in perpetuity under an overpass, or a tent city, fuck every last one of them!
The $1,200.00 check was to spend in the economy. The smarter idea is what Canada did, 8k over four months.
Temporary stays of execution have been done by the Cares Act and other temp fixes around the gov't..........With so many losing their jobs and behind on rent .....the real damage of shutting down the country is yet to be seen but coming.

Hope you morons promoting Fear across the country are happy when this shit hits the fan............How many families will be screwed from the so called cure of the virus????????

We Will see it .......coming to a neighborhood near you.

I had to burst out in laughter..... Did you listen to that video by CNBC? At 1:40 the "reporter" says "Could the US cancel rents?".

Cancel rents!! LOL Yeah, of course we could just cancel the rents! Just let the land lords go completely bankrupt across the entire country, have the entire housing market as a whole entirely implode, wreck the entire economy so no one anywhere rents to anyone.... and with Millions homeless..... NO RENTS! BRILLIANT! Brilliant I say.

These people have lost their minds.

Yeah.........they were postal with one is cancelling message is what is coming to this country..............and it's coming.........All from a economy screwed by Panic over a virus...........nice huh
I feel bad for the ones that tried, but will still be evicted due to arrears in rent. Hopefully the landlord will work with them in letting them stay as long as they pay something to help him/her stay afloat himself.

In the 40+ years being a property manager, I assisted them as much as I could too. No money to pay rent? Give me back my property then, within 3 days or a week. No money to move their stuff? I gave them half their deposit immediately so they could rent a uhaul and buy gasoline to get wherever they were going to go. Other half given day they turn in the keys. No place to go at all? No family to take them in? I moved them in with me for a few weeks until they found a place to go. Did that twice during those 40 years.

But those that had the money and refused to pay rent? No mercy.
There is absolutely no reason why those who were layed off due to the democratic party bio-attack on the United States, should be in arrears on their rent, none whatsoever, all have been receiving at least 25% higher salaries from Uncle Sam then they earned at their jobs, plus most of them also received a $1200.00 welfare handout signed by president himself! I know exactly what took place wth the vast majority of those who got all of the above, they fucking went full frontal stupid and lived and spent under the assumption it was party time! Well they'd best have a good sleeping bag and tent, these are exactly the same impossibly stupid democratic party intellectual abortions that troll here, and elsewhere on the internet, or riot and demand we tear down America and then proclaim their love & devotion for marxist/leninism, which they can now experience up close and personal... They can all now live in perpetuity under an overpass, or a tent city, fuck every last one of them!
The $1,200.00 check was to spend in the economy. The smarter idea is what Canada did, 8k over four months.
The "economy" didn't show up and take the money...

People got to spend it on whatever they wanted...

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