Now, it begins.....R-W Rep. Chaffetz gets booed.."Do your job"...

Some of us have speculated that right wingers in congress will soon begin to wonder about making the choice whether to BLINDLY back Trump....or worry about their sear in congress.....

Jason Chaffetz of Utah (a state not known for its liberal leanings) is now one of these "confused" elected dimwits......Yesterday on his ill-advised town hall meeting he was virtually booed off the stage as a thousand protesters shouted at him to "DO YOUR JOB" in investigating the Trump administration ethical challenges and demanding that Trump should be compelled to reveal his [under perpetual audit] tax returns.....

Should be fun watching this play out.....How do you think Chaffetz will lean: Back Trump or worry about his own sorry hide?

View attachment 111664

Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside
Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close
Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close

We have seen that what progressives lack in numbers they make up for in ability to attend these things due to not working, and loud shrill voices.

Someone's forgotten that the Tea Party's earliest actions were to protest at townhall meetings.

And you made fun of them, so what goes around, comes around.

This movement is already bigger and better than the Tea Party.

LOL. it will crumble in the usual progressive way, with each faction trying to climb to the top of the pity pole.
Some of us have speculated that right wingers in congress will soon begin to wonder about making the choice whether to BLINDLY back Trump....or worry about their sear in congress.....

Jason Chaffetz of Utah (a state not known for its liberal leanings) is now one of these "confused" elected dimwits......Yesterday on his ill-advised town hall meeting he was virtually booed off the stage as a thousand protesters shouted at him to "DO YOUR JOB" in investigating the Trump administration ethical challenges and demanding that Trump should be compelled to reveal his [under perpetual audit] tax returns.....

Should be fun watching this play out.....How do you think Chaffetz will lean: Back Trump or worry about his own sorry hide?

View attachment 111664

Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside
Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close
Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close

We have seen that what progressives lack in numbers they make up for in ability to attend these things due to not working, and loud shrill voices.
yep, townhall meetings are filled with unemployed unwashed libruls.

Its the play by the people out of power. What I am going to laugh at is the same progressives who lambasted the "tea-bagger" movement claiming this is a true groundswell.....

I personally love seeing politicians of any stripe being called out, but the sudden progressive love of "speaking truth to power" is kind of comical.

Would you mind defining what the OPPOSITE of "progressives" may be??? LOL

More paid protesters, and we're supposed to believe this is a revolt against Republicans.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Snowflakes are either completely un-informed idiots OR so frigging partisanly butt-hurt over Hillary losing they have gone bat-shit crazy!

The FBI has already investigated any ties between Trump and Putin / Russia...and have declared THERE WERE NO TIES FOUND! The links to the reports and FBI interviews have already been provided / posted MANY TIMES.

To their credit, snowflakes never let a good lie go to waste or any facts slow them down.

Oh-oh! Looks like mr.Chaffetz is not enjoying his target rich environment as much as he thought he would.
We have seen that what progressives lack in numbers they make up for in ability to attend these things due to not working, and loud shrill voices.

So, you agree.....Chaffetz should NOT do his job in investigating possible ethics breaches of the Trumpsters....????

Who cares? The only one that can punish KellyAnne is Trump, and he won't do any more than tell her not to do it again.
We have seen that what progressives lack in numbers they make up for in ability to attend these things due to not working, and loud shrill voices.

So, you agree.....Chaffetz should NOT do his job in investigating possible ethics breaches of the Trumpsters....????

Who cares? The only one that can punish KellyAnne is Trump, and he won't do any more than tell her not to do it again.

She may have violated THE LAW.
I'm guessing we'll see GOP townhall meetings mysteriously start to diminish in number.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Snowflakes are either completely un-informed idiots OR so frigging partisanly butt-hurt over Hillary losing they have gone bat-shit crazy!

The FBI has already investigated any ties between Trump and Putin / Russia...and have declared THERE WERE NO TIES FOUND! The links to the reports and FBI interviews have already been provided / posted MANY TIMES.

To their credit, snowflakes never let a good lie go to waste or any facts slow them down.

6 different agencies have come together to investigate Trump's possible Russia ties
Some of us have speculated that right wingers in congress will soon begin to wonder about making the choice whether to BLINDLY back Trump....or worry about their sear in congress.....

Jason Chaffetz of Utah (a state not known for its liberal leanings) is now one of these "confused" elected dimwits......Yesterday on his ill-advised town hall meeting he was virtually booed off the stage as a thousand protesters shouted at him to "DO YOUR JOB" in investigating the Trump administration ethical challenges and demanding that Trump should be compelled to reveal his [under perpetual audit] tax returns.....

Should be fun watching this play out.....How do you think Chaffetz will lean: Back Trump or worry about his own sorry hide?

View attachment 111664

Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside
Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close
Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close

We have seen that what progressives lack in numbers they make up for in ability to attend these things due to not working, and loud shrill voices.

Someone's forgotten that the Tea Party's earliest actions were to protest at townhall meetings.

Yes, and the people doing it today absolutely vilified them for doing so. So the question is, did you really think the Tea Party was wrong in their actions or do you now support what they did since your side is engaging in what they hated?

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