Now I know why GSE's weren't included in Financial Reform Bill


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
American Banker (you have to be a subscriber to get the article) just ran a story that Fannie, Freddie, and Ginnie at Nearly 100% Market Share of the US mortgage market!


Leading up to the meltdown they were at about 50%

Obama controls the US residential mortgage market

Now do you get it?

Couple that with ObamaCare and we have arrived at Neo-National Socialism


Obama: I own your mortgage and I'm your doctor. I am God's partner in matter of your Life and Death
The GOP can't defeat Obama no one trusts them. Lucky for them they have an ace up their sleeves with the initials, BHO, the greatest attack ad generator in history.
So, the Federal Government totally controls the residential mortgage market...yawn.

Why is this a surprise? Ginnie Mae and the GSEs have been at least 90% of the market since Lehman collapsed.

Banks aren't lending anything. They are hoarding money. They'd rather buy US T-bonds earning 3.5% than lend to a risky credit at 9%.
Why is this a surprise? Ginnie Mae and the GSEs have been at least 90% of the market since Lehman collapsed.

Banks aren't lending anything. They are hoarding money. They'd rather buy US T-bonds earning 3.5% than lend to a risky credit at 9%.

I know it's intentional and that the Fed is encouraging banks to not lend. I was just surprised that there is no longer a private residential mortgage market.

No big deal.

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