Now Blacks get a new thumping with California's new 'Genealogy Office'for Reparations Eligibility

You will lose. You won't just be able to declare yourself black and get reparations. But that's what white race hustlers have you dumb whites believing.

Us "dumb whites"?
You will lose. You won't just be able to declare yourself black and get reparations. But that's what white race hustlers have you dumb whites believing.
Nope. I'm just following the liberal Democrats on what they are doing. I'll win. Has nothing to do with racism either. Has to do with getting money I'm deserved.
That day when reparations are handed out, I'll be a black person. Just like a man can decide on the spur of the moment he is a woman.

Thats what Im thinking. Also, that can of kiwi shoe polish will help with the transition. Several shades to choose from, light brown to dark black.
White man, don't begin to think that you can tell me what the argument for reparations are about. You don't know what reparations are being asked for and you listen to white race hucksters. Whites who were related to slaves will not get reparations. Reparations are for slavery and the resulting discrimination from Jim Crow after slavery along with modern racism that continues. Whites were not denied due to Jim Crow, so whites won't be getting reparations.
Fake news.

This has ZERO to do with Jim Crow.

Only slavery.

Educate yourself...

After passing the Judiciary Committee, the bill kept its provision defining descendant as including “descendants of a free Black person living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century,” but amended its section that had included “African American descendants of a chattel enslaved person [living in the United States]” to now more widely include “descendants of an African American chattel enslaved person in the United States.”

"According to analysis shared by the National African American Reparations Commission, lineage-based reparations programs such as these could result in white Americans becoming the majority of those qualified for reparations".🤣

Somebody's gonna be pissed.

Of course it does,but I said it way before them. Check my posting history
Your argument has no merit. It's based on ignorant white racist idiocy. Whites won't be getting reparations when they are descendants of slaveowners and reated to backs only by forced sex.
Damn, you are one naive clod....Even the way you phrase it shows no knowledge of actual Black History.
Take PLACAGE in the South. Totally unforced sex , and Slaves with White children , by THE THOUSANDS

Nothing worse than a childishly uninformed Black racist baiter.YUCK
Plaçage was a recognized extralegal system in French and Spanish slave colonies of North America (including the Caribbean) by which ethnic European men entered into civil unions with non-Europeans of African, Native American and mixed-race descent.

======> African Americans from New Orleans have the highest rate of European male haplogroups, with 47% of New Orleans black men carrying a European haplogroup. This supports the historical record of
mass intermarriages between white men and black women in New Orleans and the south
As if California isn't wasting enough money as it already is now they are going to setup something and pay people to check blacks genealogy to see if they qualify for free money to pay back for something they weren't even alive to experience?

Wonder how many millions California is going to waste doing checks on all the blacks that don't even qualify but still trying in the hopes of some free cash they will just immediately throw away.
"According to analysis shared by the National African American Reparations Commission, lineage-based reparations programs such as these could result in white Americans becoming the majority of those qualified for reparations".🤣

Somebody's gonna be pissed.

BUT THIS IS OBVIOUS if you know either statistics or genetics. It is the exact same error that generated the orginal problem !!! There not now any pure or close to pure racial lines
Your argument has no merit. It's based on ignorant white racist idiocy. Whites won't be getting reparations when they are descendants of slaveowners and reated to backs only by forced sex.
Ignorant as any slave-owner you are. Forced-sex, you have not heard of PLACAGE,and you claim to be Black now be careful that in saying this was forced you aren't just insulting black women because you think it makes your case.

Note that African Americans from New Orleans have the highest rate of European male haplogroups, with 47% of New Orleans black men carrying a European haplogroup. This supports the historical record of mass intermarriages between white men and black women in New Orleans and the south 1 2

  1. Suarez-Kurtz, G. (2007). Pharmacogenomics in Admixed Populations. CRC Press. pp. 35–37. ISBN 978-1-4987-1379-5. Retrieved 22 May 2023. It is clear that the differences in admixture proportions observed between African American groups cannot simply be explained in terms of geography. For example, the admixture proportions in New Orleans (22.5%) are higher than in most African American communities in the northeast. Both the geographic origin of the enslaved Africans imported to Louisiana and their status during the French domination have been distinct from what occurred in the British Colonies, and there have been historical accounts of substantial intermarriage in the New Orleans area.
  2. ^ Relethford, J.H. (2012). Human Population Genetics. Foundation of Human Biology. Wiley. p. 254. ISBN 978-0-470-46467-0. Retrieved 22 May 2023.
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Not just one but 3 errors here. These were FREE Black women., There were many such alliances freely entered with children. And there was a whole spectrum of racial ratings, not some simplistic Black/White

Blacks didn't exacty sell their own. Would you say the German is the same as the Irish? Then there is this:

Before the white man came to Africa, tribal wars were mostly fought with swords, spears, bows and arrows. Although these weapons were lethal they were nowhere near as quick and fatal as the gun. The problem here was that, only the white strangers had guns and decided which tribal group to support in times of battle. Any tribal group the white strangers supported with their powerful cannons, guns and ammunitions, easily conquered their enemies. This also created another major problem. The white strangers did not support any tribal group for free. In fact, the white strangers started demanding taxes (which included pieces of gold and prisoners of war) and total submission after victory. Any tribal group or community which failed to submit to the Europeans and pay taxes were wiped out. Sometimes the leaders of those communities were executed publicly as a form of warning to neighboring communities. Most communities in Africa were turned into concentration camps with European authorities in place.

Although not often mentioned in history books, there were well trained and well equiped European troops all across Sub-Saharan Africa and they fought several battles with native tribes who refused to submit to European authority and that explains the several "European against natives" wars in the African history.

But the fact here is that white bought the slaves. They weren't forced to. Here is are some facts idiots like you don't know:

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.”

“By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

So according to this information less than 400,000 slaves ended up in America.. By 1860 there were 4 million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. From 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least 1,000 percent. If we use the old, worn out excuse of Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them. This was done by whites who created the slave breeding industry for business, pleasure, and entertainment.

Reparations are owed for that alone.

Last, whites did not fight to free anyone. That's why we had Jim Crow. Millions of blacks fought against slavery long before the Civil War. And:

The Gullah/Geechee Wars were the longest lasting and most-costly wars fought in terms of the loss of military personnel and the money spent than any war the United States engaged in until the Vietnam War.

The Black Seminoles are a small offshoot of the Gullah who escaped from the rice plantations in South Carolina and Georgia. They built their own settlements on the Florida frontier, fought a series of wars to preserve their freedom, and were scattered across North America. They have played a significant role in American history, but have never received the recognition they deserve.

Learn your history boy.

Of course you want to rewrite history to make yourself look a little better than you are.
Of course you want to rewrite history to make yourself look a little better than you are.
No, that's an African speaking to what actually went on. It has been whites who have rewrote history to make themselves look better. The Gullah Wars were real. Again, whites have rewrote history in a way to make themseves look better. Thats why right wing whites are trying to ban boos written by blacks and censors history classes. What you're seeing is the truth.
No, that's an African speaking to what actually went on. It has been whites who have rewrote history to make themselves look better. The Gullah Wars were real. Again, whites have rewrote history in a way to make themseves look better. Thats why right wing whites are trying to ban boos written by blacks and censors history classes. What you're seeing is the truth.
I’m sure you believe the lies you tell. Everyone else knows you’re full of shit
Ignorant as any slave-owner you are. Forced-sex, you have not heard of PLACAGE,and you claim to be Black now be careful that in saying this was forced you aren't just insulting black women because you think it makes your case.

Note that African Americans from New Orleans have the highest rate of European male haplogroups, with 47% of New Orleans black men carrying a European haplogroup. This supports the historical record of mass intermarriages between white men and black women in New Orleans and the south 1 2

  1. Suarez-Kurtz, G. (2007). Pharmacogenomics in Admixed Populations. CRC Press. pp. 35–37. ISBN 978-1-4987-1379-5. Retrieved 22 May 2023. It is clear that the differences in admixture proportions observed between African American groups cannot simply be explained in terms of geography. For example, the admixture proportions in New Orleans (22.5%) are higher than in most African American communities in the northeast. Both the geographic origin of the enslaved Africans imported to Louisiana and their status during the French domination have been distinct from what occurred in the British Colonies, and there have been historical accounts of substantial intermarriage in the New Orleans area.
  2. ^ Relethford, J.H. (2012). Human Population Genetics. Foundation of Human Biology. Wiley. p. 254. ISBN 978-0-470-46467-0. Retrieved 22 May 2023.
I know that you want to focus on a small number to try denying what happened.

Plaçage was a recognized extralegal system in French and Spanish slave colonies of North America (including the Caribbean) by which ethnic European men entered into civil unions with non-Europeans of African, Native American and mixed-race descent. The term comes from the French placer meaning "to place with". The women were not legally recognized as wives but were known as placées; their relationships were recognized among the free people of color as mariages de la main gauche or left-handed marriages. They became institutionalized with contracts or negotiations that settled property on the woman and her children and, in some cases, gave them freedom if they were enslaved. The system flourished throughout the French and Spanish colonial periods, reaching its zenith during the latter, between 1769 and 1803.

By 1788, 1,500 Creole women of color and black women were being maintained by white men.

Sorry Libby, but placage didn't produce 4 million slaves. Placage was an arrangement with FREE blacks, and really only in Louisiana. Nice try though.

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