RESISTANCE: "The shape of things to come"!

Fake News, or the shape of things to come?

  • It's all fake, Trump won the popular vote and Utah's a Blue State

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Time will tell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I support the Affordable Care Act, and I want Obamacare to be repealed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Keep it up......there will be a town hall Soros' paid losers show up at to hoot and holler and they'll end up getting the living shit kicked out of them......and it will trend and then go VIRAL.....please continue...your day is coming.
with people who were from out of state mostly. funny shite.

Fake post ^^^! But maybe he's correct, and has the evidence to prove his statement. My guess, his post is a lie, and he will never have credible evidence to prove his allegation.
should I pull a libturd move and ask that you prove there weren't any out of staters there? yeah, let's go for it.

You will do what you want, and that is to deflect and fail to answer the question. Thus the evidence is proved, you are a Damn Liar.

You made an allegation you cannot prove. It's no wonder you support trump, your character flaws are emblematic of his.
do you know the margin of victory for this dude? 47%. He got 70% of the vote, so the demonstration doesn't follow his win. That's one way of knowing.

Voter remorse is one way to rebut your response; so is the evidence that many of those who voted for trump wanted to see Obamacare repealed, but supported the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act.
not fking 70% and four weeks into session! dude, I just laugh at you all how you believe this shit happens like this.
Once again a member of the crazy right wing is struck dumb, and cannot write a substantive expository reply to my post above.

Once again you wriggle out from explaining this resistance. What are the merits of it?

It appears that it intends to disrupt the Democratic processes of our nation, which could be considered seditious.

If you believe this ^^^, McConnell and the entire Tea Party, aka & lol, the Freedom Caucus, have committed sedition on steroids as have the bigots, racists, misogynists and separistists who reject equal opportunity in our nation.

who rejects equal opportunity? How many Senators on the left voted for Devos? she is about giving school choice to inner city students who feel they don't get an equal education. Every inner city is run by Dems. D'OH!!!!!

Q. who rejects equal opportunity

A. The former*** Republican Party campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment.

Today the Republican Party has even given up the meme that they are the party of the Big Tent; today the party has been hijacked by the Alt. Right, a far right fringe element more akin to fascism than to republicanism or conservatism.
so again who voted for school choice for inner city students? Name me one Democrat. Just one!!!!!!

Will you admit that San Francisco is a liberal city and its school board is dominated by liberals and progressives (most we can infer are Democratic voters)?

Are you willing to read this link, on school choice in The City?

As Parents Get More Choice, S.F. Schools Resegregate | San Francisco Public Press
Once again you wriggle out from explaining this resistance. What are the merits of it?

It appears that it intends to disrupt the Democratic processes of our nation, which could be considered seditious.

If you believe this ^^^, McConnell and the entire Tea Party, aka & lol, the Freedom Caucus, have committed sedition on steroids as have the bigots, racists, misogynists and separistists who reject equal opportunity in our nation.

who rejects equal opportunity? How many Senators on the left voted for Devos? she is about giving school choice to inner city students who feel they don't get an equal education. Every inner city is run by Dems. D'OH!!!!!

Q. who rejects equal opportunity

A. The former*** Republican Party campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment.

Today the Republican Party has even given up the meme that they are the party of the Big Tent; today the party has been hijacked by the Alt. Right, a far right fringe element more akin to fascism than to republicanism or conservatism.
so again who voted for school choice for inner city students? Name me one Democrat. Just one!!!!!!

Will you admit that San Francisco is a liberal city and its school board is dominated by liberals and progressives (most we can infer are Democratic voters)?

Are you willing to read this link, on school choice in The City?

As Parents Get More Choice, S.F. Schools Resegregate | San Francisco Public Press
yep I agree. The rich always send their children to private schools to get their kids educated rather than swallowed up in libturd losing. Yep, and with school choice for the inner city students, they too can opt to the private school for that better education. And you don't think they should be afforded that option. tsk, tsk.
Will you admit that San Francisco is a liberal city and its school board is dominated by liberals and progressives (most we can infer are Democratic voters)?

Are you willing to read this link, on school choice in The City?

As Parents Get More Choice, S.F. Schools Resegregate | San Francisco Public Press

Do you blame white parents for wanting to "re-segregate" the schools to keep their kids from getting beaten, raped, and robbed by little ghetto thugs? The point is to give vouchers to inner-city parents to get their kids into charter schools where they can learn useful things instead of being taught little to nothing except to hate America and vote democrat.
The left are grasping at straws. If a Trump voter had buyers remorse what the hell makes you think they want Hillary and the Dem's policies? You people are in denial, you lost over 1,000 seats across the country and you still think people want what you are selling. :laugh:
If you believe this ^^^, McConnell and the entire Tea Party, aka & lol, the Freedom Caucus, have committed sedition on steroids as have the bigots, racists, misogynists and separistists who reject equal opportunity in our nation.

who rejects equal opportunity? How many Senators on the left voted for Devos? she is about giving school choice to inner city students who feel they don't get an equal education. Every inner city is run by Dems. D'OH!!!!!

Q. who rejects equal opportunity

A. The former*** Republican Party campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment.

Today the Republican Party has even given up the meme that they are the party of the Big Tent; today the party has been hijacked by the Alt. Right, a far right fringe element more akin to fascism than to republicanism or conservatism.
so again who voted for school choice for inner city students? Name me one Democrat. Just one!!!!!!

Will you admit that San Francisco is a liberal city and its school board is dominated by liberals and progressives (most we can infer are Democratic voters)?

Are you willing to read this link, on school choice in The City?

As Parents Get More Choice, S.F. Schools Resegregate | San Francisco Public Press
yep I agree. The rich always send their children to private schools to get their kids educated rather than swallowed up in libturd losing. Yep, and with school choice for the inner city students, they too can opt to the private school for that better education. And you don't think they should be afforded that option. tsk, tsk.
And BTW, the balance is equal libturd or con.
The left are grasping at straws. If a Trump voter had buyers remorse what the hell makes you think they want Hillary and the Dem's policies? You people are in denial, you lost over 1,000 seats across the country and you still think people want what you are selling. :laugh:
^^^^^exactly^^^^^^^ four weeks in. Yep all those that wanted a change waited an entire whole four weeks for the change to take effect and said, nope gd damnit I want the failure of the last eight years. yep, didn't take em but four fking weeks.
Fake post ^^^! But maybe he's correct, and has the evidence to prove his statement. My guess, his post is a lie, and he will never have credible evidence to prove his allegation.
should I pull a libturd move and ask that you prove there weren't any out of staters there? yeah, let's go for it.

You will do what you want, and that is to deflect and fail to answer the question. Thus the evidence is proved, you are a Damn Liar.

You made an allegation you cannot prove. It's no wonder you support trump, your character flaws are emblematic of his.
do you know the margin of victory for this dude? 47%. He got 70% of the vote, so the demonstration doesn't follow his win. That's one way of knowing.

Voter remorse is one way to rebut your response; so is the evidence that many of those who voted for trump wanted to see Obamacare repealed, but supported the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act.
not fking 70% and four weeks into session! dude, I just laugh at you all how you believe this shit happens like this.

LOL, I offered a rebuttal, you responded as if you have facts. Time will tell how effective the GOP and its Congressional caucus will be in repealing the PPACA, and the reaction to whatever they come up if they in fact are able to repeal it.
Keep at it. Look how well it's worked out for you fucking assholes. You've lost the House, the Senate, the White House, seats across every state and local.

What your half-brain FAILS to understand is that with all those "wins" ...NOW it also ALL your responsibility and the fuck ups keep on accumulating....

When right wingers in congress have to make a choice between the 2018 election in holding to their seat...OR...
be loyal to the Trumpster.........Which route do you think they'll choose.....LOL
Here's an interesting thing. Hillary Clinton received nearly the same number of votes as Barack Obama did in 2012.

Donald Trump received three million votes less than Obama did in 2012, and SEVEN million less votes than Obama did in 2008.

Wow! If this were baseball, that might have some relevance.
You're a total brain dead joke. Your resistance is nothing more than a classic childish temperature tantrum. The beauty of it is that your resistance just continues to prove to America how fucking disruptive and disgusting you socialists are. Keep digging your own political grave.

LOL, ^^^ ad hominem within a pejorative on an idiot-gram foundation.
  • "total brain dead", name calling is childish;
  • "classical childish temperature (sic) tantrum, childish too;
  • "socialist", misuse of the word, reducing the term to a pejorative
Do you post simply to get attention? Or do you think (LOL) your post is substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking?

Yet you can't counter it. Personal attacks and deflection are not counters. It is an admission of a losing proposition. As it was in the last election and your self aggrandizing rants since then.

Actually I'm self effacing, and I have very large hands, unlike your messiah.

A personal attack has its place, as a counter punch. Sadly, a sucker punch is the only tool in your tool box; because you lack the ability to respond with a substantive rebuttal, you always seem to use the personal attack in your posts, that is, your use of the ad hominem ad nausea.

We know, you are the smartest guy in the room, just ask you.

If you're asking, my answer is no. I am smart, and I can be a smart ass, especially when I encounter an arrogant fool. I know, I should pity fools, but some are so ... deplorable, it becomes a difficult emotion to apply.

The biggest problem you have is that you actually think that ANYONE who disagrees with you is a "fool". It naturally follows therefore that the ONLY possible reason NOT to vote for Hillary was of course incompetence and stupidity.
Keep at it. Look how well it's worked out for you fucking assholes. You've lost the House, the Senate, the White House, seats across every state and local.

What your half-brain FAILS to understand is that with all those "wins" ...NOW it also ALL your responsibility and the fuck ups keep on accumulating....

When right wingers in congress have to make a choice between the 2018 election in holding to their seat...OR...
be loyal to the Trumpster.........Which route do you think they'll choose.....LOL

....because so MANY of your previous prognostications have been so spot on. (rolling my eyes)
LOL, ^^^ ad hominem within a pejorative on an idiot-gram foundation.
  • "total brain dead", name calling is childish;
  • "classical childish temperature (sic) tantrum, childish too;
  • "socialist", misuse of the word, reducing the term to a pejorative
Do you post simply to get attention? Or do you think (LOL) your post is substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking?

Yet you can't counter it. Personal attacks and deflection are not counters. It is an admission of a losing proposition. As it was in the last election and your self aggrandizing rants since then.

Actually I'm self effacing, and I have very large hands, unlike your messiah.

A personal attack has its place, as a counter punch. Sadly, a sucker punch is the only tool in your tool box; because you lack the ability to respond with a substantive rebuttal, you always seem to use the personal attack in your posts, that is, your use of the ad hominem ad nausea.

We know, you are the smartest guy in the room, just ask you.

If you're asking, my answer is no. I am smart, and I can be a smart ass, especially when I encounter an arrogant fool. I know, I should pity fools, but some are so ... deplorable, it becomes a difficult emotion to apply.

The biggest problem you have is that you actually think that ANYONE who disagrees with you is a "fool". It naturally follows therefore that the ONLY possible reason NOT to vote for Hillary was of course incompetence and stupidity.

Wrong. Straw men don't burn when clothed in asbestos and sopping wet. You don't need to agree with me, but pushing the funny button or posting a single phrase or sentence which lacks substance, or is a non sequitur or an ad hominem deserves nothing more than to be called a fool.

Reality, yes in three short weeks, but still the reality is that trump&co is filled by people from Wall Street and inside the Belt Way (the Power Elite), his promises to build a wall, indict HRC, repeal Obamacare on day one and replace it that day was hyperbole - even most fools knew that - and now trump has pushed back on the date to next year. His EO was at best a kerffufle, which demonstrated utter incompetence, a lack of thought and created a storm of fear and protest across the nation.

It's my duty as a patriot to umpire the situation, I call 'em like I see 'em and when someone feels the need to whine about my considered opinions, I have no duty to play nice; especially with those whose posts strongly suggest (prove, actually) that they have no clear understanding of the Realpolitik or the issues of the day.
"Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz jeered and booed at town hall"


"The town hall meeting held by House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz in a Salt Lake City suburb Thursday night was raucous, packed — and a sign of things to come.

"The meeting had to be moved to accommodate the crowd, and still hundreds of people couldn’t get in, waiting outside it and chanting, “Your last term!” after it was over. The Salt Lake County GOP knew it was going to be packed and urged its members Tuesday to turn out to counter an expected wave of angry resistance movement attendees. It didn’t make any difference.

"The room in Cottonwood Heights held more than 1,000 and was quickly filled."
Filled with Democrap operatives. A guy who attended called Sean Hannity yesterday and said he was an Obama supporter who voted against Hillary. He said Democrats refused to let people in and instead packed the place with foul-mouthed thugs.

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